Thursday, August 4, 2016

Having no Case, they start a Haggle

How do you know someone has no case, yet wants to get something for nothing? It might be difficult to make a determination in a case like this, unless that someone is a Jew in which case he'll unmask himself by initiating a haggle. And that's exactly what the editors of the Wall Street Journal have done.

In an editorial that came under the title: “Obama's Cash for Iran's Hostages” and the subtitle: “The payoffs encourage the ayatollahs to grab more Americans,” the editors of the publication have unmasked themselves by making the classic arguments known to lead to the Jewish haggling that goes on for an eternity. The editorial was published on August 4, 2016 in the Journal.

From beginning to end, he piece is peppered with clues as to who the authors are, and what they hope to get out of this “journalistic” adventure. But the way they end it is the grand spectacle that displays their true colors. Here it is: “Someone should ask Hillary Clinton if she thinks paying ransom for hostages encourages the world's thugs to take more Americans hostage”.

This is the same sort of question that the Pharisees were reputed to have asked Jesus Christ before they conspired to crucify him. They asked the paradoxical question: To whom do you advise that we pay taxes: God or Caesar?

The reality is that Iran is a normal nation, and the Iranians are normal people. The Jews have accused them of all sorts of things that turned out to be false. And when you look closely at those accusations, you find them to be valid only when leveled against the Israelis. The truth is that Jewish thugs from America and elsewhere are occupying Palestine and committing war crimes that make ordinary thugs look like saints.

Moreover, it is America that is paying for the activities of the settlers occupying Palestine. It is America that is arming them to the teeth. It is America that is making sure the Palestinians remain unarmed and unable to defend themselves. It is America that stands in world forums and defends the Jewish thugs. And that, my friend, is what makes America the only sponsor of terrorism in the world today. The culprit is not Iran; it is the Jewish-American satanic alliance.

Delving more deeply into the question that the editors wish to ask of Hillary Clinton, we notice that it carries the same tinge as the one they used to ask in the old days: Does giving Blacks a finger encourages them to ask for the arm? As it turned out, African Americans got not the whole finger but a section of it, and they were satisfied. They asked for no more after that.

On the other hand, the Jews got everyone of the fingers. This done, they asked for the entire hand and they got it. They asked for the arm and got that too. Now they want 50 billion dollars to continue their criminal activities in occupied Palestine, and no one is telling them to go jump into the lake or wherever it is they end up when they behave in this manner.

The saddest part in this saga is how the Jews were able to grow a crop of non-Jews steeped in the satanic culture that's eroding America ... and making these characters invade America's legislatures. One of those – known to be a pile of rotting meat put together in the shape of homo erectus – is named Tom Cotton. He made it clear by his pronouncements and his actions that he would sacrifice 320 million Americans if that will net Israel one more finger.

Here is what he is doing now: “Sen. Tom Cotton wrote to the Administration asking if the U.S. would pay to release the current hostages, and also whether 'you are willing to clearly state that the January release of the hostages would have occurred even if the Administration had not agreed to pay $1.7 billion to Iran'”.

This is the sort of approach that's meant to trigger a haggle of such intensity; it makes Satan proud of his disciple. As a consequence, you may expect to see Tom Cotton, the pile of rotting meat, earn his satanic horns very soon.