Saturday, July 9, 2016

Political Correctness that's ruining America

When you read the latest New York Times editorial on the Iraq war, you can't help but wonder on which planet the editors who wrote it reside. The piece in question came under the title: “Iraq War Lies, 13 Years Later,” published on July 7, 2016.

Speaking of the 2003 invasion of Iraq that was launched by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, and was supported by Britain's Tony Blair, the editors welcome the Chilcot report that shed light on Britain's participation in the war, and demand that a similar inquiry be conducted in America to shed light on how and why the Bush administration was persuaded to launch the invasion.

In fact, the editors appear to be so passionate about that idea, they conclude their piece with a lengthy and forceful appeal to hold such inquiry in America. Here, in condensed form, is how they put it:

“It was the Bush administration that falsely sold and launched the invasion. There has been no comparable inquiry in Washington into the origin of the decision to go to war. The public yearns for the full truth and deserves an investigation … The United States needs to understand how national policy can be hijacked by lies and ideology so that there's less chance it will happen again”.

Look closely at these two ideas: (1) “Bush falsely sold and launched the invasion,” and (2) “National policy can be hijacked by lies and ideology.” From this alone, a sane person can only deduce that the editors know something but will not talk about it. Instead, they did the cowardly thing of asking that someone else – a faceless inquiry that may never happen – reveal what they dare not talk about. Why is that, you ask? And the answer is that political correctness is chilling them.

There is ample evidence that the Jewish organizations around the world coordinated their efforts and pulled off the mother of all deceptions: the framing of Iraq. The truth that no one talks about in America is that the Jews deceived the Western political elites but not the intelligence communities that had doubts about the veracity of the evidence pointing to the existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in Iraq.

The conclusion to draw from all that happened is that the European intelligence communities were intimidated by the fact that their American counterpart did not correct the record and so, they too remained silent about the fact that the evidence was bogus. The question is this: Why did the American intelligence community not publicly denounce the Bush administration's relentless effort to “falsely sell and launch the invasion”?

The answer is that a highly placed someone would have had to resign to do it, and there was no time for that to happen. The reality is that the worldwide Jewish coordination to hatch the plot was headquartered in the office of Dick Cheney, a place that was filled with Holocaust psychos who started to plan for the invasion of Iraq a decade earlier. When the opportunity materialized, they fast-tracked the preparations for the invasion and did something else. They convinced themselves and others that the Jewish controlled media will adhere to the principle of political correctness and never reveal the truth. They proved to be correct so far.

In the same way that the Israeli terrorist bombing of American embassies in Arab capitals in the 1950s has been kept from the public, in the same way that the truth about the 1967 Israeli sinking of the American spy ship is kept from the public, the treasonous connivance between the Cheney group and the Jewish controlled media, has kept the public in the dark about the how and why of the Iraq calamity.

It is this state of political correctness that allows thousands of political and media types to run around the nation – having adopted the posture that those who call themselves Muslim jihadists be identified as Muslim jihadists – while ignoring the reality that America is being ruined by a system that hides the Jewish doings; a state of affairs that reduces the stock of America while inflating the stock of Israel.

If the editors of the New York Times are sincere about wanting to do something useful for America, they can begin by telling some of the stories that the Jews are hiding from the public. This will have the effect of pulling the thread that will start unraveling the entire fabric. It is that everyone else will start pulling on something, and America will be on its way to cleansing itself of the Jewish toxicity that has been poisoning it for half a century.