Friday, December 13, 2019

They say gimme Alpha, intending to serve Omega

There has never been a problem on Planet Earth that could not be solved in a century or less time … except for one. It is the Jewish problem. Why is that? Because it is actually more of a riddle than it is a real problem. It is a riddle in the sense of a paradox that was never meant to be solved.

That riddle is the Jewish predicament whose solution has always proved to be the root cause of the problem. The goodwill people who gave it a shot, quickly realized that the more they tried to solve the problem, the more intractable it became. It is like a closed loop where the output is fed back to the input through a mechanism that re-amplifies the wrong message.

The more that these people tried to attenuate the input, the more the feedback frustrated their effort by amplifying the false message to an even higher level. Think of this setup as a version of Sisyphus that's trying in vain to push the stone to the top of the mountain only to be frustrated by the force of gravity.

You can see how that works when you read the article that came under the title: “Five things America can do to prevent the next anti-Semitic attack,” written by Jack Rosen, who is president of the American Jewish Congress, and published on December 11, 2019 in the New York Daily News.

So, here you have Jack Rosen, the feedback mechanism of false messages in flesh and blood. He says there has been an anti-Semitic attack recently in Jersey City, and he has a surefire plan that can be taken in five tangible steps to prevent this kind of attacks from happening ever again.

Of course, it would be a waste of time and energy to ask Jack Rosen where he was during the last four thousand years when there was a need for what he says is an infallible plan. In fact, it would be a useless effort to try talking to Rosen because he does not hear or appreciate this kind of talk. But if by some miracle he hears your words, he'll turn hostile on you anyway … so, what’s the use?

Look at the five steps that Rosen proposes, and you'll find them leading to one purpose only. It is to raise the profile of Jews so high they will do two things. First, the five steps will make the resentment of Jews among the general public even more intense. Second, the effect of those steps on the most disgruntled members of society will be to provide a large and more visible target to attack the Jews. Thus, instead of attenuating the level of society's anger of the kind shown in the Jersey incident, that anger will be amplified and fed back to the input of the loop. It will perpetuate the problem of the so-called antisemitism instead of vanquishing it.

Does Rosen know this? Of course, he does. So, why is he asking for it? He says he wants to change the negative message that the public is getting about the Jews. But the fact is that he is amplifying that negativity. So then, if he knows what's going on, and he still does the wrong thing, what's his real motive? The reality is that while Rosen wants the audience to believe he is trying to calm the situation right now; his long-term plan is to rekindle the situation and put it back to the way it was in a bygone era. That’s when the reputation of Jews as being omnipotent, preceded them everywhere they went.

This is how the Jews used to win the fights without having to get into public debates they knew they would lose. It happened because, conned into thinking that the Jews were invincible, the potential opponents left the field, thus forfeited the winnings to the Jews. And so, while pretending to serve a purpose as immediate as Alpha that would calm the situation, Jack Rosen is actually serving a purpose as distant as the Omega. He hopes this will lead to the much-fantasized Armageddon; the calamity that will bring the messiah to Earth as promised in the ancient Jewish legends.

Here is what Rosen's five steps say cumulatively:

“The presidential election should provide the candidates and other political figures with an opportunity to stand up for the Jewish people. I urge the president to address a joint session of Congress to address the issue of anti-Semitism. Congress should dedicate next National Prayer Breakfast to addressing anti-Semitism. Philanthropists should put their dollars toward initiatives that can make a difference. Law enforcement should have the capability to predict such threats. Private sector should support law enforcement efforts to track and preempt the dangers of hate”.

That is, Jack Rosen wants to mobilize the entirety of America’s elites –– aspirants to a higher office, government executives, legislators, law enforcement, private sector, public figures, philanthropists –– have them all stand up, and in unison, inform the plebeians below that the Jews are a chosen group. They will henceforth be considered a protected class that will enjoy exclusive rights no one else can have.

Should someone of the lower caste annoy any of the Jews deliberately or by ignorance of what constitutes Jewish sensibilities, they will be taken care of with a merciless iron hand even if they live to be ninety years of age or older. You have been warned and don't you ever forget it.