Monday, July 27, 2015

Exploiting America's Democracy to eat it alive

How can a place that was called the greatest deliberative body in human history go from being the Congress where ideas that made America great were baked, to being the graveyard that's slowly pulling America into its final resting place? It happened because the Congress caught a disease called Jewish morality, thus became the graveyard where useful ideas were buried never to see the light of day again.

Examples abound as to how ideas designed to advance the causes of the American people were killed and buried in a Congress where no life that was not meant to advance the causes of Jews or Israel, was permitted to attain full fruition and used to serve the American nation. There is a new example illustrating how this cycle of doom comes about and how it unfolds. It is an article that came under the title “Making stuff Up,” written by Lee Smith and published on July 26, 2015 in the Weekly Standard.

The article is about the Iran deal for which the Jews have mobilized their formidable resources to try and kill but failed … at least until now. This left the Jewish mob of throat slashing pundits in a state of shock, whining about a defeat that only the Congress can now turn into a partial victory for them, and save their reputation as being the killer machine you must please if you want to get somewhere in America.

To convince the cells of death; members of America's graveyard which continues to be called U.S. Congress, Lee Smith starts the article with a personal attack on John Kerry, the man that worked tirelessly to keep alive the dream of an America where young men and women are no longer put in harms way to protect the ego of Israeli monsters that feed on blood, destruction and mayhem. In doing this, Kerry also saved trillions of dollars that America would have had to borrow from friends and foes to finance the deaths of its young.

After the attack on John Kerry, the author of the article unwittingly describes the elements of Jewish morality that end up being the poison which kills every idea meant to serve America while force-feeding growth hormones to every idea that's destined to inflate the Jewish and Israeli interests. Here is how he does that: “When the administration started its negotiations, the Iranians were going to have to dismantle their entire nuclear weapons program...”

This raises the question: If the end was preordained, why have the negotiations in the first place? Well, when you are Israel, and when America has kept you armed to the teeth while keeping the people of Palestine disarmed and helpless, you can dictate to the Palestinian negotiators what the end result will have to be or the occupation, the shedding of  blood, the destruction and the mayhem will be maintained. This, however, could not have happened to an Iran that has the means to defend itself – a rising power that was negotiating not only with America but also five other countries not affected by the Jewish disease.

Having clearly stated his Jewish position, Lee Smith justifies it by playing the subtle card of racial supremacy. The Nazis also played that card but were not subtle about it. Instead, they said things like: “You, France, may be great because you had Charlemagne who once united Europe. You Britain may be great because you invented the steam engine. But we are greater because we invented the jet engine.” The Jews, however, contributed nothing useful to humanity, and so they could only say: “You, Palestinians are inferior because you are terrorists; and you Iranians are inferior because you are untrustworthy,” all of which translates into: this makes us better than you and you and the rest.

Seeing that this may not be enough to discredit and kill the deal, Smith felt it necessary to extend his attack on the American administration. Here is how he does that: “Who in their right mind would trust the Islamic Republic? … As it turns out, an equally pressing problem is on our side. The White House is making a habit of deceiving the American people and lawmakers.”

After telling what should have happened that did not happen, Smith reiterates: “The Obama team is doing an end run around Congress and lying to the people who elected it." He expands on that theme to conclude: “The administration must believe it's okay to make stuff up, that the American public doesn't really care and would rather be tweeting about Sharknado.”

Now even Lee Smith realizes why the American people love stories about sharks. They discovered that Jewish morality is the shark that's eating their America alive. And they don't like it one bit.