Monday, May 11, 2015

They want American self-immolation either Way

If you've been following Jewish propaganda lately, the opinion most likely to have stuck in your memory would be that of the need to destroy Iran.

No matter who spoke or wrote, and no matter what they spoke or wrote about, if it had anything to do with the Middle East, these people always ended the conversation by saying something to the effect that America must not try to contain Iran; it must bomb it out of existence.

And what might have impressed you the most would be the set of cunning skills these people possess to approach the subject matter from any angle yet always find a path that leads to their saying: This is proof that the only way to handle Iran is to cripple it and render it incapable of hurting its neighbors or America or the world, even if it never tried to do such a thing.

And if you wanted to know why they said that containment will not work on Iran when it worked so well on the Soviet Union, you would have encountered a response to the effect that unlike the secular Soviet Union, Iran is ruled by a mystical, Messianic movement. It is a regime that sees itself on the right side of Allah; one that will not respond to reason, and must therefore be countered with military force.

So consistent was the Jewish propaganda machine in putting out these messages, you would have wondered what happened to the view that the Jews will always blow their theory to smithereens trying to have it both ways. But you would not have waited too long for an answer because the answer did come at last. It is to the effect that, true to their nature, the Jews have once again blown their theory to smithereens trying to have it both ways.

To see this, you'll have to read: “The Lessons Obama Could Learn from V-E Day,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “America after World War II practiced containment. U.S. foreign policy now is self-containment.” It was written by Josef Joffe and published on May 11, 2015 in the Wall Street Journal. That's where you'll encounter the two passages that follow:

First, there is this: “In 1947 George F. Kennan published his article 'The sources of Soviet Conduct,' in which he laid out Washington's strategy toward the U.S.S.R. The watchword was 'containment' – to 'confront the Russians with unalterable counterforce at every point where they show signs of encroachment upon the interest of a peaceful and stable world.'”

Second, there is this: “Let's consult Kennan again. He argued that Soviet Russia was ruled by a 'mystical, Messianic movement,' as is revolutionary Iran. A regime that sees itself on the right side of history – or Allah – cannot be killed by kindness. Magnanimity toward it is seen as betraying weakness while validating the Messianic faith.”

Alas, Josef Joffe does not explain why containment worked on the Soviet Union, but says will not work on Iran. He does not explain because there is no explanation to give. It is that he is a Jew, and Jews cannot explain anything they say or do without resting on the notion that they must not be “compaaared” to normal human beings because they are above all that … being the chosen children of God. That's that. Period.

This is why when it comes to a subject matter that is even remotely connected to a Jewish or Israeli interest, considerations that would be normal when viewed from the human angle, are rendered moot and irrelevant when viewed from the Jewish angle. Thus, nothing less than what used to be sacred in America, has been rendered moot and irrelevant by Israeli greed and by the Jewish hold on America. Look at the following passage and marvel at the gall of these people: “Superpowers cannot go on vacation, not even for 'a little nation-building at home,' to invoke Mr. Obama's mantra.”

This Jew is saying that to do even a little nation-building in America, such as reinforce bridges that crumble or fill potholes that cause accidents, is like going on vacation. More important than all that, he says under his breath, is the need to wipe Iran off the face of the Earth so that the Jews may get a step closer to inheriting the Earth.

For this to happen, America must immolate itself promoting the glory of Israel and that of the Jews while standing on one argument and then the other, even when the two arguments contradict each other.