Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A Lesson for A-Kissers about Justice Reversal

 We live at such a weird moment in time, every little thing you see happening, seems to say: Don’t be fooled. I represent more than meets your eyes. I’m the analogue of something bigger than what you see.


Did you, at any time, encounter an event that gave you this sort of impression? Maybe you didn’t, but if you were one of us half a century ago, and you saw what we saw then, your memory would be jogged by an article that came under the title: “Press lies about what’s happening between Israel and Gaza,” written by Liel Leibovitz, and published on May 17, 2021 in the New York Post.


If you were one of us, reading that article today, it might have reminded you of a cat that gave birth to a litter, felt hungry, went hunting for food, ate a mouse or two, and came back to feed her litter of 6 kittens. She lied down on her side and let the little ones fight for a nipple on which to suckle.


Well, my friend, you’ll be surprised to know that the kittens looked like the journalists and commentators of fifty years ago who fought, not to get to a nipple on which to suckle, but to get to a Jewish ass on which to kiss and kiss like a lover that came back to his honey after a long absence. The worst part was that the only way these horrible characters knew how to fake love for the Jews, was to fake hatred for the Arabs, even though most of them had never seen an Arab before.


So, you want to know why it is that the Leibovitz article brought these memories to mind. It did because half a century ago, I and a handful like me, could have written that article almost verbatim in order to criticize what was said about us (of Arab descent) and what was omitted. The exception between then and now was that our articles were not going to be printed in any publication given that the editors and publishers of the time had joined the journalists and commentators in the fight to find a Jewish ass to kiss like the kittens that fought for a nipple to suckle.


So then, what happened between then and now to change things? I’ll tell you what happened. What happened was a reversal. Once again, something seemed to go right for the Jews, and they automatically thought it was a signal that the messiah will soon be coming on a chariot of fire to give them the deed of ownership for Planet Earth as well as everything and everyone in it. Believing that they were given full authority by God to do as they wish, the Jews played to the extreme the most tyrannical of their desires.


All the while, humanity was watching. And the harder they played the more humanity became disgusted with them. But they didn’t know it because to them, what counted were the handful of traitors in the American Congress and the Executive who stopped taking their clues from the American Constitution, and started taking marching orders from Jewish Central. These were orders transmitted to them via the good offices of the ass-kissing characters of the media.


And then it happened that the ordinary people of America, who were kept in the dark by the regular media, had their eyes opened by the social media, a newcomer that did a good job offering the people an alternate way to look for facts from around the world. They decided how to interpret those facts and what to do next. The result has been that the American people, along with the rest of the world, developed the habit of formulating their own decisions. In addition, the people also decided to reverse what they were maneuvered into doing, realizing at long last that they were made to serve the Jews and Israel, believing that they were serving America and their fellow Americans. This was a reversal that got Liel Leibovitz and others like him to write bitter articles such as they do now.


So, what’s their beef? What’s Liel Leibovitz unhappy about? You won’t believe it if I told you. He is unhappy not about the commissions undertaken by the press, but their omissions. Mind you, these are not omissions that fail to mention how divine the Jews are; there is still plenty of that even today. Rather, these are omissions that fail to mention how demonic the Palestinians are. Yes, my friend, Leibovitz wants to see anti-Palestinian opinions expressed, not just in the body of every article, but in the headlines too. Here is a sample of such demand appearing in the Leibovitz article:


“To hear the media tell it, war’s fueled by Israel’s belligerence. ‘Israel struck Gaza again,’ began the Washington Post’s report. As to The NY Times, it was that ‘Israeli warplanes began another round of attacks.’ The BBC informed that ‘Israel’s military operation against Hamas in Gaza will continue.’ NBC stated that ‘As Israel inflicts a lopsided death count on the Palestinians, the US funds polish the armor of a Goliath in contest with David.’ Not mentioned were the following: The Palestinians, not Israel, began the violence with rioting followed by a barrage of missiles. Hamas and other groups have hurled 3,313 rockets on Israel”.


The poor thing, too busy talking about the omission of other journalists, he omitted mention of the made in America modern warplanes and precision bombs that Israeli pilots rain down on the women and children of Palestine.