Saturday, April 13, 2019

Here is what the latest Spat is teaching us

Is it possible to pull America’s democracy out of the Jewish spiral of degeneration, thus rescue the system from an assured annihilation, and give it a fresh chance to participate in the shaping of a world that's being reinvented by the winds of change blowing from every direction? The answer is yes, it can be done.

To do it, we need to understand how the Jewish spiral of degeneration operates. We begin with the view that by and large, human beings of every ethnicity, treat the game of life as an end in itself, and play it for what it offers. People think of life's rewards and punishments as the inevitable byproducts that come with being alive and so, accept them. By contrast, the Jews view the game of life as a means to an end. They prefer the end to be a tangible one if they can have it, or an intangible one if that's all they can get.

Practically speaking, this means that by hook or by crook, the Jews will want to score each time they play the game of life. They want the world to think of them as eternal winners so as to scare potential opponents who will choose to forfeit the game and hand a win to the Jew rather than engage him in a fight and get beaten up. In fact, the Jews don't care how they score: They will shoot the ball into the goalie's net if they can, or kneecap the goalie to prevent him or her from catching the ball, if that's the way to score.

A piece that came under the title: “Ilhan Omar's pathetic bid to play victim after she downplayed 9/11,” written by the editors of the New York Post and printed in their publication on April 11, 2019, shows how the Jews play the game. They wrote their latest piece in response to the storm they had raised a day earlier with the publication of a revolting front page editorial and photograph. In fact, along with other pundits, I responded to that editorial in the article I titled: “A Superpower in the Cesspool of Victimhood,” which you see printed just below the one you are reading.

Instead of acknowledging that they got carried away and made a mistake publishing their frontpage editorial yesterday, the editors of the New York Post “doubled down” on their deed by continuing their attacks on Rep. Ilhan Omar while maintaining that they did nothing wrong the day before.

Speaking of Rep. Omar, and what they say are “her allies,” the editors of the Post complain that we accused them of incitement. They lodged the complaint without denying the accusation, and without explaining why their words and photograph do not constitute incitement, except to say that they did not threaten Omar or call for violence. But the reality is that no one said they threatened Omar or call for violence.

What I did, is call the editors of the New York Post a hate producing machine, busy filling an ocean with anti-Muslim hatred; one in which they will be the ones to drown before they'll hurt someone else. Still, the editors accused us of trying to stifle debate by declaring that criticism of Omar was out of bounds.

But there too, the editors of the Post were wrong. The fact is that nobody made such a declaration. In fact, I always said that the more they attack innocent Americans for not loving Israel, the more they give me the opportunity to show how superior to them are the individuals they attack.

If this proves anything, it is that Jews play the game of life by accusing others of what they see in themselves. Not only do they have a mob of pundits ready to pounce on, and silence those that maintain good relations with Louis Farrakhan or anyone they consider undesirable, they demand that Ilhan Omar be politically kneecapped by kicking her out of the Foreign Relations Committee to which she was appointed. Why is that? Because Omar is an American legislator that refuses to pledge loyalty to Israel.

All of that is playing the game of politics the way that Jews define politics. But politics used to mean something else. There was a time when politicians were considered diplomats so highly regarded, governments relied on them to diffuse explosive situations. The politicians could deliver on their peace-making missions because they were trusted by all sides. They made everyone feel that their interests will be safeguarded as long as the politician was handling the case.

But then, the Jewish influence began to grow in America, and the definition of politics changed from being an instrument that heals to a weapon that kills. Today, the description of a political game can be phrased as follows: To engage in politics is to exploit every incident, using it to make yourself look good in the eyes of the public, or make your opponent look bad. If you wait long enough for an incident to materialize but it doesn't, you must provoke one to force your opponent to react, thus get the game going. When this happens, you go for the jugular and score the win that will annihilate your opponent unless he annihilates you first.

This is what's happening in America today where the business of looking after the interests of the people has gotten paralyzed because the new breed of so-called politicians forgot how to govern.

This being what the Jews brought to America; it is what must change to save the system from being the agent of its own annihilation.

And the way to do this, is to speak freely about what the Jews are doing to promote Israeli interests while diminishing America. There is no other way.