Friday, August 12, 2016

A last Hurrah by ISIS and by Israel

The terrorist group that's ISIS is doing to its victims what the terrorist entity that's Israel is doing to its own victims with one exception. ISIS wants its victims to stay put so that it may establish a caliphate over which it wants to rule. As to Israel, it wants its Palestinian victims to get out of Palestine, thus make room for Jews to get in and make possible the creation of a Jewish kingdom it hopes will rule the world. Both use methods whose executions are different but whose visions are identical.

The ISIS method of operation rests on the message it gives to the world with its brutal and blunt activities. It is saying in effect: You've been treating us badly, and so we'll do to you what you've been doing to us because we believe in fighting fire with fire, and because we want you to feel what we feel. As to the Judeo-Israeli method of operation, it consists of running a Hate And Incitement Machine (HAIM) that recruits Christian feeble minds into a “foreign legion” of foot soldiers who would kill and die for the glory of their Jewish masters.

The tools and weapons that ISIS uses are those it captures from its enemies. As to the tools and weapons that HAIM uses; they are what it copies from its so-called friends. But don’t be fooled because those friends are really no friends of the Jews who view them and view the entire human race as antisemitic beasts. It is just that depending on what the Jews decide to do on a given day, they label some humans friends, and label other humans enemies. To make it all work, they wear the colors of the Left or those of the Right according to who they interact with at the time.

This means the Jews adopt the language of one side or the other depending on the circumstances, and communicate – not through the normal democratic process – but through the Jewish system of haggling. And this is how the foot soldiers of HAIM manage to appear as if they behave like normal human beings when in reality they are in the business of dispersing an insidious message that's the moral equivalent of a hard-to-detect poison gas.

Two articles illustrate how the Jews pave the way for the start of a new round of haggling, and how they use the method as a tool to motivate others to do what they will not do for themselves. One article came under the title: “Foreign Aid for Hamas,” written by Elliott Abrams and posted on August 10, 2016 on the website of the Council on Foreign Relations. The other came under the title: “How your tax dollars are funding Hamas' next terror war.” written by Benny Avni and published on August 9, 2016 in the New York Post.

It must be noted that until recently, the Jews in Israel were not required to do a thing to motivate the American Congress of foot soldiers – draftees in the service of the imagined Kingdom of Israel. That's because the Jews in America were able to carry on alone, and win every fight hands down. Things have changed, however, and this time Israel was forced to concoct an incident by which to give its high command in America the kind of ammunition with which to start a new fight, and carry on with the eternal Jewish struggle.

However, as if fate had conspired to create the perfect storm with which to stand up to terrorism, it happens that this time, the presidential election in America coincided with the degradation of the ISIS military prowess, and the decay of the Jewish narrative that used to give strength to HAIM's lobbying. This is why Abrams and Avni were called upon to participate in the attempt to rescue the collapsing Jewish hold on America.

Going through the two articles describing the Israeli concoction about an employee of the United Nations who is helping Hamas, you cannot help but feel that this is the last Judeo-Israeli hurrah; one that happens to coincide with the last hurrah let out by an ISIS trying to marshal its forces so as to pull off a spectacular terrorist act but failing to do so.

The most potent weapon in the hands of the Jews being the haggle disguised as democracy, you see how Elliott Abrams uses it by throwing the anti-Semitic accusation into the discussion twice: (1) “UNRWA has employees sympathetic to Hamas, and who engage in acts of anti-Semitism.” (2) “Hamas broadcasting all kinds of anti-Semitic hate … the failure to reform UNRWA”.

As to Benny Avni, he advocates the standard Jewish savagery of calling on the world to help starve the people who refuse to surrender to the Jews: “We can help by withholding funds from international aid groups.” So very savage, so very Jewish.