Saturday, December 19, 2020

Washington Examiner Editors inciting Americans to hate Americans

 Most people are familiar with the law of supply and demand. It is the one that says if the supply of a commodity is greater than the demand, the price of the commodity goes down. On the other hand, if the supply is smaller than the demand, the price of the commodity goes up.


But that's only half the story because it assumes that the amount of the commodity on the market remains above the critical level even if deemed to be in short supply. But when that supply goes below the critical level, another kind of mysterious law kicks in.


This happens in commerce when the commodity that's traded is a tangible product, usually referred to as goods. But services are also traded in the marketplace of an economy, and the law of supply and demand applies there too in the same way that it does for tangible goods.


Now, remember this, my friend: Whenever we talk about goods or services, we talk about the human need for something that's vital to us, such as food or medical care. But there is another kind of human need that can also come in abundant or short supply, and mean a great deal to some people. It too can go below the critical level and kick in the mysterious law. We may call this human need: the goodwill of other people.


You have an opportunity to study an example of how a goodwill that's in a critically short supply to people that hunger for it, forces them to act. The example is a The Washington Examiner editorial that came under the title: “Raphael Warnock's embrace of anti-Semite Farrakhan is disqualifying for Senate service.” It was published on December 17, 2020.


The editors of the Examiner are Jews and their obedient lackeys. Raphael Warnock is a Christian pastor that happens to be African American. Louis Farrakhan, who is mentioned in the title of the editorial, is a Black Muslim minister and a well-known leader to both the Christian and Muslim communities in both Black America and White America. Not mentioned in the editorial, but having played a role in the story yet to be told, is a wealthy Jewish bootlegger with family ties in America and Canada. He was once the leader of a Jewish world organization of some kind.


For a reason that is yet to be revealed, a feud exploded in the open between Farrakhan and the Jewish bootlegger a long time ago. As usual, the Jews who hunger for goodwill and never seem to get it, expected Farrakhan to knuckle under and kiss the ring of the Jew. When this did not happen, the entire attack machine was put on full throttle by the Jews, and made to go after Farrakhan, aiming to destroy him, thus send a “cleeeeear” message to Blacks everywhere that Jews will not tolerate their disobedience. Farrakhan gave the Jews his middle finger, and they have been boiling made about him ever since.


Not only have the Jews been attacking Farrakhan personally, they repeated their cowardly habit of calling on others to avoid him the way they have themselves been avoided like the plague or was it, leprosy? In any case, that's what the Washington Examiner editorial is about. This time the editors are calling on the voters of Georgia not to vote for Raphael Warnock in the upcoming senatorial race, because he refuses to hate Louis Farrakhan who gets them boiling mad by his steadfastness and stalwart intellectual honesty. It is the thing they could never match even when they piled a thousand Jews on top of each other.


In fact, there was a time when the Jews were discriminated against in America as they started coming into the country in droves. Stereotypes that were thrown at them elsewhere in the world since the beginning of time, were now thrown at them in America. One specific stereotype was to the effect that when you give the Jew a finger, he goes on to ask for the arm and more.


The only people that tolerated the Jews and comforted them in America were the Blacks. And guess what the Jews did to thank them. They threw at Blacks the stereotypes that were thrown at them, and did so in a most cowardly fashion behind the backs of Blacks. Thus, despite the fact that it is the Jews who continually cry out: “Gimme compensation, gimme compensation,” they vehemently oppose the right of Blacks to get any kind of relief for being so badly treated today as they were in the past. And despite all of this, the editors of the Examiner have the gall to write the following:


“Warnock praised Farrakhan's Nation of Islam at a public forum in 2013, declaring that 'we've needed the witness of the Nation of Islam' to put a fire under us and keep us honest about the meaning of the proclamation coming from our pulpits. At the time Warnock was praising Farrakhan, the latter was spreading lies about what he called 'Jewish, anti-black behavior.' Warnock has nice things to say about Farrakhan; he is an embarrassment. His willing attachment to Farrakhan should be disgusting to anyone. Georgians should not let him in the US Senate”.


Seeing Christians and Muslims get together to heal the world at a time when they are trying to get the Christians to join them in the oxymoronic compact of Judeo-Christianity to start wars and conquer the world, the Jews are going crazy full throttle. And they will not stop till something gets smashed pretty bad the way it happened to them time after time since the beginning of written history.