Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Home Invasion financed with American Taxes

Imagine a street gang of thugs such as those you hear about in Los Angeles or Chicago deciding that they need a home they can use to store the stuff they employ to commit crimes. It would also be a home to which they can go when they need to rest, and do the other things that humans do in the home.

Imagine such a gang invading a property, squatting in a large portion of it, and beginning the process of terrorizing its owners with the publicly declared intent of cleansing the property of them. The ultimate goal of the thugs, is that someday, they'll be in a position to claim that the entire property is theirs alone.

Confused about what's going on, folks of the immediate neighborhood didn't know how to react at first. But then, bit by bit, the neighborhood began to realize that the home invasion was a massive operation carried out by the street gang with the help of the more distant neighborhoods where the gang also used to roam and wreak havoc in its wake. And so, with a wink, a nod and a little encouragement, those neighborhoods have allowed the street gang to occupy someone's property far away from theirs.

Worse, the immediate neighborhood came to realize that the self-appointed police that's patrolling all the neighborhoods near and far, is in cahoots with the leaders of the invading gang, financing it to see it swim in money, and arming it to the teeth. The goal is to make sure that first, the gang will cleanse the property of its original owners and come to possess all of it. Second, the gang will go after others in the vicinity where it will snatch and annex as much as possible of their properties.

But then, it became clear to all the neighborhoods, near and far, which are patrolled by the corrupt police, that what's going on is so hugely ominous, it threatens not just the immediate neighborhood or even the surrounding ones, but the entire planet. And this is when the whole world sided with the inhabitants of the invaded property, taking a position that puts it at odds with the self-proclaimed police.

In real life, that hopelessly corrupt police, is America. It ceased to be viewed as policeman of the world by others in favor of the more realistic view that it has become a moral prostitute for the world. It is taxing its own people to arm and finance so-called Israel, a Jewish population made of the street gangs that used to wreak havoc in Europe and elsewhere. Pushed out of every place where they tried to set themselves firmly, the Jews were sent in the direction of Palestine where they formed terror organizations that battled the peaceful Palestinian communities. To this day, the Jews continue the attempt to ethnic cleanse the land of its people, and grab the patrimony that has been the property of Palestinians since the beginning of time.

Animating America and forcing it to dance like puppets to the tune of the street gangs, are the Jewish puppeteers that have extended a string to every limb of every member of the American moral prostitutes who continue to masquerade as policemen for the world. Made of the mob of Jewish pundits, as well as the Jewish publications and the representatives that roam the halls of American power––the strings that tie the limbs of the American puppets, gave rise to one prolific puppeteer named Jonathan S. Tobin.

Tobin's latest piece of work came under the title: “Time to Shut Down the Palestinian Hanukkah and Christmas Scams,” published on December 24, 2019 in the Jewish publication Algemeiner. His target this time, is the celebration that the Palestinians have been throwing every year to commemorate one of their own; the one whose message of peace has been a guiding light for humanity during the last two thousand years. And here is the passage that tells why Jonathan Tobin is vexed to the extent that he is:

“At the heart of this effort to promote the claim that Jesus was a Palestinian or that the inhabitants of Judea are the real Jews, is denying the Jewish identity. Though some think this is harmless, it is a classic theme of antisemitism, whose ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the real Jews”.

Did you notice that word classic? It is derived from the word class as in classroom. That's because when something has been established as true beyond any doubt, it is taught in class … that’s what makes it a classic. And so, if you've been following what the Jewish strings are causing the American puppets to do, you'll have realized that whenever the Jews failed to establish something based on merit, they got the American moral prostitutes to make the classless move of proclaiming it as being true … by an edict of the State Department. An example of that is the Satanic-Evangelical view that to rob the Palestinians of their land and build Jewish settlements on it, is legal despite the international laws that America helped formulate before turning prostitute.

Of course, that sort of garbage is what they have been teaching in Jewish classrooms. It is why, in the eyes of the world, the State Department has become one giant classroom where they turn out American moral prostitutes of the most shameless kind.

But you ain't seen nothin’ yet. In fact, wait until the Jews will have succeeded to take over the entire system of education in America –– at which time they'll turn it into an institution of Evangelical debauchery like the world has not seen since Sodom and Gomorrah.