Saturday, December 5, 2015

America, the World's foremost Exporter of Terror

The undeniable fact is that there are on average more than one mass shootings in America each and every day. That's according to the way that they define mass shooting, which is this: an armed act that results in four or more dead and wounded per incident.

Now imagine how many more shootings there might be in America that do not fit this definition. Add to that the violent acts which are committed by people who use different means to hurt or kill each other, and you'll obtain a mournful picture of the savage culture that is America's. The trouble is that what's in America does not stay in America. It has a tendency to migrate to the rest of the world where it stirs up terror in three possible ways.

The first way goes under the banner of America's official policy – such as the Monroe Doctrine which seeks to fashion the world into an image of America. The second goes under the banner of Foreign Policy vigilantes, who are individuals that provoke nations like Cuba, North Korea, Egypt and Iran, then call on their government to bail them out when they get into trouble … unless they get shot down, as it happened when Cuba took out the cowboys of the sky who violated its airspace. The third way goes under the banner of American officials pandering to a Jewish minority whose lobby has gathered enough dirt on each of them to blackmail them all into serving Israel like obedient dogs.

Under the Monroe Doctrine – later reworked and renamed the Sharansky-W doctrine – America seeks to shove down the throat of nations what has come to be referred to as “za damacracy of za Shamir” according to which the targeted nations are pressured into adopting a political system that would turn them into Jewish private washrooms fashioned in the image of the American Congress of bimbos.

As to the Foreign Policy vigilantes, these are usually half-demented individuals or small groups of them who believe they can – in a clandestine way – go into places at a time when no one else would venture, and come out with stories, pictures and videos that have the potential to win them such accolades, riches and fame as to set them for life.

And then, there is the work of the Jewish lobby, an institution that never stops gathering dirt on prominent personalities so as to recruit them, and have the specter of blackmail dangle before their eyes while talking them into working to mobilize America politically, financially and militarily for the benefit of Israel. The aim is to boost that entity's capacity to attack its neighbors and loot what it can from them, as well as maintain the criminal occupation of Palestine and Syria's Western Golan.

The effect of these policies is that people everywhere in the world have organized to fight America, its proxies and its puppets. The result is that you have American and European Jews pouring into the West Bank of Palestine where they murder innocent families and loot their possessions. You also have American and European youngsters volunteering to go to the Middle East and fight on the side of one cause or another. In addition, you have organizations that seek to grab enough terrain from existing nations to establish a religious entity that would be modeled after Israel – precisely to balance the Jewish effect on the region.

And there is more. Unexpectedly and without warning, a number of the European and American youngsters who got inspired and/or got trained fighting in the Middle East, have returned to their home countries where they started conducting operations that avenge what their countries have done to the innocent families of the Middle East. This is how the American terror has spread around the world, and has come home to roost.

Would you think that America might now have absorbed and understood that lesson? Not on your life. Look what the proponents of those policies think. They are laying it all out in the editorial which came under the title: “The Terror This Time" and the subtitle: “The FBI confirms what President Obama refuses to admit.” It was published on December 5, 2015 in the Wall Street Journal.

Here is how they start the editorial: “Obama entered the White House believing that the 'war on terror' was a misguided overreaction ... Seven years later Obama is presiding over a global jihadist revival that threatens the American homeland more than at any time since September 11, 2001” And this is how they end the editorial: “America shouldn't have to endure more San Bernardinos before Obama faces up to the jihadist storm that has gathered on his watch.”

Setting aside the fact that the San Bernardino incident is a run-of-the-mill sort of thing in the daily life of America when compared to the “worse than Pearl Harbor” incident of 9/11, incurred under the Presidency of the W., the Wall Street Journal editorial begins with the Jewish style politics of falsely blaming everything under the sun on their enemy of the day – which today happens to be the President of the United States – and ends with the Jewish style politics of telling him what to do next.

And that, my friend, is what's flushing America down the tube, and into the Jewish cesspool of confusion and mental disorder. And no one in that country has learned a thing during those 14 years.