Monday, January 5, 2015

The murder Weapon makes a Confession

Would it not be nice if there existed a spell that can be cast on a weapon suspected to have been used in the commission of murder, and have the weapon speak out to tell how it was used to commit the crime?

Well, something close to that just happened because Dennis B. Ross came out of the shadows, and explained what he did, and how he did it to murder human decency so as to perpetuate the never ending Jewish crime of living by the blood of the innocent.

Ross wrote “Stop Giving Palestinians a Pass,” an article published in the New York Times on January 5, 2015. Way back, in the early years of the 1990s, he was picked to represent the United States of America – the power that promised to play the role of honest broker – and mediate between the Palestinians and the Israelis in the matter of the latter's occupation of Palestine.

Nothing tells the reality of that monumental lie than the title of the article which Ross just published showing that not only was he biased against the Palestinians, he also used his position as representative of the United States to incite other people to hate and punish the Palestinians for seeking to end the occupation. And this is an incitement he continues to advocate in his latest article as if the Jew cannot remain alive without spewing hate or inflicting pain on those that cannot defend themselves.

After telling what his missive to the world is about, he proudly reveals the horrible nature of his crime with these words: “A European official I met recently expressed sympathy for the Palestinians … I responded by saying it's time to stop giving the Palestinians a pass [and] make it costly for them to focus on [what they need.]”

To justify that horrible stance, Ross does what the Jews always do which is to mutilate history and use that as a foundation on which to build a monument of lies and distortions. He says, there has been three offers to resolve the conflict but that the Palestinians gave no response, or responded with a “no.” He does not say what the offers were or who made them. However, he goes on to say that the Palestinians made no counteroffer “that required concessions.” But was there any counteroffer? Was there a Palestinian offer that the Israelis rejected, or to which they did not respond?

The reality is that when negotiations take place, the give-and-take goes in both directions. The trouble is that the Jews hear only themselves and never the other side. When they do what they call “making an offer,” it goes something like this: “We'll stop raping your motherland for ten months if you'll sign on this document allowing our troops to be stationed all around the periphery of your property … out there by the bedrooms of your wife, your daughters, even your little boys … and you have our solemn Jewish promise that there will be no rape this time.”

These were the sort of concessions that the Jews demanded of the Palestinians as they, in fact, did of other peoples throughout history everywhere on the planet. And these were the sort of demands at which the Palestinians scoffed, as did all human beings before them. The exception has been that everyone saw fit to pogrom or holocaust the Jews in response, but not the Palestinians who proved by their passive temperament to be too civilized for the Jews to demonize. And this is why, even a Dennis Ross, speaking in the name of the United States of America, could not convince the world that the Palestinians were demons whereas the Jews were saints.

So then, what is Ross asking for at this time? It is this: “European leaders must focus on how to raise the cost of saying no when there is a [Jewish] offer on the table. If Palestinians knew they would be held accountable for rejecting a fair offer, it could well change their calculus.” He does say “fair offer” this time, but without defining what fair means to a Jew.

The world, however, already has such a definition. Looking at the way that the Jews have managed to turn the American Congress into a whorehouse of treasonous pimps and prostitutes, madams and gigolos, the world knows that the Jews will not rest till the Palestinians agree to turn their country into a mirror image of the horror story that Jewish America has become.

And the world knows that the Palestinians will never agree to that.