Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Using Congress to legitimize Jewish Supremacy

It is the publicly stated dream of the Jews to break up every Arab country and every neighboring Muslim country into canton-like pieces and make it possible for Israel to create a Kurdish type problem for every Arab country and for Iran. If this can be done, the Jews hope it will lead to making Israel the hegemon of the region.

Their scheme has succeeded in Sudan. They are trying to have it work in Iraq but failing so far. And they are trying hard in Syria but the dream is fading there too. Undeterred, the Jews are murmuring similar fantasies about Iran, and you can be certain that sooner or later, they'll be singing the same kind of tune about Turkey.

Thus, for a Jew to claim that Jews harbor no such schemes, is to tell the world he is a lying animal that should be treated with contempt, or tell the world he believes there is an audience of stupid animals out there who are thirsty to hear this kind of talk. One such Jew is Andrew Miller who wrote an article that's specifically designed to impress those in the American Congress. The article came under the title: “A new hope for NGOs in Egypt,” published on April 23, 2018 in The Hill magazine.

To understand what's motivating Andrew Miller, you need to know what happened in Egypt about half a dozen years ago. What happened there was that the country's security apparatus put an end to a Jewish scheme that was using America's power, prestige, money, and influence to do to Egypt what the Jews did to Sudan; what they are trying to do to Iraq and Syria, and what they are dreaming of doing to Iran and Turkey. They were trying to sow dissension among the various groups in Egypt, preparing to break up the country the way they did in Sudan, and the way they are trying to do in Iraq and Syria.

So now, half a dozen years later, you can imagine the savage, animal-like rage that Andrew Miller and his co-conspirators are experiencing, frustrated as they are that Egypt, the biggest of the prizes, has not only escaped their murderous designs; it is getting further away from them with every passing day. And so, once again, the Jews have turned to their crappy allies, the brainless dogs of treason; the dogs of war and mayhem in the American Congress of sheer uselessness, and asked for help.

The Jews asked the honorable male and female bimbos populating the Congress to do more than mortgage their American motherland to help the Jews “conquer” Egypt; they asked the bimbos to prostitute their mother by giving her away free of charge to the Jewish whorehouse that's on the New-York/Tel-Aviv axis of organized crime. And the honorable bimbos felt doubly honored to be asked to assist.

In addition to working as diligently as they can on that scheme, you'll catch the Jews working on a larger scheme. It is that of institutionalizing every small gain they make so that the cumulative effect of such gains will someday become the monument that will validate God's will at making the Jews his favorite children, and placing them above everyone else.

The way the Jews hope to achieve that goal is by making the American Congress pass laws that favor Israel or the Jews or both. But because the scheme will work only in America, they had the Congress pressure the foreign governments to pass laws in their own legislatures favoring the Jews or Israel or both. The Jewish leaders envisage that once they have covered the entire planet, the scheme will have become a universal undertaking.

You'll encounter several long passages in the Miller article in which he instructs the Congress on how to pressure the Egyptian government to do what will most certainly hurt Egypt and America, but will serve the interests of Jews and Israel. Here is a sample of that:

“This is an opportunity for President Sisi [of Egypt] to prove his willingness to work for a better relationship with Washington. He knows that Congress has a say on issues important to Egypt … Arranging for the full exoneration of the defendants is a step that Sisi could take. Egyptian officials tend to overstate the risk of such action, citing public opinion and legal obstacles … Sisi could easily contain fallout from overturning the verdicts”.

What Andrew Miller is saying, in effect, is that in Egypt, in America and everywhere else in the world, nothing is sacred when the intent is to do what's necessary to validate the eternal truth that God has ranked the Jews above everyone else, and gave them priority in everything.