Saturday, January 31, 2015

False mea Culpa leads to more Confusion

Liz Peek says that the waters are calm, yet the American ship of state is sinking at a time when other ships – especially those of ISIS, Russia and China – are doing well. She blames the situation on the American “elites” who see nothing good about America … even teach such lessons to their children and to those of others.

Peek is doing this in the article she wrote under the title: “Why Elites Think 'Pro-America' Is So Last Century,” published on January 28, 2015 in The Fiscal Times. The amazing part is that she is behaving like those of her ilk who carry little demons on their shoulders telling them what to say and what to do. These are the calamity creatures that come armed with sabotage instruments they use to poke new holes in the hulk of the ship as they go around the maintenance crews who work furiously to plug the holes.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world can see that America's agents of doom are the little demons who deliberately work to sink the ship, and then tell the likes of Peek that it is Americans of one stripe or another who cause the country's current troubles. In response, she and those of her ilk do the mea culpa, a false act of contrition that keeps them from going after the demons they carry on their shoulders and those on the hulk of the ship who work to speed up its sinking.

Peek uses the example of an agency called the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to show how Americans of a certain stripe cause the country to lose the respect of the world, thus “lose ground to ISIS, and lose the hearts and minds of thousands of impressionable young men and women to radical Islam.” She explains that all this is due to: “Political jockeying, lack of direction, mission confusion and union battles,” reasons why the U.S. has been without a voice during a period of intense Jihad recruiting.

There is good news however, she goes on to say, because someone new has been appointed to head that agency, and he may just be able to fix it, and fix the other things. But wait a minute, how is he going to do that? She thinks aloud and tries to give a response: He will have to convince the world “that U.S. values and beliefs are … what, exactly?” Confused, she can only observe: “We are also hampered by today's culture.”

Only now does she identify the stripe of those who “break out in hives” when something positive is said about America, calling them the “liberal elites” who oppose the idea of changing the BBG into an overtly propaganda arm of the United States government. She laments this situation because, in her view, it is a reversal of a time when America defeated both Nazism and Communism precisely because “Americans believed in themselves and their country.”

But what about the demons on her shoulder whispering in her ear what to say and what to do, as well as those on the hulk of the ship who poke holes into it? Is she going to say something about them? Oh what a couple of stupid questions! Of course, she is not going to say something about them; they are the ones telling her what to say and what to do. Surely, they will not denounce themselves or advocate their removal from the scene.

And so, she doubles down on the mea culpa thing by generalizing the blame and pinning it on “a president, and a younger generation that views the U.S. through a different prism.” She says this has encouraged the news organizations to give false or incomplete coverage of events such as the war in Afghanistan, and has contributed to the doubt that built up with regard to America's military and America's morals.

To solve the cultural problems, she suggests: “We should debate the issues that challenge us.” To explain how this can be done, she blurts out what the demons on her shoulder whisper in her ear. Thus, instead of shouting: “Let's put a long moratorium on listening to the Jewish demons that have done so much already to destroy America,” she says this: “It is important to question and challenge our government.” And why is that? Because she says: “We need a balance.” What balance? Oh, stop asking embarrassing questions.

Instead, she goes on to say: “We believe in free speech...” without saying that she is not free to even pronounce the word “Jew” because if she does, the Jewish demons on her shoulder will stop whispering, and will get on with the business of beheading her professionally, assassinating her character and ruining her life.

She continues: “It is time to take the gloves off, and herald [our old] values and ideas.” The trouble is, the demons on her shoulder made her forget what those values and ideals are.