Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Tears of Sorrow for the Amerisrael Lieutenants

Question: How do you get the leader of a midget entity like Israel to overshadow the leader of a superpower like America? Answer: You develop a cult of personality around the person that's heading the midget thing. You do that by creating a mythology around him so that his reputation precedes him everywhere he roams. These would be the places where he'll go to be adulated upon arrival by people who never saw him before but heard a ton about him.

And what is true about the leader of the entity is also true about the entity itself. This is why you see treasonous American networks and printed rags such as Fox News, the New York Times and the Weekly Standard laud Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel as if he were the messiah, and laud Israel as if it were the nirvana of all that is superior in morality and material things. At the same time as that, you see Fox News and the Weekly Standard denigrate Barack Obama as if he was a Darth Vader among the Princes of Darkness, and you see them trounce America as if it were a Socialist basket case.

The move to inflate the worth of Israel and its leaders while deflating that of everyone else – including America – for refusing to adulate the midget entity or its leaders, worked like a charm for several decades on the American public and its mindless elites. The result has been that most of the honchos fell in line, and they lined-up to pay homage to the man whose glorious reputation had awed them. They paid him with standing ovations in a Congress that became his private comfort room, and they followed-up with checks in the billions of taxpayer dollars.

This alone being a disgrace, even more disgraceful is the ultimate aim of those in charge of this operation. Their aim is to subordinate America's military and economic might to the will of the Jews. It is to bring the superpower under the leadership of Israel and the Jewish bigwigs of America. They are the lieutenants with a not so secret plan to use American power and prestige to fulfill the prophecy of an Israel that will dominate the Earth and achieve full control over all living things.

But then, unexpectedly, America said enough is enough, and the Jewish march to subordinate the superpower began to slow down. There is still a long way to go before America is fully liberated from the satanic grip of the Jews, but you can see how much they feel they've been shredded at the level of their entrails. It happened to them because America started to push back against their despised authoritarian rule.

You see the tug-of-war that's playing itself out in an article that came under the title: “Lawmaker Slams 'Shameful' Boeing Deal with Iran” and the subtitle: “Boeing forsaking American values, trying 'to make a quick buck,'” written by Jenna Lifhits and published on July 1, 2016 in the Weekly Standard. There is also a link in the article that sends the reader to an opinion piece which came under the title: “The risks of the Iran-Boeing deal,” written by Emanuele Ottolenghi and published on June 21, 2016 on the website of the Hill magazine.

In the background about which all of that has been unfolding, is the decision of the Boeing Company to sell airplanes to Iran now that a nuclear deal has been worked out between that country and the world. The articles of the deal stipulate that relationships among the parties must return to normal, and this includes transactions such as the one about to take place between Boeing and Iran.

But guess what. The Jews are being Jews in the same way that a rat can be nothing but a rat. That is, when you make a deal with them verbally or in writing, you'll find that their word or written pledge is worth no more than the dropping of a rat. It is their religious belief not to honor their obligations; it is what makes them who they are. And that's what is expressed in the two articles; that’s what they want America to become.

The effort of the Jews is an attempt to pressure Boeing – which is an American company, employing American workers, and paying taxes to American governments at the federal, state and municipal levels – to drop the deal regardless of the losses that all those mentioned will incur. What they make is no quick buck; it is what they earn by the sweat of their foreheads, unlike the Jews whose talent in quick buck artistry would bedevil Satan himself.

In effect, the Jews are telling everyone to grab a scalpel and emasculate themselves economically because if they don't, the image of Netanyahu will be deflated, and he will cease to be the cult leader they worked so hard to develop.

If this happens, they will all lose the reputation of being invincible, and people will start challenging the Jews rather than ceding the place to them without an argument.

This will reduce the Jews to being ordinary mortals like everyone else, they lament. And they want you to believe it will be unacceptable to God who chose them to be His favorite children.