Saturday, May 23, 2015

Creatures of the Deep writing sham Headlines

There are many ways to assess the professionalism of journalists and that of the editors behind them.

A thorough analysis of what the journalists write over a period of time will do that for you. What you will also detect as you go through the process of constant analysis, is the evolution of young reporters who tend to mellow as they grow older, but not always.

The one thing that will astonish you, however – though not surprise you – is the determination of some editors and some publishers of any age, to crank up the hate machine when they so decide. These people may or may not damage the entities they are targeting, but they possess the ability to do considerable damage to America's journalistic tradition, which they often do.

An example of the hate machine at work can be seen on the website of CNN. It is an article that came under the title: “Could Egypt's empty animal mummies reveal an ancient scam?” and was published on May 22, 2015. The writer of the article is Eliza Anyangwe who wrote an excellent piece. In fact, this is the sort of article that CNN does not normally publish. It did this time, however, because it must have been desperate to find a vehicle that would carry that bogus headline. It is a title of the kind that is produced in the cesspool of Jewish horror.

In fact, anywhere in the English press you look today, you'll find a headline whose purpose is to denigrate Egypt. This is because Egypt is doing so well these days, the Jewish sense of “balance” kicks in, and turns the adherents to that religion and their running dogs, into rabid monsters programmed to destroy everything that smells of goodness or progress.

If those editors or publishers find an article that denigrates Egypt, they use it as is. If the marketplace of ideas runs out of such articles, they take those that would not have served their purpose but use them anyway under a sham headline, to mislead their readers. In fact, these people do more than mislead; they ejaculate the Jewish moral syphilis into the heads, hearts and souls of their readers.

Examples to that effect abound. One of the most extreme is the time when the CBS reporter that was touched inappropriately in Egypt four years ago went to hospital recently to get a flu shot or to be treated for something that was no more serious than that. But guess what happened. The journalistic response has been an explosion of big headlines linking this visit to the event that happened in Egypt … as if to say there was a cause and effect relationship between the two.

Another of their favorite tricks consists of quoting excerpts from an interview they say was conducted in Egypt, and they use it to construct a fake theory. The one they like best relates to female circumcision which they assure the readers they have Egypt's own statistics that tell a bad story. And they reveal the numbers in an article. Usually, the headlines go something like this: 95% of all women in Egypt are subjected to sexual mutilation. You read the article to see the details, and what you encounter blows your mind. They say that 98% of women in the rural areas, and 34% in the urban areas are circumcised.

To begin with, because female circumcision was banned in Egypt years ago, no one will admit they circumcised their daughters even if they did. But that is not what blows your mind. What does is the entrepreneurial spirit of the swindler who, for a fee, gave the kind of statistics that the interviewer wanted to hear. Coupled with that is the ignorance of the interviewer himself, and the eagerness of the media to use the garbage he came up with, in print and on the air.

So then what's wrong with those numbers? Two things are wrong. First, they show that the people who handled the statistics had no idea what the population of Egypt is composed of. Second, even if they knew it, their mathematical skills are so low; they would have made the same mistakes. The reality being that the population of Egypt is 50% rural and 50% urban, it means that only 66% of all women in Egypt are circumcised, not 95% as claimed by the media. In addition 10% of the population is Christians who do not circumcise their males or their females. This means that any statistics mentioning more than 90% circumcision is Jewish quackery.

CNN, like many outlets run by Jews, is a bag full of moral syphilis that has become an insult to America's journalistic tradition. It is a disgrace.