Friday, January 9, 2015

Unlimited Gall met only by Apathy

Everywhere in public or in private life, an operator that fails repeatedly is made to step down so that someone else may take over and salvage the situation that was messed up by the outgoing operator. This applies to an individual, a team or a group of people assigned to the same project.

This is not the case with the Jews, however, whose failures over the ages would require the surface area of a field to list them all. Despite that, the Jews repeatedly present themselves to take charge of the next phase in the projects where they messed up, offering to fix the mistakes they do not admit they made but promising to do better next time. This is gall that goes beyond human comprehension, but when it happens in the so-called liberal democracies, nothing seems to interfere with it. And that's because apathy has become the dead engine powering the democratic political system.

You can see how this works not only in North America but also in France where a self-described philosopher with gall the size of a mountain, likes to make his presence felt. He is Bernard-Henri Levy who wrote: “A France United Against Radical Islam,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “It's time to break, finally, from the Leninist reasoning about the sociology of poverty and frustration behind terrorism.” It was published on January 9, 2015 in the Wall Street Journal.

Jumping in front of and taking charge of the liberal movement that sprung up in nineteenth century Europe, the Jews thought that – at long last – they had a vehicle by which to conquer the world as promised to them by false prophets. They turned the movement into the Marxism-Leninism that proved to be a monumental failure where it was applied. There is also the fact that the movement never took roots in the United States despite the prophesy that industrial America will be the first nation to go communist.

Instead, America stubbornly retained its religious and conservative character. The Jews who had brought liberalism to it decided it was time to jump in front of the American conservative movement and take charge of it. They became the new conservatives or neocons where they revived the old Jewish dream of conquering the world ... seeing that they had a military machine that was second to none. At the same time, the country also seemed to develop a burgeoning appetite for implementing a Pax Americana that would cover the globe.

The people of Europe were impressed by the success they saw come to America under the presidency of the conservative Ronald Reagan. They began to turn conservative, a move that prompted people like Bernard-Henry Levy to do likewise but with a Jewish twist. They turned conservative in a militaristic sense, having placed Islam in their cross-hairs. They agitated in Europe to have America join the Judeo-Christian assault on Islam, and succeeded in dragging the superpower into the fight. But they failed to deliver the success that has eluded them since the beginning of time.

Worse, the conservative movement they encouraged in Europe got out of hand and began to menace them in the same way that the right wing of the twentieth century had done. This is why you see Levy write this: “It is time for us to break, once and for all, with the Leninist reasoning.” And later write this: “It is essential that the democratic union of people continue to mount a response to the 'France for the French' of Marine the Pen and her far-right ilk.”

What this means is that Bernard Levy must now adopt a moderate course which embraces the Muslims. Not only that, he must seek to bring them into his middle-of-the-road movement so as to stand together to a far right that is rising the way it did in the twentieth century. Thus, you see Levy write: “the French have understood that the Charlie Hebdo killers are not 'the Muslims,' but rather the small fraction of Muslims who confuse the Quran with a death warrant.”

This done, he now tells the Muslims what to do. (1) “[They] must proclaim their rejection of the theocratic passion.” (2) “They should feel called upon to express their brotherhood with their massacred fellow citizens.” (3) They have the responsibility to echo the 'Not in our name' with which the British Muslims dissociated themselves from the killers of James Foley.” (4) “Islam must be freed from radical Islam.”

But will anyone listen to an egotistical, fake philosopher whose legacy has been to engineer the horror that is Libya?