Sunday, August 14, 2016

A big Lie reveals who John Bolton is

John Bolton asked the question: “Who Will Lead the United Nations?” It happens to be the title of an article he wrote, which also came under the subtitle: “Will President Obama back a 'secular pope' or a humble 'chief administrative officer'?” It was published on August 8, 2016 in the Wall Street Journal.

It is only natural that this should prompt the reader to ask: “Who is John Bolton?” in the sense of what makes this man tick? The fact is that Bolton did not appear out of nowhere; he's been around for a long time and has had a history that defined him in the past. Thus, the reason to ask what makes him tick now is to try and determine if he changed. If the answer is yes, other questions may follow.

There is no doubt that as time moves on, circumstances change. Immersed in those circumstances, we all change because we need to adapt lest we ossify and wither away. But there is a difference between changing superficially to harmonize with the times, and changing fundamentally after discovering that we've been on the wrong track long enough. Well then, how does all this apply to John Bolton?

Briefly, Bolton was at one time the most powerful individual laboring to implement Pax Americana; an important plank in the neocon ideology. But eight years of Democratic governance in America, followed by the implosion of the Republican Party, has killed that project for good. Does this mean Bolton has changed his view of the world? It is too soon to give a definitive answer to this question. But given Bolton's celebration of the Brits voting to leave the European Union, we see that he still favors doing away with the existing order.

This poses a dilemma. With an existing order that's being dismantled, and a Pax Americana that is no longer available to replace it, where does Bolton hope to see the world go? To find out, we could look for clues in his article. Unfortunately, doing so raises more questions than it answers because John Bolton seems uncertain of what he wants.

The article being on choosing a new Secretary General for the United Nations, he asserts that “significant American interests are at stake.” And so, he sees that the choice comes down to one of two possibilities. Either a candidate that will reform a disorganized UN – now run on bloated budgets by corrupt bureaucrats; or a candidate that will please “the supranational globalists who want to restrain the U.S.”

This says Bolton wants to see an America that is free to do what it wants, having to answer to no one. He then goes into the UN history during the past quarter century. He says that the Egyptian Boutros Ghali was not allowed to serve a second term as Secretary General because “the Clinton administration came to swords' points” with him. Had Bolton stopped here, the readers might have believed what he says. But he pushed his luck a little too far, thus demonstrated that he'll lie like only John Bolton can lie. This is what he went on to say: “His [Ghali's] disdain for Madeleine Albright was well known. So out he went”.

That is totally false. The reality is that Ghali was the victim of two pathologies acting in concert with each other. The first is the Jewish pathology of sabotaging every progress or advancement that an Arab or a Muslim makes in any field. The second pathology is that of the Americans blindly executing the Jewish commands without question. They do so because they are raised on the idea that a wish expressed by a Jew is a command that's absolute as dogma. They must execute it no matter the cost to America or to anyone else.

John Bolton then mentions two Secretaries General who were allowed to serve a second term: Kofi Annan and Ban Ki-moon. In fact, both had serious differences with America – as acknowledged by Bolton – but neither was hated by the Jews. For this reason, no legislator such as Jesse Helms was drafted to work on ditching either of them the way that he did with Boutros Ghali.

It must be said that Jesse Helms was the arch-enemy of Israel before they accused him of antisemitism and blackmailed him. When they gathered enough dirt on him, and let him know what they had, he made an abrupt reversal and became the obedient servant of the Jews. In the style of the mafia which requires new recruits to prove their allegiance by doing a serious hit on someone, Helms was ordered to do a hit on the Egyptian Secretary General, and he did. Madeleine Albright had nothing to do with any of that.

This is the history that Bolton’s lie was designed to hide. It is why we must conclude that he knows not what to do now because his Jewish masters are themselves confused, and don't know what they want.

What is certain, however, is that no matter who the UN chooses to be its Secretary General, America will not be free to do what it wants – considering that it takes orders from the Jews.

The fact is that to be in the service of the Jews is no freedom at all. To haggle like the Jews is no democracy at all. John Bolton is a living proof of that.