Monday, August 8, 2016

Amateurs in a World of seasoned Professionals

Do you think it is possible for someone to stand in Russia, China, Brazil, Japan, Portugal or maybe France, Iran, Nigeria, Sweden or Australia – and treat a press secretary of the government the way that White House and State Department press secretaries are treated in America? Not on your life.

That's because unlike America, the local and foreign journalists in those countries – as everywhere else in the world – know what will happen to them if they get out of line. They'll be told straight in the face: “Get your Jewish ass out of this building or I'll have security grab you by the seat of your pants and throw you to the hungry dogs out there who know what to do with the likes of you”.

But why is America treated by the Jews as if a colony of inferior beings? This is a good question, and so we look for an answer in a piece that came under the title “Iran's $400 Million Payoff,” written by the editors of National Review Online (NRO), and published on August 5, 2016. These are so-called journalists discussing a journalistic event that took place in Iran. Here is how they introduced the subject to their readers:

“The Obama administration delivered $400 million in cash to Tehran on the same day that Iran released four Americans held as enemies. Administration officials deny that this was a 'ransom' payment, but if not, someone forgot to tell Tehran. An Iranian general informed state media: 'Taking this much money back was in return for the release of the American spies'”.

What were these editors trying to establish with a half-assed remark of this caliber: “If not [a ransom] someone forgot to tell Tehran”? The fact is that the Iranian general was asked a question that must have gone like this: Why are we getting this money from America? And he responded that the transaction was part of a deal to settle outstanding disputes between the two countries. It included the swap of American prisoners for Iranian money.

This is how civilized professionals give and take with each other, it is how they show respect for their audience, and why none of them worries about being hit with a vague gotcha question aimed at making them look like inferior representatives of a helpless colony – which is how things unfold in America these days. In fact, this is the sorry state to which America's journalistic culture has deteriorated since it was taken over by the Jews.

Instead of exchanging ideas and generating new ones to sift through and choose the most relevant among them to organize in a coherent whole and reach conclusions that lead to a plan of action, the Jews have instructed America to discard the tried and proven old method, and replace it with the useless Jewish haggle of even older times. Here is a perfect example of Jewish inspired uselessness: “Obama's dealings with Iran have followed a grim pattern: American pusillanimity followed by Iranian provocations followed by American capitulation. Rinse and repeat … The U.S. government being in the business of paying off hostage-takers will come as welcome news to America's enemies”.

However, the fact is that no one but America has a Guantanamo-like camp where kidnapped innocent civilians and combatants are kept indefinitely without trial. Also, no one but the Americans impound money and property left in their custody by foreigners. Thus, no one but America gets to be in a position to engineer a ransom-type situation, and benefit from it. In fact, this happened in a number of occasions only because the government followed Jewish instructions and acted in a way that turned out to be very amateurish.

To get a sense of how this sort of thing happens in America and nowhere else, we look at the following passage in the NRO editorial:

“The administration abased itself. The release of Americans should have been a precondition for any negotiations on Iran's nuclear regime … In the course of the talks that led to the nuclear deal, Iran secured frozen assets, sanctions relief and the release of Iranians justly imprisoned in the U.S. for crimes, for hacking the U.S. power-grid database – and an agreement to drop 14 extradition requests”.

What on earth are the editors haggling about in this passage? They are saying, in effect, they don't care about the transaction looking like a ransom payment. What upsets them is that America did not conduct a hard nosed negotiation with the Iranians. Thus, we can only deduce that the Jews would not have called the exchange of prisoners a ransom payment if America had gotten a little something for Israel in the nuclear agreement.

This is hypocrisy that's seen by everyone in the world except the Jewish perpetrators and the American victims. And that, my friend, is how the Jewish cultural injection has debased America's own culture. This is why no one in America dares to tell the Jewish so-called journalists and their disciples: “Get your Jewish ass out of this building or I'll have security grab you by the seat of your pants and throw you to the hungry dogs out there who know what to do with the likes of you”.