Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Expanding the Machinations of Canalization

The best way to define the word 'canalization' is to do it with the use of an example. A good one would be that of the Jewish women who were given special training by the rabbis of an earlier era, to mingle with the young Muslim women who were intrigued by the Women's Liberation Movement sweeping North America at the time, and brainwash them.

The Jewish women went to work, tried as best they could, and succeeded on a number of occasions to manipulate the emotions and thinking processes of the Muslim women they met. They got them to divert the anger they had developed towards men, and direct it towards their Muslim religion. This is how canalization can be defined. And so, proven to be a psychological tool that has delivered on a number of cases, the Jewish establishment has revived it and expanded it for use in other endeavors.

You can see how that establishment is doing it, when you study the article that came under the title: “If Americans Are 'Scared to Death' – It's Because Government Has failed Them,” written by Jonah Goldberg and published on December 18, 2015 in National Review Online. When you are hit with something like this, two questions come to mind, and they beg for answers. The first question is this: Are Americans really scared to death? The second is this: If some are scared, what are they scared of?

Goldberg wants you to believe that Americans are scared of something that the government has the obligation to protect them against, but is not. He wants you to believe that the people are scared to death not because there is one gun per person in America, or that the people kill each other to the tune of a 100,000 per year with or without a gun – but afraid of foreign terrorists. Goldberg wants you to believe this much despite the fact that the statistics are showing that the chances someone in America will be hurt or killed by a friend or a relative to be hundreds of times higher than being hurt or killed by a foreign terrorist.

So now, there is this question: How can the Jews pull off a feat of this magnitude? Well, canalization is the secret weapon they use. You see, dear reader, it is normal for people to feel angry and humiliated when a foreigner comes into their homeland and manages to disrupt their lives. Many border skirmishes in history were started because of this, and many wars resulted when the skirmishes were not contained.

The fact that a handful of non-state actors, usually kids, can pull off a feat like that is even more infuriating and more humiliating. Thus, to answer the earlier questions, the reality is not that Americans are scared to death they will be killed by terrorists, it is that they are seething with anger their “proud” nation will be humiliated by a handful of young nobodies from far away lands.

Still, when you have this much angry energy, and you have the brainwashing skills that the Jews are reputed to possess, it is possible to imagine them canalizing the anger of the people, turning it into hatred for the foreigners who would do this to America … and make it all sound like the people are afraid they will be hurt or killed by foreign kids coming to them from far away places.

More importantly, the Jews are managing to direct the anger of the people into hatred for the government they were made to believe had 'failed' to protect them. But when the people realized that the government could not put a sentinel at every door to protect every family, they looked for another reason to hate their government. For that, some Americans turned to the Jews who pretended to be American themselves when in fact were Israelis at heart. And the people were inundated with rhetoric to the effect that their government had failed to develop a foreign policy that would keep the terrorists at bay.

That is where the Jewish establishment came into the picture, offering a foreign policy that serves the interests of Israel. Guess what else that policy does; it motivates the foreigners to do to America what America is doing to them on the advice of the Jews. And the vicious cycle is meant to go on and on for, it is what the Jews want.

This is why we must suspect statements like this: “Only 34 percent approve of President Obama's handling of the Islamic State, and more Americans are worried about terrorism than at any time since the aftermath of 9/11.” Both could be true but do not mean that Americans are 'scared to death' that a foreign terrorist is about to pop out of nowhere and kill them.