Thursday, March 10, 2016

How Ideas for Regime change are planted

Despite the entrenched belief that history repeats itself, the truth is that history does not repeat itself in exactly the same way, and certainly not when things are done by different people in different places at different times.

Thus, all those who say that what is happening in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region during the early years of the twenty-first century resembles what used to happen in Europe during the early to mid twentieth century – are self-serving pundits who engage in reveries they would be first to reject if said by someone serving a different cause. No, they would say, what's happening now is not the same as what happened in the 1930s, nor will it yield the same sort of results.

What can happen and often does, however, is what may be called recidivism. These are acts which are repeated – not exactly in the same way each time – but done in a way that bears the signature of one and the same perpetrator. Thus, an individual may commit different crimes in different places at different times, yet be identified by investigators who see his unmistakable signature in each crime. Similarly, an ideology that's bent on achieving the goals for which it exists often repeats the pattern it believes will someday succeed. Alas, this always proves to be a wish that history repudiates. At best, the attempt may succeed partially, and only if everything falls into place.

In fact, this has been the history of the Jewish ideology whose relentless quest to control the world and make it “safe for Jews to live in” has had the opposite effect. It was identified each time for what it is and what it seeks to achieve by the unmistakable signature it left behind. The truth is that the Jew took with him massive amounts of hate, incitement and bloodshed everywhere he went. And this was the mark unmistakably identified as Jewish in every act of horror that humanity has suffered since the beginning of time.

Toward the end of the twentieth century and in the early years of the twenty first century, the Jews incited America and pushed it to launch attacks against several Arab and Muslim countries in the MENA region. They did it by advocating regime change in those countries, thus created horror shows that come close to the calamities described in the Jewish Old Testament. The Jews are now trying to repeat the cycle by inciting America, and pushing it to launch attacks against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Clifford D. May demonstrates how he sets-up for that event in an article he wrote under the title: “The search for elusive Iranian moderates” and the subtitle: “They won't be found among the ruling elite.” It was published on March 8, 2016 in The Washington Times.

The first thing he does is pick a man (Ruhollah Khomeini) he intends to turn into a hated character that will symbolize the nation of Iran. But before he starts demonizing him, May tells how prominent Americans misunderstood the true character of that Khomeini. Here is what he says: “the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. described him as 'some kind of a saint.' The U.S. ambassador in Tehran compared him to Mohandas Gandhi.” This done, May begins the demonizing process: “the seizure of the American Embassy and the holding of hostages illustrated how far off the mark those analyses had been”.

Well, this is what happened in the past, but the writer wants the audience to know it is linked to the present. He does it this way: “Yet the search for the elusive Iranian moderate theocrat has continued unabated ever since.” This brings him to the current President of Iran, Hassan Rouhani whom he describes as: “not a moderate, he is a hard-liner.” The moral is that nothing has changed.

And this opens the door for Clifford May to explain how the Iranian system of government operates. Needless to say he never fails to spin things in such a way as to opine that the system is bad for the region, threatening to America and dangerous for the world. He describes it as a system whose policy is that of “strategic patience, building Iran's economic and military strength at a time of European and American weakness”.

This brings him to the question: Are there no moderates in Iran? He responds by saying that the people of Iran are a moderate lot and they love America. It is just that their leaders are so bad, ordinary Iranians can do nothing about their situation because “most Iranians are powerless” and no election will ever change that.

He goes on to say that in Iran there are hardliners who disagree with ultra-hardliners, both of whom disagree with pragmatists. They “all envision Iran becoming the Middle East's new master. All want to see America humbled.” Translation: Before this happens, bomb Iran into the Stone Age, and change the regime by decapitating the existing one. Here we go again … here is that unmistakable Jewish signature.

Up to now, that kind of incitement has worked on America, prompting it to commit crimes against humanity that dwarf the crimes it committed when it defoliated Vietnam and bombed Cambodia and Laos.

Will Clifford May the Jew succeed this time? Time will tell.