Friday, November 7, 2014

Senile Concept: Freedom from self-Rule

If you want to know how senile the Gray Lady has become, all you have to do is read the latest of her editorial writers. Their work came under the title: “In Egypt, Business as Usual” and was published in the lady's own rag – the New York Times – on November 7, 2014.

Look what the editors are saying on her behalf at the start of their editorial: “It is stunning that the State Department saw fit to help organize a large investment conference for American business in Cairo.” Now look how they end the editorial: “American executives taking part in the Cairo business conference next week should think long and hard about whether investing in Egypt is worthwhile.” The clear message is that the people of Egypt – mostly the young among whom unemployment is high – should be made to suffer, and thus expiate for the sins of their fathers … and their mothers.

Obviously, the editors of the Times are advocating the punishment of Egypt for something that is happening there which they do not like. They mention what it is in passing: “The Egyptian government promoted Fayza Abul Naga [one of the mothers] to the post of national security adviser.” Is that it? They are angry about the promotion of a woman? Well, the truth is; there is more to it than that.

In fact, there was a long article about that woman published the day before, written by David Kirkpatrick who is the New York Times reporter in Egypt. It came under the title: “Egypt Elevates an Official Hostile to U.S.,” and was published on November 6, 2014. There has also been a response to the Kirkpatrick article on this website earlier today, published under the title: “Egypt's Superwoman vs. US Congress of Sissies.”

But what is it that they don't like about that woman? Here is what she said more than three years ago which they don't like: “The United States and Israel could not directly create and sustain a state of chaos, so they used direct funding, especially American, as the means to reach those goals.” Wow, that's a serious accusation. The problem for the gray senile Lady, however, is that it is all true. But her people are so tone deaf, they don't realize what it is they brag about when they try to show the world how potent they are.

In fact, the words of that woman may sound like a prophecy but they were not. And this is because there is a long history to that effect. It is that the Jews have used America's power and prestige to sabotage all efforts made by the Arabs and the Muslims since the 1950s, if not before. Egypt got a taste of that when America mobilized its “friends” to sabotage the building of the Aswan hydroelectric station. And the Jews are at it again by getting the likes of the New York Times to urge America's businesses to “think long and hard about whether investing in Egypt is worthwhile.”

Why all that hostility? Because the people of Egypt have always wanted to rule themselves. Their concept of freedom is self-rule, and this is done when they choose whom they promote to be their President and whom they promote to be their national security adviser. They chose Gamal Abdel Nasser to be their President in the 1050s. They chose Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to be their President now. And they chose Fayza Abul Naga to be their national security adviser.

Those choices made the editors of the New York Times furious. Their mental disorder is such that they have formulated a concept of freedom around the idea of bribing politicians with donations, and paying “democracy” workers to go out and foment discord among the population. This is what they did in America. This is what paralyzed the country. This is how Israel has come to run the superpower like a privately owned washroom. And this is what they want the whole world to become.

But it is not all that bleak. There is a ray of hope because there has been progress over the years. Almost six decades ago America almost succeeded in stopping the building of big, advanced projects in Egypt and elsewhere. Today, the senile nincompoops of the New York Times and others can only bray and bark, but very few listen to them.