Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Curious Reclassification of Good and Evil

When two parties are at war, each views the other as the evil aggressor that should lose the war, and views itself as the good party that should win it.

But the official historical classification does not happen till the end of the war when the story of the winner becomes the accepted version. It remains in force till centuries later when impartial historians review the evidence in hindsight and render a verdict that could go either way.

This causes the rise of a serious question that begs for an answer. Given that far-reaching consequences may result from a low-intensity war that goes on indefinitely, what happens when each of the two parties, accuses the other of evil aggression, and calls on the world to lend it support?

In fact, this is the current situation in Palestine where an indigenous Palestinian population was stripped of authority over its own territory by a group of armed European Jews who renamed the property, Israel. Half a century later, the naturally peaceful Palestinians saw their third generation — born and raised under occupation — mount a modest kind of resistance, compared to the wars of liberation that erupted in Algeria, sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia and Nazi-occupied France, for example.

And while the brutal occupation of Palestine by so-called Jews (who are continually summoned and shipped to so-called Israel from around the globe) goes on, young indigenous Palestinians continue to fight with bare hands, slings, rocks and home-made kites against American-produced machine-guns, armored vehicles, tanks, helicopter gun-ships, F-16 fighter-bombers, and now even stealth F-35 warplanes. And the world looks at this heart-wrenching spectacle, and renders its verdict every day, refusing to wait for future historians to come along and pass judgment.

This is what prompted the mob of pundits calling itself American Jews, to come to the defense of those who call themselves Israeli Jews. The mob is trying to convince the world that the Jews of Israel are good people battling the bad kids of Palestine who grew up under occupation, refusing to love being robbed of their patrimony, and rejecting the principle of being deprived of the right to live freely in their own country.

You can see an example of this defense in the article that came under the title: “The UN Gives Palestinian Terrorists a Free Pass,” written by David May, and published on December 7, 2018 in National Review Online.

To justify the stealing of Arab Palestine by armed Jewish terrorists that were kicked out of Europe because of bad behavior, the Jewish leaders have been fashioning a story that becomes more untenable the more they try to refine it. In essence, the story has it that the case was cut and dry in 1948 when the UN decided to give the Jews a small piece of Palestine. The fake story goes on to insult the intelligence of the readers by saying that the Jews accepted the deal, but that the Palestinians said no to partition; might as well let the Jews take the whole thing. It goes on to pretend that upon this, the Jews said thank you, and started to work on taking the whole thing as advised.

What follows is David May's manner of putting those thoughts in a version that is subtler but not by much. He said this: “At the time, the Jewish leadership, for the most part, supported the partition plan. The Palestinians, on the other hand, roundly condemned and rejected the move.” Putting it this way, David May hid the truth with his use of the words: “for the most part,” without elaborating.

It is that the Jewish leadership was made of a terrorist organization, the Haganah, that attacked, murdered and looted the Palestinians using extremely savage methods. Its image worldwide was so bad, some members wanted to take a pause, and work to embellish that image. What happened instead was that a group broke off from it, and called themselves the Irgun. They adopted terrorist activities that turned what used to be extreme savagery of the Haganah into the supremely extreme savagery of the Irgun, if you can imagine that.

As to the role that the Palestinians played, to say they “roundly condemned and rejected the move,” gives the impression they were organized and speaking with one voice. But the fact is that the Palestinians were still under British occupation, having been snatched away from an Ottoman Empire that was suppressing them.

In fact, the Palestinians didn't have a voice to speak with on any subject at the time, or a single pistol to buttress it when the Jews were speaking loudly and forcefully with cannons, hand grenades, armored vehicles and tanks.

All that the Palestinians could do in the face of this unstoppable calamity, was to flee, having no experience at the time of fighting tanks with stones, or American made F-16s with home-made kites.

It took the Palestinians three generations under occupation to develop these techniques … which is what the Jews call terrorism so as to hide their own animal-like behavior.

But nobody is buying this garbage except the leaders of that so-called American Democracy. Why?