Friday, March 11, 2016

No more financing the Occupation, Mr. President

The editors of the New York Daily News came up with a piece whose message to the human race boils down to this: You want a justification for what you've been doing to us, Jews of Planet Earth, for centuries. Here it is; we give you that justification, human beings of the Planet ... not once but many times over. Go ahead and do to us what you love doing, and we cannot live without: hate us, despise us and where possible exterminate us.

And then, the editors of the Daily News did something so horrendously grotesque, an effort by Satan's elite group of demons could not have devised in a million years. Imagine hearing the terrifying characters from New York tell the people of America they will grab a lamb – and like the ancient custom of biblical times – offer it in sacrifice not to a God of their imagination but to Satan himself and his elite group of demons.

And so the editors of the Daily News go ahead and grab a lamb, dress it in the American flag and throw it alive in a meat grinder as they recite the newly composed Jewish prayer: This is to represent you, three hundred and twenty million souls of the American Republic. You say you have it up to here paying a high price in lives, treasure and standing in the world for an Israel that's not good enough to be a dog – well then, we say that America itself is not good enough to be that dog's poop. Enjoy watching yourselves go down the meat grinder; Americans of the Planet … go down like the useless thing you have become to Israel.

Well, my friend, read the editorial in the New York Daily News which came under the title: “No more, Mr. President” and the subtitle: “Obama has done enough damage to Israel already,” published on March 10, 2016 – and be more disgusted than what you've read in the previous paragraph.

In that piece, the editors speak of the president of the United States of America, Barack Obama; and they speak of the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. Sensing that Israel will have a hard time getting the help from America it used to take for granted, the editors speak ill of the two leaders, and blame them both for the deterioration of the relationship between the nation of America and the Zionist entity of hate and incitement.

Here is how they speak ill of Netanyahu: “Posturing again as a tribune of peace, the President would repay Netanyahu's truculence with a middle-figure fiat as he scoots out the door.” That's all, my friend. Truculence is the only character defect that the editors of the New York publication could attribute to Netanyahu.

Look now how they speak ill of Obama: “He must not go down this path of ego, hubris and vengeance. He will not validate the Nobel Prize awarded to him in 2009 and never earned.” And this: “He blames Israel for the failure of [his] attempts to broker a peace deal.” And this: “Unconscionably, Obama would tie the hand of his successor.” And this: “Having failed worse than others, he stands no chance of redemption.” And this: “His job is over. He needs to leave bad enough alone.”

You couldn't hurl that many insults in one sitting at a dog that just mauled your child. Yet, it is how the editors of the New York Jewish publication speak of the American President; the lamb they dressed in the American flag and threw into the meat grinder as a sacrifice to Satan and his elite group of demons.

Can anyone honestly consider these people to be American? Or are they an active cell of cultural terrorism – not a sleeper cell – working on behalf of the alien movement of Zion, eroding the principles on which America's ideal of being responsible for one's own action, stood for centuries ... free of Jewish destructive influence, relentless meddling and constant sabotage.

That was the ideal which earned America the strength, wealth and respect it used to enjoy before the advent of the Jews. And now that Barack Obama has started the process of restoring to his country its rightful place in the World – earning a Nobel Prize for it – the Jewish establishment is badmouthing him and the entire human race for not allowing the Planet to be dragged into an Age of Horror that would rival the horrors of biblical time.

One of the steps that the American President contemplates taking, is to stop financing the continued criminal occupation of Palestine. This stance being the Jewish dagger in America's heart, it is what the American people want and what the Jewish establishment rejects. The contest of the wills is on, and something will break soon enough. Let it be the Jewish dictatorial grip at the throat of the American people.