On April 20, 2016, the foreign minister of Iran , Mohammad
Javad Zarif, published an op-ed in the Washington Post. On the same day Reuel
Marc Gerecht responded in the online edition of the Weekly Standard.
The Zarif piece came under the title: “Why Iran is
building up its defenses”. The Gerecht piece came under the title: “Liar, Liar,
Pants on Fire,” and the subtitle: “A response to Foreign Minister Zarif”.
You read the two pieces to see what Zarif said that might
have prompted Gerecht to say he lied. You find that Zarif did what he promised
he'll do, but not Gerecht. Whereas Zarif explained why Iran is
building up its defenses, Gerecht responded to something that's inside his
head, not something that's out of Zarif's pen. And this should prompt you to
shout: Where's the lie, Reuel? Who's the actual liar, Reuel?
The point that Zarif makes is that the people who were
agitating against the nuclear deal – recently concluded between Iran and the
(P5+1) nations – are back again pulling the same old tricks. Using mantras like
“all options are on the table” and “never again,” these people have tried – and
they continue to try – dragging the region into yet another disastrous war,
even a nuclear one if they can.
There should be no doubt who these people are. They are the
self-designated hawks in America ,
such as the Jewish neoconservatives and the Israeli agents who whip the
congress of fools to sponge on America 's
largess. As Zarif further explains, they are also: “Others [who] have been less
blatant.” These would be the Gulf States –
including Saudi Arabia
– that “resorted to a rapid build-up of their already excessive military
These are the reasons why Iran is building up its defenses,
says foreign minister Zarif. To start his presentation, he mentions the
“artificial crisis over my country's peaceful nuclear program.” And this is
where Gerecht saw an opportunity to attack him. In doing so, he proved to be
one of the self-designated hawks who continue to try dragging the Middle East and the world into disastrous wars.
The undeniable fact is that because the nuclear deal has
been concluded, even the hawks admit that Iran 's nuclear program will remain
peaceful for at least 15 years if not forever. Thus Zarif was correct in
describing it as a peaceful nuclear program. The question is this, however:
“Has it always been peaceful?” Those who wish to move on with their lives,
cooperating with everyone to build a global structure for peaceful coexistence,
will say that the question is now moot, and we must put it behind us once and
for all.
But that's not the case with those who wish to continue
dragging the world into wars. Gerecht is one of these, and he has a very thin
ground on which to stand when making his case. It is that he invokes a foggy
past that's based on “a dossier, which has included information provided by
defectors cataloging the regime's nuclear weapons ambitions since the late
1980s.” Sounds impressive but...
But the Americans have learned long ago (when dealing with
defectors from the old Soviet Union and from Iraq ) that they were nothing more
than self-serving leeches who took the Americans for suckers, selling them
false information for good money. And there is no reason to believe that the
so-called Iranian defectors are more honest or more reliable than the
charlatans who preceded them.
Sensing that he stands on shaky grounds as he throws
accusations based on hearsay and not concrete evidence, Gerecht tries to redeem
himself by pointing to something that's concrete. It is this: “Iran 's
ballistic-missile program makes absolutely no sense. Nations that have striven
to develop long-range missiles inevitably have married that effort to the
development of atomic warheads”.
These were China ,
India and Pakistan who
developed their nuclear arsenals and did not use them to this day because their
utility has been to stand as a deterrent. It is that the old doctrine known as
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) has come into play once again. Well, given
that the Jews of Israel and their megaphones in America keep threatening Iran
with all options being on the table, the Iranians would be justified to try and
build their deterrent force if they so wished.
They may not want to do it, but they would be prudent to try
and become a threshold nation in the relevant fields. They owe it to their
people whose existence is constantly being threatened by the Jews and by America .