Thursday, November 16, 2023

The below hospital war room that never was

 The French expression “coup de grace” was adopted by the English language without modification, and often used to convey the same meaning. The closest translation of that expression into English, using a purely English approach, would reference the expression “putting someone out of their misery”.


In fact, speaking in physical terms as opposed to moral terms, whether someone had an accident and was severely injured, or decided to end their own life yet managed only to injure themselves, they might want to have a coup de grace administered to them so as to end the suffering.


As to the use of that expression in moral terms, it conveys the image of a stumbling culture that is so clumsy, it does the equivalent of shooting itself in the foot by planting a visible contradiction at the end of the discourse – thus shuts itself off in the manner of the coup de grace – each time that it tries to have it both ways.


Which culture is that, you ask? It is the artificially concocted so-called Jewish culture. In fact, time after time after time, the mouthpieces who took up the Jewish and/or Israeli causes, put themselves into a bind while trying to squeeze more of a situation than it could yield. In so doing, the mouthpieces blew their cases and delivered nothing to their masters.


More recently, the Jews did it to the most important of their causes, thus shot themselves – not with a hand gun this time – but a cannon. It is that they falsely accused Hamas of building a war room under Gaza’s biggest hospital; a war room, they said, that was complete with command and control facilities as well as a warehouse that the freedom fighters filled with sophisticated weapons.


When the accusation proved to be a lie, it had the effect of administering a coup de grace, not only to the Jewish causes, but also begged to end the misery that has been causing repeated injuries and suffering among the immoral prostitutes of the American politico-journalistic bordello.


This happened because in building a false case against Hamas, the Jews spent years inventing false narratives, and lining up the mouthpieces that would carry them to both the elites of the nation who live off the taxpayers money, as well as to the commoners who create the nation’s wealth by working and paying those taxes. But whereas the commoners rejected the Jewish false narratives, the elites gobbled them hook, line and sinker.


Needless to say that all this has had the effect of diminishing America’s credibility and honor in the eyes of a world that could not, and still cannot wrap its head around a superpower that knows what goes on in every nook and cranny around the planet, yet deliberately lent its voice to support the horrific lies that came out the decomposing mouths of a long dead culture. This begs the question: What’s the real story behind that mind boggling history?


Could it be that the American elites found themselves so badly ensnared by the Jews they once tried to help—only to find themselves incapable of exiting the quicksand into which the Jews dragged them—they decided to pull the dirtiest trick they have in their “Liberal Democratic” tool box of hypocrisies and slap it on the Jews once and for all?


If such is the case, we must assume that America’s elites are now looking forward to the day when the unbecoming responses they have been displaying to appease the demands of Jews, will cause the public patience to boil over and trigger a rebellion that will not be contained.


If this happens, it will be a self-administered coup de grace that the taxpaying commoners of America will not regret seeing applied to their country. That’s because they’ll reckon that to suffer big time once is better than suffer in slow motion for an indefinite period of time.