Sunday, July 26, 2015

They advocate the double Standard again

A Jew named Rafael Medoff is so unhappy that Secretary of State warned that Israel will be blamed if Congress opposes the Iran agreement, he wrote an article about the subject. It came under the headline “Kerry Warns: Jews Will Be Blamed If Congress Sinks Iran Deal” and was published on July 26, 2015 in the Weekly Standard.

Now, Medoff is not just any Jew; he is the founding director of the Institute for Holocaust Studies, and co-editor of the Online Encyclopedia of America's Response to the Holocaust. For this reason, and before we get into the substance of what he is saying, a few occurrences should be noted. The first is the claim in the headline that Kerry used the word Jews when in fact, he used the word Israel.

That may have been the fault of the editor or that of the headline writer rather than the fault of the author … but look what the author says in his opening sentence: “instances in which Israel or Jews were warned they might be blamed for international conflicts.” Also what he says in the paragraph that follows it: “The implication seems to be that Israel, the Jewish state...” The significance of this is that in order to give strength to his current argument, this Jew has demolished arguments that were made previously by himself and by people like him. They were to the effect that Jew and Israel are two different things, therefore must not be confused.

So then, why is he now going out of his way to fuse the two entities as if they were one and the same thing? Well, there are at least two reasons. The first is that the early critics of Israel's policies in the Middle East never used to mention the Jews. The supporters of Israel – mostly rabbis at the time – responded by saying that any criticism of Israel was disguised anti-Semitism because Israel and the Jews were one and the same. Therefore, they went on to say, to criticize Israel (get this now) is to use code words to incite the public to stage pogroms and holocausts against the Jews.

That trick scared the critics so much; they stopped criticizing Israel, which is what the rabbis wanted in the first place. The consequence of this, however, is that Israel was so encouraged it will no longer be criticized no matter what it does; it ratcheted up its savage behavior against the helpless people of Palestine and the defenseless people of Lebanon beyond anything you can imagine.

The other reason why Medoff fused the two entities is that he thought he can blame the fusion on others, and then use the confusion he will have created to advance his argument. Look how he does that: “The implication of Kerry's statement seems to be that Israel, the Jewish State, would be to blame for the war … The possibility that the blame would be extended to Israel's supporters in the United States has already been raised by Obama.”

Now that we know how the Jews confuse the subject they are about to spin, we can get into the substance of what Medoff is saying without getting dizzy by his gyrations. He mentions the example of Pat Buchanan who observed – before the first Gulf War – that the Jews were “beating the drums for war in the Middle East.” He also tells how A.M. Rosenthal and Abraham Foxman responded. That done, he says this: “Such blame-the-Jews rhetoric was all too common on the eve of World War II”.

He gives a few examples of what happened then, including the example of Charles Lindbergh, and then comments as follows: “President Obama is no Charles Lindbergh, and Secretary of State Kerry is no Pat Buchanan. But they should be aware that suggesting that Israel or its supporters will be blamed for war will remind many Jews of unpleasant episodes from the past.” Well, that's the idea.

The Jews are the people who always invoke the past to warn that it is about to be repeated. But when someone else does the same thing, they complain it makes them feel unpleasant. Also, the Jews are the ones who cry incessantly that the two words Islam and terrorism must be linked (which is done all the time considering that they control the media) because, they say, this will lead to the clarity that will defeat terrorism.

True or false, the one thing we are certain of is that despite all that the Jews and their supporters are doing in this regard, the Muslims did not compile a list of who said what, neither did they complain about the Jews running off the mouth. If the Jews are innocent of what they are accused, they will be treated as well as the Muslims who are innocent of what the Jews are accusing them. And the American people know that.

This is my Christian view of the situation in America today.