Saturday, May 1, 2021

They seek to repeat their previous conquests

 The first time the world came to see that Jewish Central had no compunction using children to play dirty political games — took place sometime in the early years of the 1970s decade.


Of course, people interested in these things were aware that the Jewish bible, also known as the Old Testament, was full of stories about Jews owing their existence to the horrific genesis by which they came to be thousands of years ago. This was a time when, on the advice of their God (or so they say,) the Jews tortured the children of their enemies before killing them to apply maximum pressure on the parents, and get from them what they coveted most, such as food and other material possessions.


What happened in the 1970s was something called the Watergate scandal. At the center of it was the late President of the United States, Richard Nixon who was accused of many things, some of them true and some false. That’s when Jewish Central saw a golden opportunity to get a piece of Nixon’s flesh while avoiding a pushback against their cannibalistic behavior. They wrote a letter to Nixon telling him that he was a bad role model for children, and sent a copy to Walter Cronkite who read an excerpt from it on the air. The disgusting thing was that Jewish Central had the letter signed by a child of such age she could probably not understand its content. But she had one thing going for her: a very Jewish name.


That was then. Fast forward to the decade of the 2020s. Jewish Central has now organized a massive network of children at every level of schooling to act as the eyes and ears of activists who are themselves subordinated to Jewish Central from where they get their daily instructions. Their task is clear as you’ll see in the work that was done by two Jewish students.


They are Kira Pollard and Margalit Leibowitz (both high school students) who supposedly wrote the article that came under the title: “Dianne Morales’ disturbing anti-Israel words,” without the help or guidance of Jewish Central or anyone else. The article was published on April 28, 2021 in the New York Daily News, an important organ of Jewish Central, and a loud mouthpiece for the Jewish propaganda machine.


The article tells the story of an event that took place in December of last year. Whomever organized for the two students to be hit with the idea of writing about it at the same moment more than four months after the event, must have a low opinion of the audience’s eagerness to believe in any rubbish that’s thrown at it. Be that as it may, the content of the article is a clear indication of what the Jewish leaders have been doing since their conquest of America half a century ago, and what they are planning for the future of America’s children. Here is a condensed version of the relevant passages in the article:


“‘Israel is an apartheid state.’ These were the words of New York City mayoral candidate Dianne Morales. We see her as a huge inspiration. In many respects, she would make an exceptional mayor. Thus, we were surprised and dismayed to hear her express such an alienating sentiment. We ask that Morales, along with all New Yorkers, be more mindful of her language for the following reasons: Due to strong religious and ancestral roots, all sides let emotions interrupt the conversation. In these controversial dialogues, participants fail to realize how these statements close the discussion. Any further arguments go in one ear and out the other. An open discussion transforms into a fruitless debate”.


This is not an observation of the facts, and reporting on them. It is a sophisticated argument that aims to take America back half a century, to a time when the Jews first began the conquest of the country by advancing lethal ideas disguised as innocent arguments.


The claim to innocence in today’s case, is that the words are supposedly spoken by two young girls telling an older woman they admire her for who she is and for the work she is doing even though she hurts their feelings saying the wrong things … which they wish she would never repeat because doing so runs counter to her own lofty goals.


The lesson of Jewish Central to young Jewish girls (and boys too) is to never participate in a discussion where criticism of Israel comes up. The moment this happens, they should shut the discussion if they can, or walk away otherwise.


This is how the Jews approached the situation half a century ago. They succeeded in conquering America because — while silencing everyone else — they ran a parallel argument according to which they advanced the idea that freedom of speech will be preserved only if they were allowed to freely attack those whom they did not like. This is how they monopolized the marketplace of ideas.


It happened then because, like today, nobody dared or knew how to pushback against such loads of Jewish undiluted crap. The result has been the denigration of everyone and everything while at the same time pushing up the glorification of anything and everything that’s closely related to Judaism or to Israel.


In fact, a similar situation is developing at this moment where the State and Federal Legislatures have fallen into a full mode of betrayal, treason and moral prostitution by allowing, even paying the Jews to teach the one-sided, unverified history of events that took place in foreign countries and a foreign continent while vehemently opposing Project 1619 that seeks to teach the history of the fully debated and verified events that took place in America on the American continent.


This is how far down the Jewish sewer America has sunk.