Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Nativists boxed into an impossible Situation

From time to time, politico-cultural events of consequence flare-up in America, and almost immediately the all-knowing pundits that keep missing such events, come out their hiding places and proclaim that these events were totally unexpected. What are they talking about?

Ever since the American civil war, every major politico-cultural event that took place in America was connected to a liberation movement of some kind. The phenomena ranged from the freeing of the African slaves to the adjudication of the Native land claims to the liberation of women of all colors. Each time that a movement of this kind began to perk up, the official denial machine sprang into action and tried to downplay the importance of what was happening. When the machine could no longer dampen the event, the truth burst into the open, and the phenomenon garnered a priority position in the public discourse.

A new event is now perking up, and has garnered a great deal of attention in the public discourse. And yet, the official denial machine is nowhere to be seen or heard from. There are two reasons for this: One is that America's officialdom, which used to be composed mainly of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) element, has changed. The other reason is that the phenomenon itself has turned into a new kettle of fish.

Whereas the previous movements were geared to win concessions from the WASP establishment, the current reality is that the establishment itself is rebelling against what it sees as the start of its own extinction. In fact, while the WASPs no longer fear the takeover of the Republic by the Africans or the Natives, and while they would gladly hand the reins of power to the women, they are terrified of their nemeses taking over the Republic. These would be the Jews who were a tool in the hands of the establishment, helping it implementing its colonial designs in the Middle East and elsewhere, but have become the establishment's rivals and mortal enemies.

The Jewish mode of operation most feared by the WASPs, now calling themselves “Nativists,” can be studied by going over the Washington Post editorial that came under the title: “Oppression in the Middle East is worse than ever — and Trump is encouraging more.” It was published on December 2, 2018. To understand the significance of what's in that piece of work, it helps to know something about the Irish shepherd and his dog.

The shepherd could be alone and in charge of hundreds of sheep with no one to help him but his dog. Because a human cannot run fast enough or long enough to keep the sheep from going astray, especially when the time comes to herd them into the corral, the shepherd stands on a hill from where to see the entire landscape, and uses a whistle to send coded instructions to the dog. The latter gets the message as to where around the herd it must run and bark so as to guide the sheep into the corral.

Now, my friend, think of the shepherd as representing the New-York/Tel-Aviv crime syndicate, using the editors of the Washington Post as the dog that barks at the American Congress of sheep. The instructions are whistled in Tel Aviv, received at the Post in Washington, and barked in the form of editorials that guide the Congress into the corral of America's service to Israel and self-destruction.

The current goal of the Jews is to establish a working relationship between the Sunni Arabs and America to stand against Israel's number one enemy: Shia Iran, without the relationship becoming too chummy lest it rise above Israel's cordial relations with America. For this to happen, maneuvering the Congress will require great skills. The Jews proved they are adept at pulling this kind of feats, and that's what frightens the Nativists. They saw themselves being outmaneuvered by their nemeses at every turn, and believe they will continue to lose till they are extinct and replaced by the Jews at the helm of the Republic that was founded by their forefathers.

But why can't the Nativists put together a strategy that will stand up to the Jews and beat them at their game? Well, the thing is that the Jews make progress by slandering those who are not around to defend themselves. This impresses the Congress of sheep so much, it does what the Jews tells it to do without question. And so, for the Nativists to counter this Jewish game, they must forgo defending themselves initially, and engage instead in the business of defending those whom the Jews attack behind their backs. This would be the Arabs, such as the Palestinians, for example.

But as of now, the Nativists have not yet reached the point when they'll be prepared to do just that. Maybe they will someday … before it’s too late.