Thursday, May 13, 2021

Little harmless games become big deadly games

 It was at some point during the decade of the 1970s that I experienced first-hand how trivial, flimsy and useless the so-called liberal democracies had become.


It had already been a number of years that the harassment of me was ongoing. I was hunted down everywhere I went, watching and experiencing how every effort I was making to improve my lot and forge a place for myself under the sun, was sabotaged by the security apparatus of Canada, a member nation of the G-7.


Long before “cancel culture” became a familiar phenomenon, those in charge of protecting the nation were taking orders from the Canadian Jewish Congress, and were using the staff of the country’s most influential newspaper to make light of my ordeal by turning it into a fun game, and by inviting others to join in. Playing cancel culture at the time, meant playing with my destiny and that of a number of others who chose to speak the truth rather than toe the Jewish line of filthy lies and savage tyranny.


And so, while everyone in the loop was a participant or a captivated spectator, the most barbaric among them were betting on both, how long it’ll be before I snap and commit a drastic act to end my agony, and what manner will I choose to end it all. And then, on top of that, I learned that Israel was drawing “energy” from my predicament and my responses to it. In need to hypnotize and placate the American Congress of the useless lowlife, the Israeli operators joined the crowd that was making light of my ordeal, and started to play along. A contribution they brought to the game, was to say that what’s done to me, was no worse than the paparazzies’ acts of voyeurism which may annoy those they surveil but does no worse than that.


Here is how my case progressed as time passed. News came out to the effect that Israel was flying reconnaissance drones over Lebanon. While some analysts predicted it was a sign that Israel will do something to shock the world, the Israeli propagandists linked the surveillance of me with the surveillance of Lebanon, and said it was nice, harmless and fun to learn all about the daily life of ordinary and interesting people like me in Canada, and those in Lebanon they were spying on. Shortly thereafter, Israel invaded Lebanon, and the history of the region took a turn no one could have imagined. But that was in line with the prediction that Israel was preparing to shock the world.


All of that came to mind decades later as I was reading the article that came under the title: “Hezbollah and its masters in Tehran bring darkness to Lebanon,” written by Clifford D. May, and published on May 11, 2021 in The Washington Times.


Ever since the decade of the 1970s, I watched with horror the developments in Lebanon from afar. There were several bombings of Beirut, and there was the invasion of the southern part of the tiny country. Lebanon was unarmed and helpless, facing a military that was equipped by America, bearing weapons so advanced that the American military itself did not have them as yet. No one was coming to Lebanon’s aid, except for General De Gaulle of France who punished Israel by vowing never to sell it warplanes again. This was the reason why Israel turned to America from where it received weapons more lethal than those of France, and getting them free of charge to boot.


And then, there came the rise of Hezbollah in Lebanon, an indigenous militia that assumed the task of defending the country with their bare hands if need be, braving the most advanced weapons produced by America’s war machine. This, in fact, is how Hezbollah began to confront Israel, but soon found a way to arm themselves. Before you know it, Hezbollah became a formidable army that’s now keeping Israel deterred, a gift to a neighborhood that enjoys being shielded against the usual Judeo-American reckless adventurism.


Now my friend, I’ll ask you to do something simple, and yet something that will add tremendously to your insight about the realities of the Middle Eastern situation. It is this: Set aside any sentiment you may have for or against anyone I mentioned in my article.


Think of yourself as being from another world; someone that heard the history I was telling just now. It prompts you read the article that Clifford May wrote where you encounter this passage:


“Diplomats, journalists and think tankers are reluctant to state plainly who bears primary blame: Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran”.


You cannot believe your eyes, so you read the passage again and again to see if Israel is mentioned somewhere in there but that you kept missing it. Nope, you did not miss a thing.


Tired of searching for what was not mentioned at all (Israel, the actor that’s behind the tsunami of human misery plaguing the region) you conclude that the ideology and system of governance powering the so-called liberal democracies operating in the region, are trivial, flimsy and good for nothing.


And all of this happens to be what I concluded long ago.