Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Experience the hypnotizing Power of the Absurd

If you haven't figured out why it is that in America, the more vociferous the call for a bipartisan support for Israel, the more hopeless the government gridlock when dealing with American issues — you need a refresher course on the mass hypnosis that’s induced when Americans tolerate Jewish absurdity.

So, let's begin with the examination of a freshly minted absurdity, and go from there. It popped up in an article that came under the title: “Egypt's Prisons Are Becoming Recruiting Grounds for the Islamic State,” and the subtitle: “Abuse behind bars and a record high rate of detainment are a recipe for disaster.” It was written by Amy Woodyatt and published on April 8, 2019 in Foreign Policy.

Here is the passage that shows how close America has come to its current state of hypnosis-induced absurdity: “People can be arrested in Egypt for absolutely no reason at all.” Well, just think of a scene in which an arresting officer (or whatever,) walking in the street, suddenly stopping, capriciously and randomly looking at someone in the face, and telling him or her: you're under arrest. Absurd as that is, there must have been a reason (logical or impulsive) for the arresting character to have acted as he did. But take it from me, my friend: don't waste your time trying to solve this paradox; there is no solution to it. Such things do not happen anywhere in the world — certainly not in Egypt. Let those who came up with the idea explain it.

But that's the kind of absurdity that has allowed the Jews to work on George W. Bush (W43), and had him launch a war on Iraq, causing the Levant horror that's ongoing to this day, and whose effect will continue to be felt for a century or longer. The Jews pulled it off by doing two things. First, they came up with the lie that Saddam Hussein was buying nuclear material known as yellow cake in Africa; and they had the information — which they marked “secret” — disseminated in several Western countries. When these countries checked with each other, they had the information confirmed to each other, not knowing that they were all victims of one and the same Jewish hoax. Second, the Jews hypno-convinced feeble-minded W43 that the proof Saddam had WMD was that Saddam denied he had WMD. A vintage Jewish absurdity.

That kind of politico-diplomatic performance is unfolding at this time with regard to Egypt. Disappointed that the country did not degenerate into chaos like they predicted will happen eight years ago, and alarmed that the whole world now agrees that Egypt will do well economically in the future, the Jews have decided to hypnotize the Congress, urging it to take measures they hope will hurt Egypt economically the way they did when they interfered with the financing of the Aswan hydro station decades ago; did it again when they stole American secrets and bombed Iraq's civilian station, and doing it now with their treatment of the Palestinians.

In fact, the Jewish hate machine started attacking Egypt long ago. Having absolute monopoly on the dissemination of information in America, the Jews had millions of reasons from which to choose as to why Egypt was the worst thing that happened to the known universe, and those yet to be discovered. One of the reasons — a minor one in their view at the time — was that Egypt did not adhere to international norms of human rights. But as the Jewish monopoly began to weaken, and truth began to seep into the public discourse, the millions of choices dwindled down to a handful. Those remaining, including the human rights question, became valuable assets in the hands of the hate propaganda machine. It is how and why human rights came to be in the headline of the Jewish inspired recent articles.

Amy woodyatt is trying to make the most of that situation. Using the wealth, power, prestige and America's good-standing in the world for decades, the lobbying groups that wanted something done, had an easy time getting America to spend political capital to deliver for them … as long as they donated to the legislators' campaigns, or promised to have their followers vote for them come election time. But that political capital proved to be finite, and when it got so depleted as to be useless, everyone realized that the gravy train wasn't stopping at this station anymore.

This is when the Jewish groups, that will not give up trying to exploit America, switched their attacks on Egypt from what they claimed was moral grounds in times past, to what looks now like a fear-mongering campaign. They say America's national security is endangered because the human rights violations taking place in Egypt's prison will produce the terrorists who will want to inflict their sweet little vendettas on America.

The Jewish solution is for America to protect itself by severing its military ties with Egypt. In the Jewish view, doing so will cool off the terrorists' spirits. The latter will be so pleased, in the opinion of the Jews, they will forgive America for financing the occupation of Palestine, for helping to maintain the blockade of Gaza, for the destruction of Iraq, the destruction of Libya, the destabilization of the Levant, the ongoing war in Afghanistan, the threat to unleash what’s on the table against Iran, and so on and so forth.

And the Jews hope that this argument will so mesmerize the American Senate, the folks down there will be hypnotized enough to obey the Jewish commands and go after Egypt for no reason at all — absurd or not.

As absurd as this may sound, it lives as reality in the minds of Jewish leaders because it did reign as reality for half a century. It is just that those leaders refuse to believe times have changed.

Come to think of it, the Jews were not that crazy, after all. The crazies were those who allowed themselves to be hypnotized by them, and sold their country for a pitiful nothing, feeling no shame and no remorse.