Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Okay mister; you made your Point. What now?

Imagine you're an entrepreneur who deals with complex matters at home and abroad. You retain a consultant to advise you on how to execute difficult transactions so as to score maximum success while creating the least amount of animosity for you and your enterprise.

But every time that you ask the consultant to give you an assessment of how things are going, and how else you should proceed, he does one of two things. Either he says you need to get tougher when dealing with others – without elaborating as to how you can do this – or he laments that you're doing so badly now, he will say no more. Undaunted, you instruct him to think constructively and come up with workable solutions, but he proves incapable of breaking out the mold in which he was cast.

Well, if you can imagine America being an enterprise, and the opinion makers in it being consultants, you'll have no trouble seeing that the above narrative represents the story of Ralph Peters who came up with yet another article that's as useless as most of those he has written. The latest came under the title: “Bastille Day attack shows how Islamists score their victories for pennies,” published on July 17, 2016 in the New York Post.

The article makes no sense till you reach the end where you see that it is signed by Ralph Peters, Fox News' strategic analyst. This explains the opening sentence of the article, and sheds light on the approach that he adopted for this article and for most of what he has written. Here is the current opening sentence: “The most important quality an intelligence officer can possess is the ability to escape his preconceptions to see the world from the enemy's perspective”.

Seeing this, you instantly understand what is happening because you know that Fox News is not an American network presenting the world from an American perspective; it is a Jewish network pretending to be American, and presenting the world to those who watch it from the perspective of World Jewry.

All of that helps to clarify what Ralph Peters says next. Speaking of the tragedy in Nice, he offers this point of view: “Our analysis failed miserably. Instead of measuring the terrorist success, we diminished it … terror triumphed in Nice.” Indeed, this message of abject failure in everything that America does is the message that Fox News has been throwing at the American people from the moment that the Jews became aware that Barack Obama will not be the puppet who will say or do what they command him to say and do.

In fact, the Jews view the President of the United States as being the enemy they must defeat in the same way that the American people view terror as being the enemy they must defeat. And so, you constantly see the likes of Fox News and Ralph Peters inflate the exploits of everyone in the world while deflating the work of the American administration.

These people go that far and do this much because it is the easiest way to exploit America's democracy and tolerant habits, to erode the public's confidence in their administration. In addition, the more that Fox News, Ralph Peters and World Jewry fail to persuade the electorate to reject this administration, the more they paint the President as being America's number one enemy. It is not al-Qaeda anymore, it is not ISIS either … rather; it is the President of the United States that's the enemy of America.

Look how the author describes what is happening, how he says America is responding to it and yet, he fails to offer an alternative. Here is a montage of his sayings: “We're trapped in American thinking … We'll spend a million on bombs to kill a single jihadi … Islamists score their victories for pennies … They slaughter us for pennies and bathe in our blood. And we belittle them”.

In fact, it is with the last two sentences that he ends the article. This prompts you to cry out the obvious question: Okay mister, you made your point. Now what?

But don't expect him to tell you what now because it was never a part of his mission. He is paid by Fox News and the New York Post not to tell it like it is, but to try and maneuver the electorate into handing America to the Jewish lobby, and in the process, turn themselves into Palestinians in their own country.

America fought to liberate itself from British colonialism only to see the Jews try to colonize it anew.