Monday, December 30, 2019

Will this Admission of self-Delusion do it?

A famous saying goes something like this: If you give a man a fish to eat, he'll survive for a few days. But if you teach him how to fish, he'll survive for as long as his natural lifespan will allow it.

Of course, this is a metaphor that applies in many situations, one of which being the survival of the United States of America as a sovereign nation. As it happened, the group of people that inhabited the American colonies two and a half centuries ago and before, were foreigners in a country that had not yet existed. But they had a vision for getting rid of the colonial masters, and declaring themselves a sovereign republic.

These were the foreigners who became the American patriots that agitated to oppose the British occupation of the colonies. They were also the soldiers who fought and lived or fought and died in the war of independence. And they were the forefathers that produced the Federalist Papers, and went on to formulate the articles of Confederation.

All of this was the one-time gift that the foreigners gave to the nation-in-the-making; one that eventually took on the name: United States of America. But was this the one-time fuel that has allowed the country to survive as a free nation till now? Or is it that we're seeing the flame of independence thinning like the man that ate the fish but didn't learn how to catch them, thus could not go on living beyond a short span?

If we look at America's performance in another field, and guess from what we see how the country will react to the question of maintaining its independence, the signs are not encouraging. For example, instead of endeavoring to create an indigenous class of entrepreneurs that can maintain America at the leading edge of innovation and industry, the decision makers of America pride themselves on being an exceptional nation. But what does that mean?

It means that America's decision makers do not care about producing their own geniuses and entrepreneurs. To keep up with the rest of the world, they prefer to import the geniuses and the highly motivated from other countries. This is like looking for someone new to give them a fish every so often. But the way that the world is transforming at this time, there aren't enough geniuses and entrepreneurs willing to leave their countries and emigrate to America. That's because their own countries––that used to be underdeveloped––have now developed enough to give them the opportunity to flourish at home.

Likewise, the majority of America's so-called nativists seem to rely on someone else to keep the country free of foreign influence, whether that influence is generated externally by outside powers, or generated internally by groups that pretend to have America's interest at heart but, in reality, have their loyalty somewhere else.

The visible signs of all this, are foreign Jews living in Israel who pop up on American print and electronic media, and tell America's decision makers that because the Arabs, “know nossing about za damacracy,” America must get involved in the affairs of the Middle East, and stand on the side of Israel. At the same time, however, those who are of Arab descent, as well as the African Americans and the other people of color living in America –– urge the decision makers to spend their time and energy working for America instead.

But what's this all about? It's about the Jews of Israel and America trying to mobilize the entire power base and resources of America, and put them in the service of Israel. Since the Arabs and the Muslims would be the victims of America's aggression overseas, they advise America to turn its attention to the needs of its local population instead. And because the African American population, and the other people of color are the most disadvantaged in America, members of these groups have joined the call for America to look after its own people rather than waste the young lives and wealth of the country to please the never-satisfied Jews.

After five decades of Jewish idle ranting, two of which coincided with the American attempts to subjugate the Arabs and the Muslims, the American decision makers have finally seen the light, and have decided that yes, what the Jews were leading them into, was delusional. You can see this reality in the article that came under the title: “The 'Afghanistan Papers' and the delusions of nation-building,” and the subtitle: “Strategy failed, but plans must be made for when troops leave.” It was written by Jed Babbin and published on December 28, 2019 in The Washington Times. Here is Babbin's conclusion in condensed form:

“What should be an important debate since Sept. 11, 2001, is not happening. Two presidents insisted on nation-building as a strategy. This required compliant generals to delude themselves and lie to the public. The results of 18 years of war in Afghanistan are clear, nation building has utterly failed and nothing has been accomplished that won't evaporate the moment our forces withdraw. Nearly 2,400 US troops have died in combat and more than 20,000 were wounded. We have poured about $1 trillion into Afghanistan, trying to build schools, roads, dams and power plants. Much of the money was wasted. There is little we have to show for our sacrifices because we never understood Afghanistan”.

This is not the first time that America was given a bitter lesson it was not supposed to forget, but did forget. Will history repeat itself? Or will America make this lesson the last one to learn?

The way to find out is to monitor the situation where America still conducts operations in places around the world. If you see mission creep somewhere, it means that the lesson has again fallen on deaf ears. This will be the signal that you must continue to laugh at America and weep for it at the same time.