Monday, March 14, 2016

When will they stop whining and start adapting?

We may someday find out if there is life like ours or one that's different from it outside of Planet Earth. For now, all we know is that life is teeming on this planet … and we know why. It is that a kind of balance has been struck between the members of each species, and between the species themselves.

That does not mean complete harmony is here; far from it. Earth is still a harsh place where the planetary order of things is that the strong remains strong because it can feed on the weak. On the other hand, the weak seldom vanishes because it can out-breed the ability of the strong to consume it completely. And so, the cycle of life and evolution continues unabated on this planet, and promises to do so for as long as we can imagine.

From the looks of it, all issues that might defy the planetary order of things have been resolved … except perhaps for one. It is that within the human species, the debate between those who seek to establish a system of equality and those who seek to establish a system of supremacy, is still ongoing. Not only that, but the debate often turns into clashes between individuals of the same ethnic group, between one group and another, and between the various races that make up the human species. The endless competition is indeed endless.

But there too, a kind of logical and predictable pattern has taken roots. It boils down to the enemies of yesterday becoming the friends and life-partners of today. It also boils down to the expectation that the enemies of today will become the friends and life-partners of tomorrow. But a word of caution needs to be injected at this point. It is that if such is the rule, there must be an exception to it. In fact, there is one.

Whereas the ethnic groups and the nations that used to fight each other are now accepting one another, even intermarrying and forming families whose loyalties are vested in the quality of life on Earth rather than their lineage, a clan calling itself Jews begs to differ. Its system of beliefs rests on the notion that it is a chosen race with rights and privileges that supersede those of everyone else.

And it is for this reason that the Jews reject the idea of balance as we define it. They have remained at odds with just about everyone since they came into existence nearly four thousand years ago. Composed of individuals from every race, every ethnic composition and every skin color yet pretending to have a single racial origin, the Jews have neither the characteristics of a recognizable individual, nor those of a known collective. They are a breed apart made of cultural mutants who find no welcoming place for them on this Planet of Man.

Thus, despite the claim they make to some kind of supremacy ... for all we know, they are a breed that lacks a strong suit of any kind or a weakness that is unique to them. They are simply a bunch of freelancers who adhere to an ideology that says if they faithfully serve the causes which are periodically established by the hierarchy, they will eventually inherit the riches of the Earth and will be given dominion over the other races. It is the dream they take to bed every night; it is the daydream they wake up to every morning.

This leads to the obvious question: How do these people manage to survive in a world that can at times be a harsh place, but one that also seeks to establish a humane order to everything such as tending to the needs of everyone while trying to avoid hurting anyone?

You'll be on your way to answering that question if you study an editorial that came under the title: “A tiger outside the cage” and the subtitle: “Iran's threat only grows.” It is a piece that was written by the Jewish editors of the New York Daily News and published on March 13, 2016.

Pay close attention to whining phrases such as (1) “Obama signed his dangerous nuclear deal with Iran.” (2) Obama responded by seeing no evil.” (3) “Obama has continued to see no evil.” You would think that Obama, who is President of the United States of America, is nudged to drop everything he does in the service of his people, and divert his full attention to the never-ending paranoid obsessions of the Jews. And that's exactly what they believe is owed to them by virtue of being the chosen ones.

The remarkable thing is that at the start of every cycle, the Jews have succeeded at getting the attention and special services they crave. But the situation wears itself eventually, yet the Jews keep nagging to be served promptly and served exclusively. They do so till the people who have a right to their leader's attention – but no longer have it – get sick and tired, and do something that's not always pleasant to watch.

That is the cycle through which the Jews have lived again and again since they first appeared on the scene. The opportunity for them to adopt an outlook on life that's compatible with the rest of humanity has been rejected again and again because the Jewish establishment never accepted our definition of balance ... that which gives everyone the same birthrights, and allows each individual to forge the position they want for themselves in life.

Nothing of the sort for us, protests a Jewish hierarchy that considers its members to be special at birth or when converting. It refuses to let anyone put the Jewish specialness on the scale, or balance it against anything. That's how it perpetuates the Jewish isolation … which is the source of the Jewish never ending whine, and the Jewish never ending claim to victimhood.

And we all have had it up to here. After all, we're only human.