Saturday, January 17, 2015

Aimless Mumbling conveying false Messages

There are times when Charles Krauthammer has a central point to make, and so he writes a column which he fills with core arguments that lead to a conclusion which happens to be the point he is making. At other times, however, he does not have a point to make but writes a column anyway; one that he fills with flimsy arguments of the kind that are usually based on half-truths and fantasies.

He did that in the column he wrote under the title: “Obama: Charlie Who?” and the subtitle: “Our president seems to have forgotten that the war is still on. The Islamists haven't.” It was published on January 15, 2015 in National Review Online. Relying on a half-truth and a fantasy, Krauthammer erects a construct which he holds together with arguments no sturdier than a castle made of sand and nothing more.

The half-truth he cites is to the effect that Obama abdicated leadership “for which the White House has already admitted error,” he says. That is not entirely true because in response to a trivial question, the White House spokesman only did what was necessary to pacify a reporter trying to start a silly discussion about a non-event. It was most likely a Fox News reporter that wanted to know if it was not an error for America not to send a high ranking representative to the Paris rally.

Well, anyone that has seen Ed Henry ask this kind of questions is reminded of the dog that cannot walk by a pole or a tree trunk without lifting a leg and peeing on it even when the dog has not a drop of pee in its bladder. And so, the White House spokesman said something like, maybe the Administration should have send a higher ranking someone than it did, a remark that put an end to this line of query.

As to the fantasy, Krauthammer claims that the Obama Administration has knowledge to the effect that thirty percent of the Guantanamo detainees who are released, return to the battlefield. This is false because the Administration has repeatedly stated that only 6 or 7 percent of those released have returned to the battlefield.

Still, using his sandcastle as a fortress to protect and defend his conclusions, Krauthammer begins the article with the conclusions, and sets out to defend them. Alas, he ends up agreeing with the Administration on almost everything while trying in vain to show that he disagrees on everything. Here is his main conclusion: “the veneer of solidarity was exposed as tissue thin. It began dissolving as soon as...” To show how this happened, he explains that “within 48 hours, new protests, denunciations, and threats evinced a round of doubt and self-flagellation about the limits of free expression. Hopeless.”

Take a good look at that word “hopeless,” and ask yourself why the author would want the leader of the “free world” to put his administration in a hopeless situation. If apathy is the response you get from the rest of the world when it comes to involving the nation in a perpetual “war on terror,” is it not time for Krauthammer and those like him to acknowledge that Obama is following a wise course? Would this not be better than reprimand the man for displaying a “profound ambivalence about the very idea of the war on terror”?

And yet, brushing aside his own presentation and his conclusions, Charles Krauthammer asserts: “Paris shows that this war is not over.” Instead of calling the situation he just described as being a breakdown in world order caused by the Jewish inspired American military assault on Iraq, he advocates the open ended continuation of a war that should never have been.

And here too, he uses an upside down logic to make a point. Anyone sane would say that: because we made the situation worse each time that we interfered, we must now impose a moratorium on ourselves and watch the situation take its course rather than participate in it.

But not Krauthammer who describes the situation as having reached a point where “the Paris killers were well trained, radicalized, jihadist warriors,” then argues it is why America must get involved even more.

Get involved even more? To do what? To fix the situation, he says. And how would this happen if the more that the Jews dig, the deeper the hole in which America sinks? No response there.

But Krauthammer lets it be known that he will continue digging.