Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Diversified exceptionalism is their target now

When you study the American culture by the method of canvassing and analyzing what the Americans themselves say about it, you find that whichever way each individual comes at it, be that a salient thinker or a prosaic philosopher or one that’s in-between, they all attribute what they call the exceptional strength and beauty of America, to its diversified culture.

But while diversity is a powerful stream running through the American culture, the quest for equal opportunity is another stream running through the culture, and the two streams often clash. In fact, when lawsuits pertaining to equal rights flooded the US Supreme Court in the decades of the 1970s and 1980s, an exasperated Justice made clear that the High Court cannot and will not right every wrong.

This meant that to maintain the exceptional American character of wishing to remain diversified, you must tolerate a certain amount of inequality. That's because if you reject the proposition, and you doggedly pursue absolute equality, you'd have to force everyone to fit one and the same mold. This would ultimately create the so-called perfect human being as envisaged by the Hitlers, Mussolinis and Stalins of this world.

However, to allow a certain amount of inequality does not mean that one group will consistently have it their way while another group will consistently have the request to upgrade their right, denied no matter how narrow and modest the request may be. In short, an ideal situation must allow everyone to be different while enjoying a modest amount of privilege no one else has, as long as the others are equally allowed to be different while enjoying privilege that no one else has. So, you ask: who would want it any other way?

As it happens, there is an answer to that question. You'll find it in an article that came under the title: “Disquiet about favoring Islam in Philadelphia Airport's 'Quiet Room,'” and the subtitle: “Taxpayer money should not be used to favor one religion over others in government facilities such as PHL.” It was written by Daniel Pipes and published on August 17, 2020 in The Washington Times.

This is the work of self-appointed, taxpayer-assisted and highly remunerated bunch of Jews who––by personal fiat––used to sniff around looking for Arab and Muslim mischief-makers to report to the authorities. Unfortunately for them, they found no Arab or Muslim mischief-maker, so they ended up making asses of themselves and the authorities that listened to them and pursued their fake leads. It is that those authorities wasted valuable time they could have used to go after the street gangs plaguing American cities; and they wasted tons of money going after Arabs and Muslims who turned out to be innocent citizens, living lives well above the slightest hint of suspicion.

Having lost that game, Daniel Pipes and he outfit he calls Middle East Forum, joined the effort of the dozens of similarly taxpayer-funded Jewish outfits of uselessness, and went snooping in the areas where the principle of equal opportunity deprives the Jews from receiving the superior treatment they crave, and the areas where the need for diversity has allowed the Arabs and Muslims to have privileges where no one else cares about or seeks to acquire privileges.

And so, whenever the army of charity-funded Jewish bums finds something that irks its members in a place like Philadelphia's Airport, they threaten to sue and/or launch a campaign of bad publicity if their demands are not met. This prompts the institutions to make the petty changes asked for by the Jews to avoid spending millions of dollars and precious time defending themselves against frivolous lawsuits.

Read the Daniel Pipes article, and see for yourself how much taxpayer money his army of good-for-nothings must have spent living the high life during the nine months that he says took the bums to blackmail the airport into making the changes that favor the Jews and disfavor the Muslims. These being changes that will affect no one in any serious way; the reason why no one cares about as much as a dog's poop. What a massive waste of time and money for nothing!

Aside from that waste, there is the matter of these activities eroding America's diversified exceptionalism by forcing everyone to think and act the same way. You can see how the Jews have succeeded to make members of both parties in Congress and State Legislatures think about and vote the same way when it comes to Israeli and Jewish matters. They also made the White House and State Governor houses think the same way. And they made the right-wing and left-wing press think the same way about Israel and all Jewish matters. In addition, the Jews are now working on making every institution in America think and act uniformly as if all of them were robots produced in the same factory according to one and the same blueprint.

In fact, what Hitler could not achieve in Nazi Germany, what Mussolini could not achieve in Fascist Italy, and what Stalin could not achieve in Communist Soviet Union, the Jews are slowly but surely achieving in so-called Democratic America.

They are making the institutions of government at all levels, as well as their workers think in accordance with the dictates of the Jewish Central Command, supervised by the Jewish lobby in America, and enforced by the mob of Jewish pundits, one of which being the Daniel Pipes gang.

They are eroding America's sense of exceptionalism for small gains, and because it makes them feel influential. And no one is even trying to stop them.