Monday, March 21, 2016

Naive Promises becoming moral Obligations

The vital – at times even existential – lesson that people who deal with the Jews, learn to their chagrin is that they made a potentially deadly mistake when they naïvely promised something to those Jews, however insignificant the promise may have been when first made.

Be aware and never forget that when the Jew tries to convince you that only good things and nothing bad will follow when you say this, or when you do that – he or she is trying to plant into your bloodstream the umbilical cord that will serve to drain you of every ounce of energy you possess. Lend him or her your ear and you'll start wilting like a leaf at the start of the Fall season. And you can be certain that Winter will follow the Fall.

On March 16, 2016 Elliott Abrams told the world what he just did. He said it in an article that came under the title: “Democracy and U.S. Foreign Policy,” posted on the website of the Council on Foreign Relations. What he did was write an open letter to the candidates now running to be president asking them to “commit to embracing the cause of democracy and human rights if elected president of the United States.” And he published the letter together with the signature of 138 other supporters of the ideas it contains.

This being an initiative of Elliott Abrams whose reputation is that of a joker, it would have been brushed aside or treated like tissue deserving of being flushed down the tube … except that the next day, on March 17, 2016, The Washington Times reminded us of something more serious. It is that initiatives of this kind have led America to places no one wants to see again. The reminder came in the form of an article under the title: “Is Obama Israel's greatest enemy?” written by Madison Gesiotto who also urges “improving U.S.-Israeli relations as we prepare to choose our nation's next leader”.

Contrasting the promises you see in the Elliott Abrams open letter against the fulminations you encounter in the Madison Gesiotto composition, you'll be tempted to think up scenarios that might go under titles such as these: The promise and the back-stabbing; The dream and the nightmare; The pie in the sky and the trap in the thicket; The sweet friendship and the bitter enmity … and so on and so forth. What all these represent are Elliott's description of the umbilical cord, and Madison's attempt to plant it in America's bloodstream.

Here is what Abrams says: “the advance of democracy serves U.S. interests and contributes to order and peace around the globe … the number of countries that are free and democratic has more than doubled. From Latin America and Central Europe to East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, people have opted for accountable government. This is rooted in the universal longing for liberty – also due to America's support for human rights and democracy.” He does not elaborate on that last remark.

However, Madison Gesiotto addresses that point among many others. Here is what she says: “Obama claims to support Israel, but his refusals to help our struggling ally in the Middle East, say otherwise … He spent seven years betraying America's treasured friend … Israel has continued to serve as a monument of democracy in a region of instability … The betrayal does not stop there … Obama's refusal to enforce provisions in bills that would penalize trade partners who boycott Israel … Israel needs America, and Mr. Obama exposes himself as a hypocrite through actions that run counter to his verbal statements of support for the country”.

That is, Gesiotto is asserting that because Obama made a naïve promise to the Jews who lobby for Israel, he is morally obligated to keep it or he'll forever be labeled a hypocrite. Imagine every lobbyist calling a hypocrite every politician that broke their promise. How many non-hypocrites will be left in the Washington Beltway?

More seriously, even if we pretend that Abrams is not trying to accomplish what Gesiotto is advocating, we cannot escape the conclusion that the “democracy project” undertaken by America has been a great big farce. Worse, it turned into the poison that's now hurting the Middle East, and turned into the Jewish dagger that was planted in the heart of America.

Abrams admits it is a human trait to long for liberty and to fight, even die, to achieve it. He also says that people in Latin America, Central Europe, East Asia and sub-Saharan Africa have achieved liberty, but not the people of the Middle East. Why?

Gesiotto says that Israel has served as a monument of democracy in that same Middle East. Therefore the questions that come to mind are these: What did that monument do for the region? Was it an authentic monument to begin with, or was it a Trojan Horse planted there to destabilize and decapitate the existing order everywhere it found it?

Furthermore, despite the fact that Abrams says the democracies work harmoniously together to accomplish marvelous things; Gesiotto is attacking Obama for not attacking America's “democratic” partners who are attacking “democratic” Israel by boycotting it. Is this a house divided on itself, or is it the case of a human family discovering a plague ridden rat in the house, and chasing it out?

Could it be that Obama and America's democratic friends – whomever they may be – have realized that (1) Israel is an apartheid terrorist state and not a democracy, and that (2) the Jewish pundits in America have been advocating not democracy for the world, but the destruction of both the Western and Islamic civilizations? Are the Jews pitting Christians and Muslims against each other to start Armageddon and hasten the coming of the Messiah they believe will hand them the planet to rule over?

This is what the Jewish jokers of America are still trying to accomplish … watch out for the Elliott Abrams of this world. This is what the depressed Jews of America are protesting is not happening …keep an eye the Madison Gesiottos of this world.