Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Obama's America, not Netanyahu's America

The world took one look at the bimboesque performance of the American John Boehner and shouted: We're outta here. As soon as the P5+1 reached an agreement with Iran, the unanimous view of a world that wishes to return to a state of peaceful existence as well as maintain a high level of sanity, decided to formalize the achievement of its negotiators with Iran by giving the deal the UN stamp of approval. And so the world went to the Security Council of the United Nations and did just that. The deal is now international law.

And guess what happened after that. Instead of accepting the normal process which America has forged, and followed for decades, Netanyahu's American harem, composed mostly of male bimbos and a few female ones, started to wail its sorrow, crying out that Obama honored the pledge he made to the American people to end wars and not start new ones, instead kicking the American people in the stomach, and doing what was good for Netanyahu's ego, for Israel and for the Jews.

But having been voted into office by a people that loved his message, Obama kept the promise of the message and avoided having a war with Iran; one that was planned long ago by the same sort of traitors who got America into previous wars, killing thousands of its young and ruining the country financially.

And now, you have these same characters tell the bimbos of America to hit the media outlets and wail as loudly as they can, accusing their President of kneecapping the Congress of male and female shameless hookers – by going along with the world in obtaining the UN stamp of approval for the Iran nuclear deal instead of letting the Boehner Congress of harlots torpedo the thing, thus risk plunging America into yet another war.

You can get a sense of that wail by sampling two of the many articles that were written on the subject. The first came under the title: “How Obama kneecapped the US Congress on Iran – again,” written by Rich Lowry and published on July 20, 2015 in the New York Post. The second article is actually an editorial that came under the title: “Obama's UN-acceptable Iran route-around,” published on July 21, 2015 in the New York Daily News.

After spinning the history of what happened up to the point when the Security Council of the United Nations voted unanimously to approve the P5+1 deal with Iran, Rich Lowry let out a moan that was heard by those who echoed him later. What he did was quote what President Obama had said, and then gave his impression of it, which he did as follows: “In other words, follow the lead of the United Nations on a matter of utmost importance to the national interest of the United States.” The problem is that he did not explain how that would have been in the national interest of the United States, and not in the interest of Israel … since the price of having no deal would have been paid with the life of American soldiers, and a drain on the American treasury.

Rich Lowry also quoted Secretary of State John Kerry who warned: “If Congress says 'no' to this deal, then there will be no restraints on Iran. There will be no sanctions left. Our friends in this effort will desert us.” At this point, Lowry does the very Jewish thing of blaming a sin that was not committed on Mr. Obama that did not commit one. He asks: “And who's responsible for that?” to which he responds by giving not only a mutilated history of what did not happen, but a fictitious something that is so disfigured, it looks horribly mutilated, whatever it might have been. Still, using this fabrication, he then concludes: “The agreement is written to favor business with Iran” which, even if true, cannot be construed as sin by any stretch of the imagination.

As to the editorial in the New York Daily News, it begins by saying that “President Obama is trying to neuter congressional oversight of the pact.” But the fact is that the Congress did not need Obama to be neutered. The thing castrated itself long ago when it assigned a value to its assholes – one that was higher than the potency of its Dicks or that of its Janes.

Imitating the style that was adopted by Rich Lowry a day earlier, the editors of the Daily News render their version of a mutilated history so disfigured it cannot be described. Upon this, however, they reach the conclusion that the President had effectively said: “It's my way or war.”

And so they ask that such claim be disregarded, calling on the Congress of bimbos, especially “we're looking at you, Sen. Chuck Schumer,” to do what is good for Israel and for the Jews “whatever the rest of the world thinks.”

Now you know why the world shouted: We're outta here.