Friday, December 6, 2019

The Clarity of Logic that escapes the Fanatic

Erielle Davidson is at it again repeating the fanatic blurt that all those who call themselves Jewish, are descendants of the Hebrew nomadic tribes that used to roam the deserts of the Middle East in ancient times, including the part that was called Palestine and has been known as such ever since.

Given that Erielle Davidson is too far gone into the fanatic tube to understand something that's more complicated than say, one plus one equal two, it is doubtful that good will come from an experiment which aims to convince her that being Jewish does not entitle her to own a piece of Palestine. But the experiment should be done anyway in case a miracle happens that would raise her to the level of a normal human being. The experiment will be conducted in three parts:

First, explain to Davidson that when, in the matter of inheritance, there is a dispute about the paternity of a child, they don't ask who is of what religion to establish lineage. What they do instead is check the resemblance in the various DNA patterns. What this says is that where there is an inheritance, the content of the estate is passed on from parents to offspring, regardless as to who is of what religion.

Second, do a DNA test on Erielle Davidson to establish her DNA pattern. Since patterns have already been established for all the ethnic groups on the planet, compare that of Davidson with each of them to see if she is closer to the Middle Easterners or the Europeans or whatever. And then, there is another test in that vein that can be done. Because there is a claim out there to the effect that the closest thing you can find to an authentic Hebrew today, would be a Jewish member of a Middle Eastern Cohen family, compare Davidson's pattern to that of a Middle Eastern Cohen if you can find one.

Third, given that Erielle Davidson's quarrel is with Linda Sarsour, whom she admits is of Palestinian descent, compare the DNA patterns of Cohen, Sarsour and Davidson. Well, we don't have to wait for the result to know that those of Cohen and Sarsour will be almost identical whereas that of Davidson will prove to be closer to the DNA of who knows what, than it is to a Middle Eastern Cohen.

This discussion was prompted by the article that Erielle Davidson wrote under the title: “Israel Equals Jewish 'Supremacy': Linda Sarsour Again Stoops To Antisemitism,” and the subtitle: “Linda Sarsour now alleges the existence of Jews and their grandchildren in their historic homeland is akin to white supremacy,” published on December 4, 2019 in The Federalist.

Setting aside the fanatic blurt that the descendant of someone who left their homeland long ago, has the right to return uninvited and replace those who never left the place, we look at another bone of contention between the two women. This one has to do with the implication of the Jewish claim that the lineage which they say leads them to the ancient Hebrew tribes is stronger than the Palestinian reality about them being the descendants of farmers who never left Palestine since the beginning of time.

That implication boils down to Linda Sarsour concluding that to bring people from outside of Palestine to replace the Palestinians who never left the place, is essentially a racist move. To counter this reasoning, Erielle Davidson says that because the Jews must be considered the legitimate descendants of the Hebrew tribes that roamed the Middle East, they have the right to replace the Palestinians in Palestine. She adds that anyone who says otherwise, can only be anti-Semitic.

Well, since the weight of the evidence is on the side of Linda Sarsour's argument, she must be declared correct, whereas Davidson must be seen as reasoning with a faulty logic. It also means that anyone who says Jews have the right to go to Palestine and settle there are racists. As to those who reject the argument that Jews belong in Palestine, they are not anti-Semitic. They are simply telling the truth.

For Davidson to say that the Sarsour speech is a full-throated, high caliber hate speech, is to show that she has some ways to go before she'll have evolved enough to claim parity with the likes of Linda Sarsour. This is why Erielle Davidson does not understand a human reasoning when she hears one.

What lesson can humanity learn from the exchange between Sarsour and Davidson? The lesson is that every problem has a simple core issue. Those who use clear logic, get to it directly and find a solution if there is one. By contrast, those who wish to snatch what's not theirs, engage in a never-ending haggling match, aimed at confusing the audience.

This is what you see in the Davidson article where she speaks of the Ku Klux Klanner David Duke, the Democratic Majority, the Arab leaders, Soviet propagandists, Anti-Defamation League, Supremacists of Nazi Germany, Palestinian leadership, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority –– none of whom had anything to do with the business of converting to Judaism and claiming the right to push Palestinian families out of their properties to make those properties their own.

The best way to handle this kind of situations is to tell the converts and their descendants who make false claims, they are not engaged in free speech or democracy. In fact, their style of haggling is nothing but an insult to free speech and to democracy.