Wednesday, April 18, 2018

They believe all Dots connect to Iran

When in 1967 the Israelis used the chemical weapon known as napalm bomb, they did not hide this fact. What happened, instead, is that they brought smiles to the faces of the moronic beasts in the American congress by telling them the story of Jews being so technologically advanced they produced weapons the other side could not dream of. And the moronic beasts of America went to bed that night reassured that the world was kept safe by their support for Israel.

When during the Gaza wars the Israelis used the chemical weapon known as phosphoric bomb to kill scores of Palestinian women and children huddled in their bedrooms, the Israelis blamed the attack on the victims who chose to live in crowded Gaza rather than flee the land and leave it to the Jewish squatters that hungered to go in and occupy it. And the Jewish lobby in America explained this reality to the moronic beasts of the congress that authorized the Executive to give Israel a billion-dollar reward for doing a heck of a murderous job.

When the Hindu nation of India, followed by the Muslim nation of Pakistan produced a nuclear bomb, the Jews who think of Israel as a Jewish nation, wanted to rekindle the old dream of producing the Jewish bomb they once collaborated with apartheid South Africa to realize but never did. In lieu of the dream that escaped them, the Jews created a fantasy about having two hundred bombs in their arsenal. Next, they had their mouthpieces in America whisper the fantasy in the ear of the moronic beasts that populate the congress. And the beasts went to bed thinking they had a strong ally in the Middle East protecting them from barbarians knocking at some gate they don't know where.

And now that the Jews have realized they were instrumental in bringing another Muslim nation called Iran close to producing the bomb they'll never have, they want the America of the congress of morons to destroy Iran. And the way the Jews go about telling America to do them such favor, is that they point to anything and everything an Iranian does anywhere in the world, and say to America: See? Like we said; this proves the Iranians are preparing to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth.

Not only did the Jews reach that absurd level of paranoia, they went beyond it to the point of suspecting everyone that dealt with the Iranians of plotting the annihilation of Israel. What made matters even worse is that Syria, which suffered a great deal by Israel's raids on its territory, came to believe that Israel had the bomb. In response to the threat that never really was, Syria's leaders developed the chemical weapons that came to be nicknamed the poor man's bomb.

And now that the Syrians got rid of the chemical weapons which are banned under international law, the Jews are pointing to the legitimate chemicals Syria has, accusing it of holding on to the poor man's bomb. The Jews make these accusations while urging their mouthpieces in America to continue bragging about Israel having a fictitious arsenal of the real things.

That was the strategy adopted by the Judeo-Israeli organized crime syndicate. Its purpose was to have America destroy the Middle East and ready it for Israel to go in and colonize it. But the strategy failed, and when the Jews began to sense they were getting back to square one, they started working on a new strategy. You can see signs of it in the column that came under the title: “Syria's chemical attack is a warning on 'disarmament' deals,” written by Benny Avni and published on April 16, 2018 in the New York Post.

What you'll detect is a Jewish effort at making the Americans believe the bad guys are out there developing banned weapons –– not just fantasizing about them as do the Jews –– and that the bad guys will hide such weapons in military bases labeled off limit to international inspection. Based on this, Benny Avni reaches the conclusion that, “Inspections are useless if a country wants them to be”.

And that's the point where he pivoted the discussion from Syria to Iran and talked about his favorite subject: how bad the Iranians are, and what America must do to protect humanity from the people he hates. It just happens that these people contributed much to the advancement of the human species during the millenniums when the Jewish parasites were running around sucking everyone's blood and getting incinerated for it.

This is what Avni said about the Iranians: “Those in Iran know they can have their yellow cake and eat it too.” Well, at least it's their cake; not the flesh and blood of the hosts that take pity on them and give them a hand.