Wednesday, January 7, 2015

How Jewish Capers have diminished America

Upon reviewing the debates that took place in America over the decades following the country's defeat in Vietnam, you'll find that the idea obsessing both the leaders and the people of the country has been the one concerning America's role in the world. In fact, several generations were born since that time, and they grew up knowing only that America dominates the world because it is natural for it to do so, being the exceptional nation whose place is nowhere but right there at the top.

And having considered that Vietnam was an aberration that must not be repeated, the Americans resolved to remain at the top without getting involved in foreign military adventures. They began to draw pride not from their military prowess like they did after WW II, but from the achievements they scored in such fields as science, industry, philanthropy at home and abroad, space adventures and the like. In their view, that's what made the world respect them, what brought foreigners to their shores and made America the exceptional nation that it is.

However, a number of things began to happen quietly, and they progressed so imperceptibly that by the time these things made themselves felt, the American people had discovered they were living in a polarized country; one that was gripped by near paralysis at the level of the Congress … and the situation was getting worse. Still, the people chose to believe that these were internal matters that do not get in the way of the country remaining number one on the world stage.

But then, it began to dawn on the people of America that the world was changing the view it held of their country because certain events were taking place all around them. The trouble was that the Americans could not see a connection between the external events and the situation that prevailed locally. That is, they could not see how the country's diminished and diminishing standing in the world was due – even in passing – to the paralysis that was gripping their Congress.

Well, something has now happened that will show the people of America the connection which exists between the internal and the external – the reality that escaped their attention during all those years. It is an article that was written by John Bolton under the title: “Palestinian diplomatic push imperils Obama's internationalism,” and was published in the New York Post on January 5, 2015. It discusses the efforts that were mounted by the Palestinian Authority (PA) to have itself declared a state.

Bolton begins the article by warning that the PA is so horrible as to pursue the rule of law rather than accept the state of bloodshed prevailing in Palestine resulting from the Jewish occupation. This is how he shamelessly describes the situation: “the Palestinians believe they can create 'facts on the ground' in the UN's hallways, rather than on the real ground in the Middle East.” He goes on: “these disputes … have significant, often-unrecognized consequences for both America and the United Nations.”

Curious, you want to know: How is that? And he explains: “All of this will have consequences for the United States. First, US law requires cutting off funding to UN agencies that admit the PA as a member state. (Congress adopted this requirement.)” What were the resulting consequences? He answers: “the United States lost its voting rights pursuant to UNESCO's charter.” Can it get worse? He answers: “The potential consequences are enormous if PA membership continues to grow.”

Can it escalate to the point that America will lose its voting right elsewhere? Yes, this can happen, says Bolton, but he wants everyone to relax because if America will be impacted, the consequences for Israel will be limited. That's because: “Even if Washington lost its UN General Assembly vote, it wouldn't lose its vote – and veto – in the Security Council,” which is what is needed to protect the Jewish/Israeli habit of rampaging its way in Palestine and throughout the Middle East. America may be shafted but Israel will not feel the pain in the ass.

And what about the International Criminal Court (ICC)? There will be no implications for the ICC itself, says Bolton, but “under US law, America's [financial] support to the PA ceases if it presses to join the ICC."

Thus, while the Congress of the United States was engineered to paralysis by the various Jewish lobbies, it was made to fast-track all Jewish and Israeli demands. The world has seen this development, and has lost every ounce of respect it had for what used to be the shining city on the hill.