Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Habit of crucifying the Peacemakers

The Jews are at it again. Another peacemaker has risen in this world of ours, and has started to work for the peace that eluded humankind during most of its existence.

Whereas peace set-in randomly in a few places throughout history, it was punctured each time when violence flared up, thus ending the peace interlude. Anyway you look at it; you'll find that the flare-up came at the heels of a peacemaker being crucified by the Jews.

The latest peacemaker to arrive on the scene is Barack Obama, current President of the United States of America. Like all those they crucified before him, the Jews have started the ritual of throwing explosive charges in his direction; a prelude to treating him the way they did the other peacemakers. The Jewish intent comes out clearly in the column that was written under the title: “Obama's final arrogant, ignorant push for Mideast peace,'” authored by Benny Avni and published on March 10, 2016 in the New York Post.

The headline makes it clear that this column is about a peace plan proposed by a peacemaker that's viewed by the Jews as arrogant and ignorant. Avni then points out that President Obama is so relentless in his pursuit, he intends to end his presidency the way he started it “with a push for a Palestinian state”.

Given that this move is understood to be the necessary prerequisite to diminishing the ability of the Jews in Israel to maintain the level of horror they brought to the region by occupying Palestine, the Jews of America have gone into a state of panic each time that the peaceful push for ending the occupation was activated.

That's because as long as there is an Israel portrayed to be at peril, the Jews of America are able to maintain a dictatorial grip on the Congress of Zombies. With this assembly of the brain-dead securely in their pocket, they control America's media, its treasury, its military and its foreign policy apparatus. And this is the power that the Jews of America would risk a holocaust never to relinquish.

That's precisely why you see Avni start the column by reminding the world that Obama has “yet to resolve the rest of the chaotic and dangerous Mideast.” Well, this is the chaos that the Jews spent more than half a century creating. They did it, first with the help of the old colonial powers Britain and France, and then with the help of the naïve and benign power that America turned out to be.

But while the brain-dead zombies of America were trained to do what was necessary to inflate Israel into the size of a bubble that's about to burst, the United Nations that was fooled into creating Israel in the first place, realized it had committed a mistake, thus resolved to contain it as much as possible. That's when the Jews of America countered the effort by pitting the Congress against the entire human race.

In addition, the Congress was also pitted against its own President, a move that exposed it as an assembly of morons, an event that triggered the fury of America's electors who had it up to here with insolent Jews blackmailing and controlling the bums they elect to serve America and not Israel or any other demonic cause.

This is why – for the first time ever – Benny Avni has been careful not to mention the Congress in connection with this subject. Instead, he is railing like the proverbial lone voice in the wilderness, about there being “new talk of an American push for a UN Security Council resolution that would set parameters for a future peace agreement. Obama, after all, is a great believer in the United Nations … But the United Nations is also where Israel can't get a fair shake”.

Can't get a fair shake, you ask in astonishment? The UN is the organization that birthed Israel, for Satan's sake! What kind of a shake are these characters begging for now? Not to disappoint you, Avni answers that question. And he does it using a typically Jewish logic. He basically says this: “I must continue raping the wife of my neighbor on the right because I suspect that my neighbor on the left is about to get a raise”. Do you find it difficult to fathom this? Look what this guy, Benny Avni, is saying in that regard over several paragraphs:

“Netanyahu stressed Arab enmities and Iranian threats over the need for a Palestinian state … Iran's threats are met with no more than a shrug from the international community … Netanyahu didn't want to lend credibility to a brewing 'peace plan' – a project he believes is bad … Obama will be in Cuba watching a baseball game”.

What more do you think is needed to explain why the Jews must continue to rape the Palestinian motherland? Do you get it now?

Not only that, but there is nothing in what Obama says about the Jews being a superior race having the right to maintain the inferior races under subjugation the way they maintain their congressional subjects in shackles.