Monday, January 26, 2015

Halloween Tricks of the Sugar Man

Every day is a Halloween day at the New York Daily News, and the things that you can expect to see come out of there are only tricks. That's because the treats are kept hidden for when they will be shipped to Israel and wherever else the Jews do assemble.

The Sugarman that owns the outfit is Mortimer Zuckerman who is closer to the Mortified side of the name than to the Sugary side. This is why the man writes the way that he does, and no one who is sane can be pleased with his style.

An example of his toxic mental output is shown in the editorial he wrote under the title: “Obama's ugly tantrum could be dangerous to Israel” and the subtitle: “The President should receive Netanyahu, and heed his warnings about Iran's nuclear program.” It was published on January 25, 2015.

You can tell how sick in the head Mort Zuckerman is when you read this: “Boehner can invite who he wants. Netanyahu can speak where he likes.” But Obama cannot refuse to meet Netanyahu if he wants to, because that would be petulant and juvenile, says Mort.

And there is more that is sickening about the tricks of this man because the candy he is distributing is nothing but arsenic coated with sugar. Look what he said. When it was revealed that Netanyahu had broken a protocol imposed on all nations and respected by them, someone remarked that such act on the part of Netanyahu may blunt the enthusiasm that Secretary of State John Kerry carries voluntarily in his heart for playing the role of Israel's primary defender.

Now guess what the Zucker boy said about that. He said: “That's gangster talk.” Well, let me assure the Zucker thing that he will have a hard time explaining why this sounds like gangster talk. And let me further advise him that I'll have no difficulty explaining why his own talk is akin to animal talk. It is that he is braying like a jackass, and he is foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog.

And the boy does not stop here. He goes on to say he understands Netanyahu – presumably because they both speak the language of animals – but does not understand Obama who speaks the language of human reason especially when it comes to matters relating to war and peace. That kind of talk, says Zucker the boy, shows that Obama does not have “his head screwed on straight.”

And because Obama's head is loose on the shoulder, says Zucker the Mort, the President of the United States has made a hash of his relationship with the Bibi … which is probably the reason why Iran's power has extended under Obama's watch.

And because the President is not listening, the danger that Iran poses to the Jewish state is metastasizing, and this is why “Netanyahu should raise the volume of his voice, and the American people should listen to him more intently,” says Mortimer Zuckerman. This is gall extending to the edge of the galaxy.

Now this pertinent question: Where else but in the animal kingdom of Jewish ideology would you find someone as dependent on America for their survival like do Israel and the Jews who put their eggs in that basket case – yet see them bray at their benefactor as loudly as they do, and foam at the mouth as disgustingly as they do? Nowhere but in Israel, and every place where the Jews assemble.

And that's why only they and they alone get to be gassed, pogrommed and holocausted time after time, here and there and everywhere.

Humanity has had it up to here with those like you, Mort. If you want to save your people rather than exploit their misery for your personal gains, there is only one way to do it: Check yourself into a maximum security institution.