Monday, May 31, 2021

Here is why the Jewish misery remains eternal

 Does David Harsanyi wish to put an end to the eternal predicament of what he calls antisemitism or does he want to use the manifestation of the phenomenon as excuse to fulfill a hidden agenda? This is the question that’s legitimate to pose to David Harsanyi and to other prominent Jews who exhibit tendencies that can be truly perplexing.


You get to see this much when you parse the article that Harsanyi wrote under the title: “Jews Can’t let the U.S. Turn into Europe,” published on May 27, 2021 in National Review Online.


You get an inkling of what Harsnyi’s preferences are by the time you’re finished reading the first paragraph. In it, he tells the story of the New York governor who sent extra patrols to Jewish neighborhoods where there had been attacks on Jews. Harsanyi made clear he liked the idea very much, but would also have liked to see big write-ups in newspapers about the anti-Jewish incidents, and see fanfare done about them on television. He expressed the depth of disappointment that this did not happen with these words: “I had initially missed the story since anti-Jewish attacks weren’t the work of white supremacist, and did not garner widespread attention”.


But why desire the publicity that may attract copycats, and put America on a European trajectory, which he says would be a tragedy? Well, he did not have to answer this question in a straightforward and honest manner because his Freudian subconscious let the cat out of the bag without his rational mind realizing it. Here is how the thing unfolded: “The kinds of lies and smears now being normalized and spread by progressives on the floor of Congress have manifested in harassment and violence against Jews.” In other words, he wants to see things escalate to the level of tragedy he can moan about till his entrails blow out of his belly.


But how does he know the situation will so deteriorate in America, it will resemble that of Europe? He knows because he sees a common element between the two situations. It is the Progressive movement. Here is how Harsanyi put it: “Much like American progressives, the European Union helps fuel this animosity by singling out the Jewish state for endless and nearly exclusive reprimand, while at the same time ignoring the atrocities around the world”.


So, that’s his hidden agenda. He wants a reason to blow his entrails out, pretending he is hurting in America because the progressives are criticizing Israel, which he calls the Jewish state. And so, he seems to propose a fair exchange. He wants the criticism of Israel to stop in exchange for him keeping his entrails safe and intact inside his belly. There will be no more howling about singling Israel, he seems to promises.


But he cannot be optimistic that any of this will happen, he says, because those in America on whom he was counting, are behaving the same way as their counterparts in Europe. That is, they all abdicated their obligations, which were to push back against the current trend. Instead of doing this, he explained, the cowards are going after the nemesis of the progressives: The brave rightwing dudes such as Tucker Carlson and others like him. But worst of all, he believes that the progressives unfairly blamed Donald Trump for the anti-Semitic attacks that took place, having been remarkably weak on anti-Semitism, thus endangering Jews and making them feel less safe, the way that he sees things.


And so, if you my friend, are looking for clues as to how David Harsanyi proposes to end anti-Semitism, there was the early mention of the New York governor sending patrols to Jewish neighborhoods where they protected Jews from attacks. But by the time he had reached the end of the article, he felt that this was not enough. And so, he expressed preference for what he saw happen in France, and seemed to advocate that something similar should be instituted on a permanent basis in America. Here is how he said it:


“In France, the government sent ten-thousand troops across the country to guard hundreds of Jewish sites. French soldiers patrol streets to protect Jews from anti-Zionist violence. For the average Jew, the situation in Europe is worse now than perhaps any time since World War II. We are nowhere close to it. But we’re certainly headed in the wrong direction”.


Ordinarily, when reading something like this, you would recoil because David Harsanyi emphasized that the situation in Europe had deteriorated to the point that it is now worse than it ever was since World War II. But in the same breath, he seemed to advocate emulating the French government, which sent troops to protect hundreds of Jewish sites. Does that not mean Harsanyi wants to see the European deterioration come to America so that troops will be sent to protect Jewish sites?


Yes, this could well be his desire. After all, he would have liked to see big write-ups in newspapers about the anti-Jewish incidents, as well as fanfare done about them on television.


That’s what he wants because it would make him the center of attention where he will be given the opportunity to flex his powers, thus become a leader and be well remunerated for doing what he likes best: work in America and get paid in American dollars protecting and glorifying Israel.


This is heaven for David Harsanyi and many like him.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Creating subtle Tropes using Body Language

 Originally, “body language” used to signify non-verbal communication such as shrugging something that is said, to mean that you’re not impressed. Increasingly, however, the term body language has been taking on an expansive definition.


To see that, let's say I tell you the story of a friend who got involved in a complex business transaction, one in which a Jew played a minor role. Instead of telling the story in the sequence it was relayed to me, I make the Jew a ubiquitous figure by diminishing the role that others have played. With this alone, I already began a body language that can be taken even further than that.


For example, whenever the Jew’s name appears in a sentence, I mention my friend’s fear of being swindled without accusing the Jew of anything. But by repeatedly juxtaposing the Jew’s name and the word “swindle” in the same sentence, I make it sound like this Jew and all Jews are swindlers to be feared. This is a verbal communication in which body language is added to tell a non-verbal lie.


The Jews are masters at telling this kind of lies. What makes their stories significant is that they lay the background for it well ahead of time using respected existing institutions. Two such institutions are the White House and the State Department. Using their well-known methods of getting the American President to mouth off what his Jewish speechwriters include in his speeches, and using their known methods of getting the State Department to express bizarre opinions, the Jews create a narrative in which Hamas is called a “terrorist” organization, and Israel is called a “strong ally” that needs to be strengthened with unlimited appropriations of American money and weapons.


When these two locutions are repeated time after time by politicians and commentators, the word “Hamas” becomes synonymous with “terror” whereas the word “Israel” conjures up the image of the wounded juggernaut that America must help so that he may help America. It is a self-contradictory concept that is nevertheless useful because it confuses and hides the fact that Israel is the albatross around America’s neck, a burden that’s dragging it down ever deeper into the Jewish sewer of total irrelevance.


You get a sense of all that when you go over the article that came under the title: “The International Community is Encouraging Hamas to Attack Israel Again — and Again,” written by Alan Dershowitz, and published on May 28, 2021 in the online Jewish publication, Algemeiner.


 After an introductory paragraph, you can see how Alan Dershowitz took advantage of the work that was done over the years, turning Hamas into a symbol of terror, even if the whole world, according to Dershowitz himself, rejects that proposition. Here is how he began the discussion: “Despite Hamas being a terrorist organization…” This being a given, according to the trope created by body language, Alan Dershowitz could safely go on to state, “[Hamas] that fired 4,000 rockets at Israeli civilian targets from behind its human shields,” but then, he felt compelled to lament, which he did as follows: “much of the world has stood behind Hamas”.


Now that the world has spoken, should this not indicate that the case is closed, that Israel should accept the verdict handed down by humanity, and should she not comply with what the world has ordered? Well yes, this is the way things normally unfold when all the parties involved in a dispute are civilized. But Israel is involved in this dispute, and if the Jews who sit at its helm were capable of civilized behavior, there would not have been a dispute in the first place.


Instead, the case would have been settled early in the twentieth century. Arabs and Jews would now be living side by side in harmony as they did for thousands of years, especially during those moments when the Jews were subjected to pogroms and inquisitions in Europe, and they sought refuge in the Arab countries where they were welcomed with open arms. But this time, the Jews came as two terror organizations (Irgun and Hagenah) armed with bombs and guns, and bent on grabbing what they could rather than accept what the well-known Arab generosity would have allocated for them.


Instead of speaking this truth, incorporating it in a new narrative that would be used to overcome the bad blood that has developed between Arabs and Jews over the last century, Alan Dershowitz did something entirely different. He relied on the false trope that was created about Hamas being a terrorist organization, linked it with another false trop about Iran being a state sponsor of terrorism, and composed an orgy of lies about those two highly civilized ancient nations.


This done, Dershowitz finished the article in a very expected Jewish manner. Here is how he put it:


“There is no other area in which the international community acts in such antisemitic manner. Yes, antisemitic. There is no other explanation for why Israel is singled out for this special treatment. The world’s obsession is on Israel, precisely because it is the nation state of the Jewish people. In the face of growing antisemitism throughout the world, the time has come for the international community to stop encouraging Iran and Hamas to persist in their efforts to end the existence of ‘the little Satan’”.


It was the creation of those tropes that made it possible for Alan Dershowitz to compose that false narrative by ignoring the reality that it is Israel which singles itself out with never-ending acts of colonial type apartheid that the world came to regard as abhorrent even before it agreed to give the Jews a home out of pity for their inability to mimic minimum human civilized behavior.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Tropes and Dog Whistles to seek Supremacy

 When William Shakespeare created the Shylock character of the stage play, “The Merchant of Venice,” he unintentionally created a trope that was later used by people who saw abundant similarities between the Jews they dealt with and the Shylock character. Thus, the mere mention of a “pound of flesh” would conjure up the stereotype of the Jew that is greedy and merciless.


A trope of this kind — associated with an ethnic group — is mostly used by insensitive people who may not realize what they are doing, or do realize it but believe it’s okay to have a little fun at someone’s expense. Whereas this kind of trope is practiced in most languages, another kind that is peculiar and apparently exclusive to the English language, is referred to as “dog whistle.” This one is generally used by politicians or those who play politics and have an agenda they wish to fulfill.


Those who use the political dog whistle, do so to communicate their message to what is usually a specific audience. For example, when a politician that’s addressing a gathering of workers, speaks of “a living wage,” those in attendance understand it to mean raising the minimum wage. Because this kind of dog whistle rose naturally, it was easily absorbed into the general culture where it spread so widely that most audiences now understand what message the term “living wage” intends to convey.


What is peculiar about the English language, is that it has allowed the culture to incubate an artificial kind of dog whistle that could not have developed anywhere else. An example would be the phrase, “Israel has the right to defend itself,” which means more than what appears on the surface. The phrase has come to certify the supremacy of the group that calls itself Jewish.


In fact, an entire glossary of that kind of tropes was invented by the Jews for the purpose of infusing into the English culture, and for normalizing the principle of Jewish supremacy. You can see how that’s done when you study the article that came under the title: “Anti-Semitism’s true nature reveals itself,” written by Mark Goldfeder—who is director of the National Jewish Advocacy Center—and published on May 25, 2021 in the New York Daily News.


What you’ll encounter in the article is the use of single words or short expressions that set the Jews apart from all the others, and places them above everyone. You’ll also get drawn into a narrative that creates a world that’s made of two parts. One part comprises the Jews, remaining separate and distinct from another part which comprises the rest of the human race.


As to the use of single words and short expressions, you’ll encounter, somewhere in the middle of the Goldfeder article, a short paragraph that reads as follows:


“For the record: This most recent conflict was not a battle between Israel and Palestinians, but between Hamas, a U.S. designated terrorist organization, and Israel, a key U.S. ally”.


The two notable terms here are “terrorist” which is associated with Hamas, and “US ally” which is associated with Israel. For the record: There was never a debate in the Congress or the media as to whether or not Hamas was a terrorist organization. The way it happened that Hamas was so labeled is that the Jews so decided and told the State Department to so designate. Simply stated, the Jews ordered, the State Department heard and obeyed.


With regard to the notion that Israel is an ally of the United States, the trend now is for thoughtful Americans to distance themselves from Israel, at a time when the fanatics are trying to saddle America with the crimes that Israel has committed, is now committing and plans to commit in the future. And there is no one in America that’s man enough to say: No. We’re neither friends of nor allies with Israel. We were duped into a donor-supplicant relationship that turned out to be deadly and bankrupting for us. It is time we sever the ties that have been established between us.


As to the trope that’s created by the development of a narrative, an example is the creation of the definition of anti-Semitism, devised by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. The way this definition came to be, is an example of how persistent the Jews are when it comes to imposing themselves as being separate and above the human race. Here is how and why that definition was created:


For centuries, America lived normally like every other nation, with laws that were based on the principle of equal protection for all its citizens. Then the Jews came to America and said that while some crimes committed against the Jews are the same as those committed against others, some crimes are specifically committed against the Jews because who they are. These are hate crimes, said the Jews, which are motivated by anti-Semitism. For this reason, they asked that there be a law to protect them from this kind of crimes.


Pressured to do so, George W. Bush urged the Congress to pass the law that set so-called hate crimes apart from those pertaining to ordinary crimes, and make them punishable with harsher sentences. The Congress did, and the Jews were satisfied, believing that they were now placed above the others.


But then it happened that other identifiable groups were subjected to crimes because of what identified them as different from others. They sued under the Jewish law and won. This turn of events so upset the Jews, they came up with a new definition for anti-Semitism as a first step to asking for laws that will apply exclusively to them.


And this is how the Jews create elaborate tropes, spending years and countless fortunes paid by others, in the effort to force governments to place them above the rest of society.

Friday, May 28, 2021

When Male Madams of Congress were in Control

 There was a time when a handful of Jewish legislators and their Christian male whores from both parties would go into their Congressional chambers in the middle of the night, vote to suspend the rule about the necessity to have a quorum, and vote to pass Jewish-specific or Israeli-specific laws.


The legislators would then tell the world that the greatest deliberative body that ever was, has unanimously passed this law or that resolution, giving the impression that it was the full Senate or the full House of Representatives that committed the cowardly act of treason. And the world would know that the greatest whorehouse that ever was, has once again disgraced the principle of democratic governance.


It was during such moments that a collection of laws was passed; laws whose purpose was to do worse than shackle future Congresses and Executives. It was to emasculate the American nation so badly as to transfer the power of decision-making concerning America’s national security to the Israelis. This was accomplished by paralyzing the White House, the Pentagon and Foggy Bottom while a handful of little farts in Israel decided what to do with regard to matters pertaining to America’s honor and survival.


We saw one such moment when the time came to sell advanced warplanes to an Arab country. And we’re seeing it now in the matter of locating Palestinian offices in America, as well as locating America’s consulate in Palestine. You can see the absolutely disgraceful and demeaning manner in which the so-called American laws are invoked by Jews — none worth their weight in dog poop — to threaten the White House, and force it to obey what the little farts of Israel are dictating.


You’ll find all this in an article that came under the title: “Biden’s plan for a diplomatic mission to the Palestinians blatantly violates US law,” written jointly by Mark Meadows who was a boot-licking dog in the Donald Trump White House, and by David Milstein that had a mouth in Israel informing the locals what his eyes were seeing and his ears were hearing in America. The revealing article penned by those two, was published on May 26, 2021 in The New York Post. Here is how Meadows and Milstein sent out their threatening signal to the Biden administration:


“Joe Biden was asked if he would reverse the relocation of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. He promised, ‘I wouldn’t reverse it.’ Biden also proposed re-opening the US diplomatic mission to the Palestinians in Jerusalem. Now Team Biden is moving forward with the latter initiative. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken formally told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that Washington would seek to reopen this diplomatic mission. The move breaks the Jerusalem Embassy Act that sought to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem”.


The problem with democracies that get corrupted, as they all do eventually, is that when they fall victim to a trick once, their operators get used to it, adopt it, and make it their new normal. This is especially true when the operators are taken behind closed doors by lobbyists who blackmail them about skeletons they may have in their closet, or bribe them with Benjamins they always need for their reelection campaign, or both. This is what’s happening to America at this time and all the time, a reality that can be construed from what the two authors are saying. Here are their words:


“Former President Donald trump fulfilled the will of the American people, as expressed by Congress, by relocating the embassy. The Senate also adopted an amendment to make the US Embassy in Jerusalem permanent, effectively preventing it from being downgraded or moved out of Jerusalem. Biden’s intent to reopen a separate diplomatic mission to the Palestinians in Jerusalem, would be a violation of US law”.


What is asinine in all of this, is that the Jewish trick is meant to do an end run on the principle of democracy by accomplishing what works for the Jews. The method involves the use of whisper done in the dark of night behind closed doors. When the job is completed, the Jews call this form of autocratic tyranny the expression of the American people’s will. The end result is that instead of seeing a free people run their own affairs, we see the following, according to Mark Meadows and David Milstein:


“The Biden move would put the US on a collision course with Israel, since its consent is required to reopen the diplomatic mission to the Palestinians. Israel has already objected to the request. Biden would be shamefully appeasing the Palestinians. Trump showed that the path to peace is when America stands with Israel. Members of Congress should ensure no diplomatic mission to the Palestinians is reopened in Jerusalem. If Biden moves forward, Congress must prohibit any funding to it”.


Everything that the Jews complain is antisemitic when uttered by a gentile, is uttered in that passage by Jews. This means that the Jews do not really believe that what the gentiles utter is antisemitic.


Still, when the gentiles utter words to the effect that Jews control the American government and other governments, the Jews complain and throw accusations of antisemitism. They do it to inhibit the gentiles from discussing this topic and other topics they consider to be theirs alone.


But what would be the reason behind that? It is that through the monopoly of these topics, the Jews manage to dominate the public square and claim supremacy over non-Jews.


This has been the goal of the Jewish religion since it was founded nearly four thousand years ago. Everyone that converts to it, assumes that mantle whatever his or her ethnic background.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

A false paradigm based on a fraudulent narrative

 If you believe that every problem has a solution that can be arrived at if the interested parties would stop beating around the bush and go directly to the heart of the matter — you’d know there is a solution to the never-ending Jewish misery.


Apparently more sober than he has been for years, Clifford D. May wrote a column that touches on that subject. It shows him wrestle with concepts he still cannot resolve. You’ll begin to understand why that is when you study the column he wrote under the title: “For Israelis, one more battle in a forever war for survival,” and the subtitle: “The alternative would be another Holocaust.” It was published on May 25, 2021 in The Washington Times.


Also, apparently rid of the outlandish paradigm in which he used to dwell intellectually; Clifford May nevertheless still hangs on to a number of old concepts that keep him connected to the false narratives of the past. This is what keeps him from going to the heart of the matter where he could be solving the problem that preoccupies him — the continued existence of what he calls the Jewish state.


The old paradigm has its roots in the events that transpired almost a century ago, and that’s where Clifford May has gone looking for ideas to start his column. Here is how he did that: “In the 1930s, the Nazis declared, ‘The Jews do not deserve to live!’”  And so, you can imagine how distorted and unrealistic his point of view is going to be as he talks about the 2020s and beyond. In fact, the following is a condensed version of the ideas he strung together like the links of a chain to reach weird conclusions and construct false paradigms. You can be certain that no one but the crazies take such ideas seriously:


“Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran are attempting to act with rockets fired from Gaza as they did last week, and maybe with nuclear warheads from Iran down the road. Some acknowledge that Israel’s enemies intend to replace the Jewish state with an Islamic state. And there are those who concede, Israelis may avoid that fate if they will make the concessions demanded of them, in particular to end the occupation. Some suggest it might be sufficient if Israelis only withdrew from the occupied territories. But in 2000, 2001 and 2008, Israelis offered statehood in Gaza and the West Bank. The Palestinians said no”.


What Clifford May wants to accomplish in laying out that string of ideas, is to carry on with two contradictory discourses simultaneously. On the one hand, he says it is unthinkable that Israel will ever want to end the occupation of Palestine, which is what some people say Israel should do. On the other hand, Clifford May says that Israel offered to end the occupation three times between the years 2000 and 2008, but the Palestinians said no, they don’t want to be independent. And that, in the language of the crazies means that the Palestinians love being owned by the Jews; a state of mind that will someday be adopted by the entire human race.


In effect then, speaking on behalf of the Jews that wish to keep Palestine under their control, Clifford May is saying the following: Don’t call us criminal armed bandits who refuse to return what we stole, just because we coveted these properties for centuries, and because we intend to keep them now that we have them. Instead, blame the Palestinians themselves for refusing to take back the properties, which we assure you, we offered to return to their rightful owners three times before with no avail.


To prevent his contradiction from being detected and from falling apart, Clifford May came up with a false alibi, which he erroneously believed will strengthen his argument. He said that, “In 2005, Israelis not only ended their occupation of Gaza, they also evicted the territory’s Jewish communities.” The way he said it implies this was a goodwill gesture on the part of the Jews, a move that did not work well for them.


Well, it’s been 16 years now during which time the civilized world has been talking about this subject. What is said in a nutshell, is that even though the Gaza resistance movement kicked the Jewish settlers and the Israeli military that was protecting them out of Gaza, Ariel Sharon who was Prime Minister of Israel at the time, should have negotiated an orderly withdrawal with the Palestinian leadership.


Unfortunately, Sharon was too proud to do that, but did something worse instead. Once the chaotic withdrawal was completed, Sharon blockaded Gaza by air and sea. It must be that he expected the Gaza resistance movement will take this lying down. And boy, was he mistaken!


Without mentioning any of that, but carrying on with a fraudulent narrative that paints Gazans as determined to hurt Jews for no reason, Clifford May went on to say this: “Hamas soon took power and began firing missiles over the border and digging tunnels under it.” Thus began his discussion of the latest flareup between Hamas and the Israeli military.


Done with this discussion during which he streamed the familiar Jewish talking points, May could not end the article without doing something very Jewish. This time it was to bolster the stereotype of the Jew who would take the finger and go for the arm. Here is how he ended his article:


“Marking the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that ‘never again’ means telling the story of the Holocaust again and again. Wrong, Tony. The phrase for that would be ‘never forget.’”


And then, mindful that to the Israelis, defending themselves means attacking the neighbors who do well for themselves, Clifford May added the following: “For Israelis ‘never again’ means defending themselves in a forever war”.


Well, for now at least, Clifford May has been judicious enough to omit mentioning the need to drag America into these wars.


But there is always a next time, a next finger and a next arm.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

A piggish moral Bankruptcy with no Lipstick

 There is an uncanny resemblance between Cal Thomas and Israel. Both are morally bankrupt and they depend on someone else to remain afloat. Israel is bankrupt both morally and materially which is why it depends on America to defend its criminal activities in world forums, and to supply it with arms as well as other necessities of life; not to forget, money, money, money … plenty of that.


As to Cal Thomas, he has not the capability to generate ideas of his own, so he borrows from wherever he can, and stiches together quilts of arguments that help him get by for the week. This is what you’ll see in the article he wrote under the title: “A ceasefire between Hamas terrorists and Israel solves nothing,” and the subtitle: “The problem is that radicals desire a one-state solution that doesn’t include Israel or the Jewish people.” The article was published on May 24, 2021 in The Washington Times.


Here is what Cal Thomas borrowed to start his article, and get going from there:


“In outlining the goal for winning the Persian Gulf War in 1991, Gen. Colin Powell, then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, ‘Our strategy to go after this army is very, very simple. First, we’re going to cut it off, and then we’re going to kill it.’ The ceasefire between Hamas and Israel is the opposite of that strategy and solves nothing”.


Thomas went on to parrot a version of an idea that was expressed by several people in the past, to warn of consequences that will be contrary to what’s intended. Here is how Cal Thomas put it: “As with previous ceasefires it gives Hamas an opportunity to regroup and reload with even more sophisticated and deadly weapons.” To Cal Thomas and those whose words he is parroting, the alternative to the ceasefire would have been for Israel to fight to the death. They were all convinced that Israel would have won the last battle, and that Hamas would have been the one to die.


A contrarian point of view was expressed for the first time — guess how long ago — more than half a century ago. This was the time when Israel was raiding its neighbors and openly expressing the desire to grab Palestinian territory to create a buffer zone between it and its enemies. The thing is that Israel was complaining that the enemies sat less than a mile away brandishing guns that can shoot this far, even farther. Do you know what was predicted at the time by those who thought seriously about the subject?


They predicted that the more Israel will try to protect itself by grabbing territory and by procuring deadlier weapons, the more the neighbors she chooses to antagonize, will match those weapons. This meant that Israel’s policy of robbing the neighbors at gunpoint, will create an arms race that the Middle East could do without. Well, decades have passed, and this is what Cal Thomas says he is seeing now as Hamas reloads with, “even more sophisticated and deadly weapons.” And yet, he still does not realize that the blame falls squarely on the shoulder of Jews, and their Thomas-like lackeys.


Do you know how reckless, irresponsible and senseless to a level suggesting insanity, is Cal Thomas? If you didn’t think about it, look what he says next, and you’ll be convinced:


“President Truman ordered nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the war. Did we [not] respond to Nazi Germany [by] carpet bombing German cities, especially Dresden? Winston Churchill put it best: ‘What is our aim? … Victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be’”.


In view of the reality that every enemy Israel chose to poke in the rib, has managed to get their hands on the weapons that neutralized Israel’s progress, what do you think their response will be to what Cal Thomas is counseling Israel to do? Will they not want to carpet bomb Israeli cities? Will they not want to fight at all costs in spite of all the terror, however long and hard the road may be?


Having caused all the moral damage he could by regurgitating and building on what Colin Powell and Winston Churchill have said, Cal Thomas went on to quote a blogger named Larry Levine who wrote the following: “Israel needs to take over Gaza, kill Hamas and demilitarize it. When the world rebuilds Gaza, it will not be with Hamas at the helm. There will be casualties, but…”


Cal Thomas found himself so much in agreement with Levine, he finished his article by regurgitating and building on Levine’s quote. But before doing that, he buttressed Levine’s idea by quoting The Economist magazine which predicted that Hamas and Israel will not stop fighting each other, and then lamented the following: The agreement to restore calm is welcome; pity it won’t last”.


And here is how Cal Thomas ended his article:


“Israel should be encouraged to wipe out the terrorists who do not even put the interests of heir own people first. A ceasefire is worse than a truce and even a truce is no substitute for victory”.


Given that the history of the Jews has been that of perpetual defeat wherever and whenever they went, we can only surmise that Cal Thomas is a fool that doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Or, more ominously, he is the most demonic kind of anti-Semite that knows exactly what he’s doing. He is counseling the Jews to start the process of triggering the solution that will be final.


Fools or anti-Semites, characters like Thomas must be unmasked and exposed for what they are.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Supremacist Codes and Tropes injected into Biden’s Mideast Policy

 At the start of the Jewish conquest of America, one of the techniques used by the rabbis to confuse the Americans, was to accuse the individuals they did not like, of using code words meant to spread the antisemitism that will lead to a second holocaust. Everybody got scared; they fled the public square and left it for the Jews to monopolize.


This Jewish cultural coup started the Politically Correct (PC) movement that begot the woke subculture we face today. Even though Jews started the movement, they rejected the subculture that resulted from it. However, they used a consequence of the PC movement to accomplish what they consider their most sacred duty. It is that of having the government recognize them as being the chosen ones, and treat them as such by imposing their will on the rest of society through the enactment of Jewish specific laws.


But how are the Jews accomplishing all this? They are doing it by getting government officials to use code words and tropes that seem innocuous, even logical on the surface, but have serious practical consequences not seen or understood by the gullible and the intellectually lazy. The sole aim of the tropes is to institutionalize the principles that lead to making the government see and accept whose life must be protect and whose life can be neglected.


A perfect example that illustrates all of this, came in the form of an article written under the title: “Will Arms Sale to Israel be Delayed While It Defends Against Attacks?” and the subtitle: “A congressional request for delay tests the Biden administration.” It was penned by Elliott Abrams, and published on May 18, 2021 on the website of The Council on Foreign Relations.


Consider this passage: “Thus far in the fighting between Hamas and Israel, the administration has remained clear in its support for Israel’s right to defend itself. It has also clearly stated the moral distinctions between a democracy defending civilians and a terrorist group deliberately attacking them”.


The mention of Israel having the right to defend itself without adding the qualifier, “like everyone else,” puts out the first hint that the American administration cares about the lives of those whom Israel is defending but not those in whose name Hamas is fighting — regardless as to who is right and who is wrong in this dispute. Abrams did not stop here. He went on to reinforce that hint by making more explicit who is preferred over whom. Here is that passage:


“But now the winds are shifting. Democratic senators are calling for an immediate cease-fire — a statement of neutrality. This is moral equivalence: no distinction is made between democratic government and terrorist; a rancid taste on United Nations resolutions”.


Here, the hint was amplified to make a distinction between the one that purports to be America’s friend, and the one that United Nations views as the friend of humanity. In effect then, not only does Elliott Abrams state that Israel is above Hamas in America’s eyes; he says it is above the rest of humanity. As if this were not enough reinforcement, Abrams proceeded to state the following:


“Worse yet, far worse, is a letter spearheaded by House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Gregory Meeks [an African American] who in 2020 was against conditionality in aid to Israel. But now Meeks is taking a different view. He called on members of the committee to discuss a deal to sell arms to Israel”.


What is clear in this passage is that “worse” is made “far worse” in Abrams’s eyes by the fact that the interlocutor this time, is an African American legislator who dared to go against the Jewish line. And this is when you pause and ask: What’s going on in the heads and hearts of the Jews that so desperately want to be recognized by the US and other governments, as being separate and superior to their own publics?


The Jews want this privilege so badly, they are willing to take any consequence that may afflict them if that will get them what they crave, even if it means a pogrom or another holocaust.


The answer to the earlier question is that being chosen and placed above humanity is the bedrock of the Jewish religious system of beliefs. If you take that away, theirs will not be a religion that can stand as equal with Christianity and Islam. It will be just another collection of exotic superstitions to be tolerated and nothing more.


Most importantly, if the Jews lose that privilege, the government will not be compelled to accept the inequality that the lives of Jews must be protect whereas the lives of Palestinians can be neglected.


And this, in turn will allow the government to do what the United Nations does, which is to treat Israel like everyone else with no special privileges that will distinguish it as the home of the chosen ones. And that's what the Jewish leaders dread.

Monday, May 24, 2021

No equivalence between a Predator’s Bite and a Victim’s Kick


Here is an animal story that can serve as metaphor representing the way that human beings conduct themselves at times.


A coyote catches a deer by surprise and bites it in an attempt to disable it. Though wounded, the deer kicks the coyote in the nose and runs away. The coyote goes to the council in charge of enforcing the Animal Code of Conduct, and puts in a complaint which says in essence that you can’t equate the legitimate bite of the coyote with the illegitimate kick of the deer.


The Council looks into the coyote’s contention. Its members debate it thoroughly and finally decide that yes, there is no equivalence between the coyote’s bite and the deer’s kick. However, the coyote has it the other way around. What is illegitimate is the coyote’s bite. What is legitimate is the deer’s kick.


Consider this a response to the article that came under the title: “There Is No Equivalence in How Hamas and Israel Wage War,” and the abbreviated subtitle: “At a time when the public square is being polluted with lies, this moment calls for moral clarity.” It was written by Zach Schapira, and published on May 21, 2021 in the National Interest.


How do you rate an article like that? Well, under normal circumstances, you comb the article and set aside every praise the writer attributes to the side he is promoting. This would be the Judeo-Israeli side. You also reject every insult he throws at the opposite side. This would be the Palestinian-Hamas side. That leaves you with what Schapira says are facts, which you’ll compare with what you know are the facts. You’ll then determine the level of disgrace that’s yielded by the degree of deviation you detect between the two sets of facts.


But when you discover that these are not normal circumstances given that the writer is anything but normal, you multiply by ten the level of disgrace you measured, to account for the abnormal circumstances. Here is the story that renders this whole thing so abnormal: 


Zach Schapira says he is an American that did not volunteer to serve in the military at a time when the military was experiencing a shortage of recruits. This is bad but to be fair to the man, you note that he is not the only real or fake American that did this. You can even go further, be generous and forgive him for being a modern-day draft dodger. But your forgiveness quickly turns into disgust the moment that you learn he chose to serve in the Israeli army instead of the American army. This is when the image you have of Schapira turns from that of a saint to that of the devil. And you determine that every indiscretion he committed is ten times worse than it appears.


So now, we comb the Schapira article looking for what he says are facts, and we assess their veracity. We discover that the article is so packed with lies, analyzing the first paragraph alone takes up the space allotted for today’s discussion. And so, I’ll discuss that paragraph, and urge the readers to analyze the rest of the article themselves. Here is what comes in the first paragraph:


“Israel is a beacon for democracy. Hamas is a thuggish kleptocracy whose only language is violence”.


Given that the word beacon conjures up the idea of being a model for others to emulate, we look into the forums of the world where large numbers of people are represented, to see where Israel stands. We find that Israel is considered a model of darkness, not a beacon to be emulated. The most important of the forums being the United Nations, Israel’s antagonism towards that international body says it will be a long time before Israel comes out of the dark and into the light, let alone shine to be noticed by others.


As to Israel being a democracy, moral clarity demands that we understand what’s at stake here. At one end of the spectrum, we have a Palestinian people thirsting to be free, and coming together to form a perfect union on a land where they lived since the beginning of time. At the other end of the spectrum, we have a hodgepodge people that continue to be bribed and summoned from around the world to come and form a crime syndicate. They call themselves Jews and pretend to be the descendants of a nomadic tribe that once lived in Palestine — which is non sequitur whether it is true or false.


The syndicate’s first and continued order of business being the long-held dream of stealing Palestine, humanity has come to see the Jews as representing an extreme form of criminality. Such view has been the case throughout space and time, which makes it so that no matter how you slice it, there is no way you can elevate the Jews to the level of the Palestinians and consider them equal.


Moreover, by calling their behavior an American sort of democracy, the Jews are debasing this form of governance. It is what’s eroding America’s standing in the world, and what’s turning the people of America against the politicians who refuse to come out from under the hypnotic spell of the Jews and their corrupting Benjamins.


As to Hamas being a kleptocracy, this is the kind of false accusation the Jews throw at someone to confuse the audience and hope to reverse the reality that they are what they accuse others of being. The truth is that most presidents and prime ministers of Israel were caught red handed stealing from every pocket, including aid money sent by foreign governments to Holocaust survivors living in Israel. Kleptocracy is the closest synonym you can ever think of to the word Judaism.


When it comes to the language of violence, it is absolutely foolish for Zach Schapira to accuse Hamas of adopting this language when no one hears from Hamas. By contrast, we see that thousands of Jewish owned and Jewish influenced publications throughout the “Western World,” do nothing but urge America to have all options on the table, and exercise them the way that Israel is doing in Syria, Gaza and Lebanon. Violence is the closest synonym you can ever think of to the word Jewish.


Recalling that it was Israel which created Hamas, trained its members, armed them and paid them to destroy the Fatah movement, but was surprised to see Hamas turn against it instead of going after Fatah (now the Palestinian Authority,) it is reasonable to expect that Israel will commit more errors handling its relationship with Hamas and others.


Those of the Syndicate have doomed themselves for an eternity, and there is no one around that can save them.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

How America is commanded to serve the unworthy

 Israel got itself involved in yet another controversy having to do with robbing the Palestinians of the little that’s left to their name, and as if on cue, the treasonous band of moral prostitutes in America, jumped out of their sleeping quarters to prowl the neighborhood like cannibalistic zombies on their feeding hour.


Of the dozens of publications that take instructions from Jewish Central and tell the American politico-journalistic crowd in the Beltway what to think and what to say, three of their articles were chosen for discussion today because they state in their titles that “Biden must…” or that “America must…”


Here they are: (1) “Biden must let Bibi fight his way,” written by Michael Goodwin, and published on May 15, 2021 in the New York Post. (2) Biden must see things as they are in the Middle East, not as he wishes them to be,” written by L. Scott Lingamfelter, and published on May 19 2021 in The Washington Times. And (3) The US must do more to help Israel, its strongest Middle Eastern ally,” written by Bill Hagerty and published on May 20, 2021 in The Washington Times.


Here is how Michael Goodwin used subtlety the best way he can muster it to transmit the commands of Jewish Central to the White House:


“David Friedman, who was ambassador to Israel, argues Hamas aimed to inflict damage on Israel while being spared a full retaliation because it believed Biden would quickly pressure Israel to de-escalate. More critically, Friedman cites Biden’s seemingly irrational eagerness to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal. Count that as another reason why Israel deserves the time to deal Hamas a crushing blow”.


It is obvious that Michael Goodwin wants what the ambassador to Israel, David Friedman wants, which is for America to give Israel all the money, weapons and support it needs to fight Hamas to the death. What Goodwin and Friedman ignore is the reality that every time Israel escalated its nefarious activities in the neighborhood, the indigenous people of the region such as Qatar, Iran and Turkey, matched Israel’s moves by increasing their support to Hamas, whom they see as fighting for them as well. What this means in the final analysis is that fight to the death could be the death of either opponent or both.


And here is how L. Scott Lingamfelter stated his case:


“What will the Biden administration do in this latest Middle East crisis? Radicals in Mr. Biden’s party are condemning his provision of $735 million to fund weapons for Israel. One could be suspicious of Mr. Biden’s support for Israel. At his core, Joe Biden sees America and Israel as the problem in the Middle East. In addition to having been irresolute, Mr. Biden will be weak-kneed. When the going gets really tough, Mr. Biden will undermine Israel’s efforts. Mr. Biden should see things as they are, not as he wishes them to be. So, what should Mr. Biden do? He should stand resolutely with Israel”.


It does not take too much imagination to see that Lee Lingamfelter views the White House, not as the Executive Office from where the business of America is conducted, but the servant quarters in the worldwide mansion of Zion the magnificent; the one that must be served like the absolute monarch which he is. However, Lingamfelter fears that Biden, the chief servant, is up to no good, perhaps even plotting to start a rebellion. What he wants Biden to do instead is be obedient to his Jewish masters like the poodle that knows it is time to fetch the leash and bring it to the master who will take it out to have a crap.


And here is how Bill Hagerty is showing President Joe Biden what a good servant of the Zionist master he is, posting himself as the ideal servant that Biden should strive to emulate. Hagerty is also communicating to potential rebels how they can be happy serving their Zionist master instead of seeking joy in rebellion.


“The US must do more to help its Middle Eastern ally. I will soon introduce legislation to help Israel resupply its Iron Dome. Given how disastrous the last few days have been for Israel, if President Biden does not change his dangerous course in the region, it will be incumbent on Congress to act for him. The president should immediately recall his delegation from Vienna and end talks to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal; at least pause the negotiations to focus on assisting Israel. The Biden administration should have a conversation with Israel about whether the 2016 Memorandum of Understanding related to US-Israel assistance is sufficient”.


What we see here is the obsessive preoccupation of Bill Hagerty for getting the US Congress to act as the bandit who will empty the American treasury of the taxpayer money it is entrusted to spend wisely, and give the money, money, money to Israel instead.


The reader must have determined by now, that those three charlatans — Michael Goodwin, L. Scott Lingamfelter, and Bill Hagerty — represent a disease that’s potent enough to destroy a superpower, acting from within it, which they are.


This is why the time has come in the political life of America that journalists and politicians must keep an eye on their colleagues, and question their patriotism when they see them act like sick dogs forever licking the boots of their Jewish masters.


Nobody is born that way; people are programmed to so demean the self and the nation. The good news is that they can also be deprogrammed.


This is what must be done with the three charlatans and others like them before they take America on the road to ruin past the point of no-return.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Coming out the Pocket of a Crime Syndicate

 You know that the light you see at the end of the tunnel is not an incoming train when that light gets brighter concurrently with the sky above you, as it heralds the dawning of a new day.


The good news is that the bad cop which spent a generation or two in the pocket of a crime syndicate, protecting it as it terrorized the world, has pushed his head out of the pocket, signaling to the world that he no longer wants to be associated with the horrific crimes committed by the demonic syndicate the world has been rejecting since the dawn of recorded history.


Because change is perceived and can even be measured by comparing the before-and-after of a performance, we do a test to see how much change has taken place in the 24-hour-period that spaned the time from the moment that President Joe Biden told Netanyahu what he expected of him, to the moment that the latter knuckled under and gave Biden what he wanted. The fact that this happened, is the kind of light that was not seen in the Middle Eastern tunnel of despair for a long time, but is now beginning to shine the light that’s heralding a new day.


You can get a sense of what the situation was like in occupied Palestine at the start of the said 24-hour-period, when you read the New York Post editorial which came under the title: “Biden’s pressure on Bibi contradicts his own words — and endangers Israel,” published on May 20, 2021. You may then compare it with the article that Claudia Tenney wrote under the title: “Biden returns to failed Middle East policies,” published a day later (24 hours) on May 21, 2021 in The Washington Examiner.


Here is what the editors of the New York Post have said at the start of (before) the 24-hour-period:


“We worry that President Joe Biden’s premature pressure on Netanyahu to stand down bodes ill for the future. Biden in a call, conveyed to Benjamin Netanyahu that he expected a significant de-escalation today on the path to a cease-fire. We expect Netanyahu stuck to the line he drew after rejecting Biden’s request to continue this operation until its goal is achieved: to bring quiet and security to Israel”.


What we see here is a defiance of the authority that the American donor rightfully has over his Israeli supplicant. But members of the crime syndicate in America were not shy voicing both the wish and the expectation that Netanyahu will ignore what President Biden said he expected to see him do by the end of the day. In effect, those of the syndicate wanted Netanyahu to play the role that donors play while reducing Biden’s role to that of the supplicant.


And here is what Claudia Tenney has said at the end of (after) the 24-hour-period:


“Hamas has coordinated the launch of more than 3,000 missiles from Gaza. Hamas is acting with direct support from Iran to advance their shared goal of destroying Israel. The Middle East is starting to look less like the future and more like the past. The Biden administration must end all talks with Iran. Talks should be off the table so long as Iran continues to support proxies engaged in attacks against Israel. Iran must understand that the US will not back down from direct threats by Iran or from attacks by its proxy forces. The administration must take bold and decisive action to remind Iran that its aggression comes at a serious cost. Iran’s leaders are freedom-hating revolutionary zealots. The Biden administration must recognize its failure and take immediate steps to reassert control”.


What we see here is a treasonous member of the supplicant crowd forced to accept Netanyahu’s capitulation. This done, she went on to supplicate for the American president to take a tougher line against Iran. In so doing, she reverted back to the supplicant playing the traditional role, and accepting that the role of donor be played by the American President Joe Biden.


And so, what we learn by comparing the before and after stances, is that the people who were telling the American government to take a tough line against Iran, were not speaking because they knew what they were talking about; they were speaking because they looked in the mirror, saw horror, and attributed to Iran the evil they detected in themselves.


In fact, on one level, the tougher the line that America adopted against Iran, the harder that Iran became. On another level, when the supplicants came under American pressure, they knuckled under. This happened the first time when Donald Trump, sensing rejection by the electorate, told Netanyahu to accept the Arab Initiative or else. It happened again when Joe Biden told Netanyahu to accept the ceasefire proposal because it is what America, the big donor to Israel, wants.


Having played the role of corrupt cop protecting Israel for nearly half a century, it is refreshing to see America come out the pocket of the Tel-Aviv/New-York crime syndicate. This is a mutating organization that was recognized as pure evil since the beginning of time by all of mankind everywhere on the planet. To this day, it gave out not a single sign that things will ever change.


The syndicate has ruled America for two generations during which time it brought the world several times to within a hair from a planetary holocaust that would have made every holocaust before it, look like a friendly wrestling game between two friends.


America is now coming out the Jewish pocket to enjoy the rise of a new day. It must never again go into that pocket.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Who came first: Iran’s egg or America’s chicken?

 Here is a revealing dual pattern that involves Clifford D. May, and the reality of current events as it will be determined by future students of history:


MAY: Iran’s rulers fund, arm and instruct Hamas, which has fired rockets at Israeli cities and villages.


POSTERITY: America’s rulers fund, arm and protect the Zionist crime syndicate, which bombed Palestinian cities and villages.


MAY: Iran’s rulers fund, arm and instruct Hezbollah, which dominates Lebanon, a state now sinking into abject poverty.


POSTERITY: America’s rulers fund, arm and protect the Zionist crime syndicate, which attacked and invaded Lebanon enough times to give impetus for the creation of a Hezbollah that grew so strong, it now deters the syndicate from invading Lebanon again.


MAY: Iran’s rulers fund, arm and instruct Bashar al-Assad, who has killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions more.


POSTERITY: America’s rulers fund, arm and protect the Zionist crime syndicate, that has killed hundreds of thousands of Arab neighbors and displaced millions more.


MAY: Iran’s rulers fund, arm and instruct Houthi rebels in Yemen, a country suffering a humanitarian crisis.


POSTERITY: America’s rulers fund, arm and protect the Zionist crime syndicate, that sells Jewish assembled, American made weapons to both sides in conflicts that span the globe from Latin America to Africa to Central Asia to Sri Lanka to America’s crazy gun owners and their victims.


Do you detect a pattern here?


Whether you do or you don’t, and if you want more details as to what this is about, you can read an article that came under the title: “The Islamic Republic’s war on Israel,” and the subtitle: “Hamas is a weapon, and the Palestinians are pawns.” It was written by Clifford D. May and published on May 18, 2021 in The Washington Times.


Clifford May goes on to urge his readers to send a letter to President Joe Biden informing him how bad Iran is, and counseling him not to get America back into the Iran nuclear deal, which might happen if the negotiations in Vienna succeed. Furthermore, without promising that Israel will curtail its destructive activities in the pursuit of a Pax Americana for the region should Iran agree to curtail its activities, Clifford May has attacked Iran as if it were engaged in nefarious activities without being provoked. To him, it’s not a matter of the chicken or the egg? It is a matter of Iran being the embodiment of evil all the time.


Being the Jew that he is, Clifford May could not leave this subject without speculating what will happen in the future. He says that the Iranians will take the windfall money that’ll come to them at the end of the current Vienna negotiations, and will use it to fund, arm and instruct the Houthis, Assad, Hezbollah, Hamas and the Palestinian Jihad. And they will not stop developing nuclear-tipped missiles that can reach everywhere on the globe.


Reading a diatribe of this kind and this length, makes you wonder about two things. First, how can someone become this fixated about an issue like the Iran nuclear deal while it was negotiated, after it became binding, after it was abrogated and now that it may be reinstated? Second, how can someone interpret everything in life in terms of this one issue, to the point of making it a metaphor for life itself?


As to the first question, this is what happens when someone gets paid to practice what he is passionate about. It is clear that Clifford May is passionate about Israel, and this makes him hate Iran, its enemy, with passion in the same way that he hated the Arabs with passion when he thought they were Israel’s enemies, and he hated the Soviets with passion when he thought they were Israel’s enemies. Clifford May, like a number of other Jews, are living the good life directing their hatred against those whom Israel has been choosing to be its enemies of the day.


As to the second question, this is what happens when someone is conditioned to believe that his survival or the survival of his offspring hangs on that one issue. In this case, Jews are conditioned to believe that a second holocaust is waiting to happen. The only thing preventing it from happening is the continued survival of Israel. These people passionately believe that if Israel is defeated in a war, no one will be there to prevent the rise of a second Hitler who will want to finish the job started by the first.


This causes the Jews to fuse the idea of Israel’s survival with their vision of life as it unfolds. Thus, everything they see, they see it through the lens of a life that will be sustained as long as Israel will continue to be, or a life that will perish if Israel will be vanquished.


Given that the Jews live in our midst, that they suffer from delusions that have a profound effect on the culture, it behooves us to find a way to cure them of their mental ailment. We know what it is. The question is how to cure it?


One way to do it, is to discuss the Jewish condition openly so that they get to see themselves through the eyes of others rather than their own eyes. This is necessary because they now see what the brain has been conditioned to see regardless of what’s there.