Friday, April 5, 2019

Hysterical Cries rising to a critical Level

What would you think of a guy from Timbuktu, or from another place in the world, who would say: you Americans got it all wrong? He goes on to promise: Give me a day and a half to investigate your situation, and I'll diagnose what's ailing your society, and I’ll issue a prescription that will fix your country and maintain it in good shape for the next thousand years.

No. You will not crack with laughter. You will not kick the guy in the rear end. And you will not spit in his face. You will not do any of these things because if you did, you'd be giving him a sense of importance he does not deserve. What you'll do instead, is turn around and walk away in silence.

But you've always been interested in the human condition. Even though you walked away from that guy, you still wonder how it is that an individual from outside the American culture could be so convinced he has the ability to do in a day and a half what an army of American journalists and a squad of Congressional investigators, failed to do in more than two years of probing into what went wrong in America. So then, what to do? Well, rather than give up on the human condition, you think of that guy as being a crackpot not worth wasting your time on, and you leave it at that.

Now, this question: Do you think the above account is far-fetched? If you do, let me assure you it is not. You'll discover a guy like that in the article he wrote himself under the title: “Egypt's President Is rushing Dissent –– and Fueling ISIS,” and the subtitle: “Even if the White House is in denial about al-Sisi's harm to regional instability, Congress shouldn't be.” It was written by a nutcase that goes by the name Brian Dooley, who is affiliated with a New York outfit known to be a snake pit of Jewish schemers pretending to work for the promotion of human rights. The article was published on April 3, 2019 in Defense One.

As can be seen, the setting has changed from America to Egypt, and the crackpot is not from Timbuktu, but is a self-appointed good-for-nothing that's trying to become a somebody, hoping to be known for making the American Congress dance to his tune. In fact, after telling how he could –– in a day and a half –– think of a way to cure Egypt's ills, Dooley ended his article by telling the American Congress how it can participate in helping Egypt fix itself. Here is what he said: “Congress has the power to entirely cut the $1.3 billion in military aid the US gives Egypt. It should at least reduce the amount”.

What follows is a condensed version of how Brian Dooley is presenting the story he put together:

“Secretary of State Pompeo visited Egypt in January and thanked Sisi for combating terrorism and radical Islamism. I was in Cairo during Pompeo's [one and a half day] visit, doing interviews with former political prisoners, who told me that ISIS is recruiting detainees across the country's vast penal system. The former prisoners gave me credible accounts of ISIS's growing power within the prison system, where it preys on abused prisoners. ISIS is now so powerful they have de facto control of parts of the prison system”.

Never mind what Dooley says he was told by former prisoners that had mingled with ISIS operatives in prison. The question is this: How did he know who the prisoners were and where to find them? How did he get permission to conduct unsupervised interviews with them? Did Pompeo intercede with President Sisi, who might have allowed this to happen? If so, did Brian Dooley tell Pompeo of his findings? Did Pompeo relate the information to Sisi? If yes, what was Pompeo's or Sisi's response. If the answer is no, why not? Did Pompeo not believe Brian Dooley the crackpot? So many questions. So little credibility.

This whole thing sounds like the fabrication of a demented amateur who was nevertheless commissioned by a desperate New-York/Tel-Aviv criminal syndicate. It is the one that seeks to dominate the Middle East, but finds it impossible to do so as long as there is an Egyptian military capable of stopping it.

And so, the criminals dreamed up a scenario by which they would get the Americans to destroy the Egyptian military. This done, they believe that Israel will have a free hand to implement its plan to dominate the region. But the Jews know that as long as there is cooperation between the Egyptian and American militaries, there is not going to be a clash between them. How to get around that?

The way that the Jews operate in a situation like this, is to reverse-engineer the process. And so, instead of working to pit one military against the other right now, they decided to start working on the American Congress. To that end, they instructed their demented stooge, Brian Dooley, to call on the Congress to reduce or to end the yearly 1.3 billion-dollar worth of exchanges that take place between the two militaries.

If and when this happens, the Jews will build on their success by working on ways to escalate the division between the two countries. They'll play it by ear from that point forward till such time that a serious clash between the two militaries occurs.

And the Jews will be standing there pouring gasoline on the fire to help things escalate till the Egyptian military is destroyed. And the fantasy of Israel walking in and collecting the spoils will at last be realized.