A saying, which I believe originated in Italy and spread to other languages, goes something like this: “The fish rots at the head.” It means to convey the notion that the decomposition of the fish’s entire organic body begins at the brain and spreads from there to all the parts.
the decomposition of an organism is a horrible sight to watch. Despite it
however — and in the interest of understanding the perilous times in which we
live — you need to imagine the role that a number of decomposing brains are playing
in the governance of our human affairs.
I could
pick any one example of the hundreds that crop up time and time again, and use
it to show the pattern that all others follow. So, I choose to discuss the
following example:
To cover
for the fact that they have the religious duty to kill the babies of their foes
as they did in ancient Egypt, modern Palestine and the times in-between all
over Europe and Asia, the Jews came up with the lie that the Palestinians
sacrifice their own babies by using them as a human shield. The Jews add that the
Palestinians rejoice when the babies are killed and their photographs shown
around the world, which is the propaganda that has served them well in America
and around the globe, say the Jews.
Adept at
starting a lie and spreading it among the politico-journalistic crowd of
America, the Jews stuffed the lie in many a mouth that is animated by a decomposing
brain. In addition, because in any and every conversation you may have with the
Jews, they will not give-and-take normally as do the rest of us—but repeat the complaint
that Jews suffered in the past, thus owed money and protection today—you will
not get an explanation from them regarding the contradiction that’s inherent to
the claim about the Palestinians rejoicing when their children get killed.
Blinded by
what motivates them and ascribing that motivation to the Palestinians, the Jews
fail to see the difference that exists between them killing the children of
others, and the others allowing their own children to get killed by Jews. Just
think about it and apply simple commonsense. Even if the Palestinians were this
heartless, a child to them that grows and becomes a freedom fighter is more
valuable to the cause than the propaganda that’s generated by a dead body. If
only for this reason, the Palestinians will want the child to live, to grow and
take up the struggle baton to achieve freedom for the entire population. Thus,
the parents will protect the child with all they got.
Beside that
unresolved contradiction, the Jews are making the mistake which puts them
firmly in the camp of the decomposing brains. It is that the whole world can
see they are the ones killing Palestinian babies today in Gaza, using American
bombs. The Jews may not say it loudly, but when they accuse the Palestinian
parents of letting the Jews do such a horrible act, they shift the blame onto
what they must believe are sneaky parents that make the Jews look bad in the
eyes of the world by not shielding their children from the murderous hands of
the Jews.
As always,
these cockamamie accusations of Palestinians were generated by the Jews who
tried to cover for the activities they undertook previously without thought,
but ended up churning the stomachs of ordinary human beings around the Planet.
This being the case, you would think that no one sane would want to associate
with or support the Jews by repeating what the latter have been saying, let
alone finance what they have been doing. But that’s exactly what happened among
the brain degenerating zombies of America’s politico-journalistic crowd.
It is that
the decomposition proved contagious and started to spread among the American
body politics, proving once more that the threat of the Jewish culture to the
advancement of the human species is real and comparable to the worst that the
species has experienced in the past.
We need to know this, and need to work diligently on making the Jewish experience the last that the human race will be forced to endure. The Jews must never again be allowed to spread insulting or fishy stories about the Palestinians whom they already injured like no human can ever be treated.