Monday, December 7, 2020

Watch them weave a fake Story for the Ages

 What is it that makes a habitual liar reveal himself at the end of the day? The answer is that insecurity will at some point, force him to consolidate the small lies he has been telling over time, and turn them into one monumental fake story he hopes will live through time, and be accepted as truth by many. But he’ll fail and unmask himself in the process.


It happened that faced with an America that's increasingly refusing to be deceived by Jewish leaders telling damned lies, the latter have decided to bring together all what they said previously, and fuse them into one big story they hope will validate each of the parts. One of those participating in the effort, is Michael Goodwin who wrote: “Joe Biden's dangerous delusion on renewing the Iran nuclear pact,” a column that was published on December 5, 2020 in The New York Post.


Goodwin has joined the mob of Jewish pundits who are using the topic of the day as excuse to quietly consolidate the small lies that he and his fellow mobsters have been telling over time. And so, while pretending to talk about Joe Biden and the Iran nuclear pact, Goodwin is stealthily pushing into the public domain the false story of a Jewish people that never lost a battle. He wants the public to believe that the Jews have continually been on a winning streak from the days of the Old Testament to the present.


The necessity of that story having continuity from the distant past to now, obligates Goodwin and his folks to infuse the mendacious elements of the stories they told previously into a monumental saga. This is how they make it sound like the story of the Jewish people was never interrupted. In turn, this makes it sound like today's Jews are the legitimate heirs of everything that used to belong to the ancient Hebrews, and everything they believe God has allowed them to grab from everyone else, and make it their own.


What they want the world of today and tomorrow to believe is that a new chapter in the continuous history of the Jewish people, was started when Saddam Hussein built a reactor to make nuclear weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and use them to inflict a new holocaust on the Jews living in Israel. But the Jews have managed against all odds to bomb Saddam's reactor, say Goodwin and his comrades, thus saved the day for themselves and their descendants.


That story continues unabated with the bombing of yet another reactor; this one in Syria. And then there is the unending series of successes that the Israelis are supposedly scoring in the effort to disrupt the Iranian attempts to build an atom bomb with which the ayatollahs hope to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. All of these successes were accomplished by the ingenuity of the Jews who made the desert bloom and became the envy of the world, then went on to master high technology so thoroughly they became the envy of the world once again, according to Michael Goodwin and his lying comrades.


But then, all of these lies were debunked when the internet gave the opportunity to people who were censored previously, to come out and tell the truth. And so, Goodwin and all those who are like him, changed their tune. Instead of talking about the Jewish prowess to master and make useful things, they started telling how great the Israelis have been in stealing secrets from Iran and how efficient they have been at assassinating people.


That is, Goodwin and company are now telling about the Israelis readopting the old Jewish practices. And they are celebrating the acts of terror, not as if they were committed by ordinary terrorists, but committed by cannibalistic terrorists. You should read Goodwin’s full article; it will raise your hair and make you look like an angry porcupine with fire in your eyes.


In any case, that was a time when the Jews got things done their way by committing the terror which they were the first to bring to the Middle East. In fact, this is how Israel came into being during the first half of the twentieth century.


But even these stories are slated to be debunked and retold because the truth is that Saddam's installation was a civilian nuclear station, not one that was meant to produce weapons of mass destruction. As to the installation in Syria, the Americans had refused to give the Israelis the green light to bomb it because they knew it was a food irradiation terminal, not a military installation. But the Jews went ahead and bombed it anyway in the true spirit of terrorism that animates these people.


The fact remains that both civilian nuclear stations were bombed by surprise when the Iraqi and Syrian Arabs did not think that something like this would be attempted even by savages such as the Israelis proved to be time after time. The Arabs of the region know better now. But had they known then what they know now, they would have stopped the Jews the way they do now to an Israeli air force that turned out to be a paper tiger.


In fact, after a decade of trying to score as little as one success it can brag about, the team flying the paper tiger proved unable to do so, or prevent the Iranians from supplying Lebanon with advanced defensive and retaliatory weapons. This has served to deter Israel from trying something foolishly savage the way it used to behave when Lebanon was disarmed and helpless.


Iran and Lebanon have done a good job, and the world is much better off for it.