Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Double vision, one blind and one distorted

 Imagine two gentlemen having a conversation concerning a hypothetical situation that was brought about by the following questions: If you are at odds with someone who is so powerful he can harm you in any fashion he wants to do it. Would you prefer that he detains you for 50 days? Or would you prefer that he blows you to smithereens with a 500-pound bomb?


Well, my dear reader, because neither of the gentlemen will answer the question, I pose it to you: If you are at odds with someone that can harm you. Would you prefer that he detains you for 50 days or that he blows you to smithereens with a 500-pound bomb?


If you say you prefer to be blown to pieces, you need to call your favorite shrink, and immediately book an appointment because your answer says you suffer from a Masada-like death wish, thus present great danger to yourself and those surrounding you.


But what’s this all about, anyway? Since you asked, here is what it’s about. It is about Clifford D. May writing an article in which he comments on the conduct of the Gaza War, and the response to it from the human masses populating the world today as well as from a number of their leaders. May’s article came under the title “Trading terrorists for hostages” and the subtitle: “Israel agrees to a bad deal for a good reason.” It was published on November 28, 2023 in The Washington Times.


What follows is a compilation of what Clifford May is saying, and what he quoted others as saying. Here is what he began with:


“In what legal or moral universe is there any equivalence between the two?”


This is the question that has preoccupied the Jews for centuries. Their lifelong indoctrination being rooted in the belief that they are so superior to all others, their sayings and doings can never be compared to what anyone else says or does—they treat any such attempt as a sacrilegious undertaking the way that Christians treat the breaking of a religious taboo.


But the reality being that since the defeat of the Nazi ideology, human beings around the globe have rejected the notion of one race or one religion being superior to all others—the Jewish moral assertion which is shoved down the throat of humanity by all kinds of subtle tricks—has brought them nothing but more contempt, more hate and more of what they call antisemitism.


This is why Clifford May and those like him cannot even begin to understand why they sink deeper into the cesspool of depravity when they reveal the extent to which their morality has deteriorated. And so, they continue to do it to themselves every time that they express thoughts such as the one given by Clifford May in his article:


“Hamas has spotted something about the modern world that has meant that instead of demonstrations against their hostage-taking, the largest demonstrations globally have taken place against the victim, Israel”.


And thoughts such as these:


“More than a few European leaders personify this ‘modern world.’ Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced: ‘If the European Union does not recognize the independent State of Palestine, Spain will make its own decision.’ Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo instructed: ‘The only way out of this conflict is dialogue.’ If Israelis are thinking strategically, they’ll resist that pressure, understanding now more vividly than ever how much of the ‘modern world’ neither opposes Hamas’ ambitions nor believes that Jewish lives matter”.


It is that the moral compass of these people has been so mutilated by the toxic religion they adopted long ago, what guides them now is a sort of blindness that makes them see half of reality while hiding the other half. This is why they consider the suffering of hostages who lived for 50 days deprived of liberty and then released to find their way into the arms of their loved ones, is so immense — it more than dwarfs the suffering of Palestinian families who are incinerated alive in their homes by Jewish bombs raining down on them — it completely hides it from their vision.


The Jewish leaders who now call themselves Zionists, may be intelligent enough to see where their actions will lead their people thus reverse course, or the functioning of their thinking process has been so reduced, they will continue to drag their people to a Masada-like annihilation.


Those leaders are on their way to fulfilling the wish of the man who dreamed of a Final Solution not for Hamas but for the Jews.