Saturday, April 21, 2018

You can read them like an open Book

Here is a golden opportunity to see how the Jewish design on America is executed in practice. Two articles were published on April 19, 2018 laying out in detail how a strategy of “Confuse, Paralyze and Pivot” is used by the Jews to keep America as their eternal sucker.

One article came under the title: “Use Iran Sanctions to Stop Assad” and the subtitle: “Allied cooperation in Syria offers a way to overcome differences over the nuclear deal,” written by Mark Dubowitz and Richard Goldberg, and published in the Wall Street Journal. The other article came under the title: “Trump's Syria Strike Is a good Start,” written by Matthew Brodsky and published in The Weekly Standard.

The Dubowitz/Goldberg article shows how the Jews interlace a web of several issues to confuse the American foreign policy apparatus, thus paralyze it before moving in on it and forcing it to serve the interests of Israel instead of America's and those of the world. As to the Brodsky article; it shows how the Jews move in after the paralysis, and guide America to self-immolate by neglecting to serve its own interests and those of the world in favor of serving the interests of Israel.

Given that the most important concern of the Israelis at this time relates to the growing ties that Iran is developing in the Middle East, and the influence it is gaining as a result, you'll find that both articles begin by discussing Syria to make it look like the writers are interested in all matters relating to America's concern for the well being of its citizens and the world. But when they are done with this topic, the writers pivot to discuss Iran, making sure to place Israel's interests above those of America and the world.

Not only that, but as you can see from the title of the Dubowitz/Goldberg article, the authors took advantage of the fact that Assad is the hour's hated man to make the devilishly twisted argument that tells how Assad can be made to suffer even more. The argument goes something like this: if America would punish Iran it would, by the same token, punish Assad. Of course, the writers are not saying that whereas Assad is America's current enemy, Iran is Israel's most feared enemy. And so, the net effect of the Jewish ruse in telling America how to move on Iran, boils down to stirring up America's hatred and force it to do the dirty work for Israel.

To develop that argument, the writers started the article like this: “The debate in Washington has centered on whether the strike against Syria went far enough. But policy makers should consider another question … Iran spent $ 15 billion last year to bolster its partner in Damascus.” And they came down hard on Iran, suggesting that the way to deal with it is to increase the financial pressures on its economy. For this to succeed, they spoke of the necessity to draw the Europeans into the effort. And this is where they employed another devilishly twisted argument. Here, in brief, is what they said:

“Trump will soon decide on issuing a waiver suspending sanctions on Iran's central bank. The U.S. can offer a face-saving gesture to win European support. Rather than labeling the reimposition of sanctions a way of nixing the nuclear deal, the president should announce the move as a response to Iranian behavior in Syria”.

In other words, the Jewish writers are telling America to pull on the Europeans a trick of utmost hypocrisy considered by them to be vintage Jewish. The trouble is that the Europeans have been punishing the Jews throughout the centuries for practicing this kind of hypocrisy. The fact that America will be the one pulling it this time will not diminish its sting. And the Europeans will respond as they always do … with extreme indignation.

As to the Matthew Brodsky article, the writer has evoked the name of former President Barack Obama 5 times to tell how bad he believes the man had been for America. But when he tried to explain that point, he revealed his true motives. It is that he thought Obama put America's interests above those of Israel, and he didn't like it. And so he went on to tell the new president how to proceed in the Middle East. Here is a condensed version of that:

“Trump could have done far more to punish Assad; hit his presidential palace in Damascus; leveled his summer residence and palace on the coast; cratered his runways and airfields; destroyed his air assets and targeted his air defense systems … The next step in Syria is finishing the job, recognizing the military threat Iran poses and pivoting to the prevention of additional gains by Iran”.

To these people, America is a beast of burden and a cash cow rolled into one. How much longer will this last?