Tuesday, December 25, 2018

It is Time for America to rethink its Role

There are many constants attributable to Jews, but the one that's associated with them the most, is the old Communist saying: “What's mine is mine and what's yours is debatable.” Actually, the Jews have upgraded it to now say: “What's mine is mine and what's yours will soon be mine”.

You see that mentality at play in the Middle East where the Jews have stopped talking about the Golan Heights and the West Bank being territories, they will hold till they can negotiate an agreement with their neighbors. What they do now is savagely attack anyone that suggests these are occupied territories. By that, they mean to state that the territories are theirs. Period.

You also see that same mentality at play on the international stage. It manifests itself each time that an inquiry cites Israel as being culpable of a violation. This motivates the Jews to rise and immediately start mobilizing the resources of the United States. Regardless of the cost to America's taxpayers, the Jews put these resources to work on reversing the citation.

And you see that mentality at play in America's domestic affairs as well. It happens that every decision adopted locally to favor the Jews, acquires an ironclad solidity, whereas every decision that contradicts Jewish interests, triggers a sustained tsunami of pressures to reverse the decision. In fact, that's happening at this moment with regard to the decision to save lives and wealth by pulling American troops out of Syria.

The latest in the realm of applied pressure, is an article that came under the title: “Why the United States must stay in Syria,” written by Gary Anderson and published on December 23, 2018 in the Washington Times. You see that title and you decide to read the article, thinking that reasons were overlooked why America must continue to sacrifice blood and treasure in Syria rather than pull out … but what you discover amazes you.

You are amazed not because Gary Anderson discovered the eureka argument that has eluded everyone up to now, but because the retired Colonel has leveraged his training as a Marine Corps officer, as well as his career as a military man, to rehash the talking points that the Jewish leaders are distributing among their lackeys.

You'll find that the sum total of Anderson's arguments rests on the principles of Jewish haggling. From using the wrong yardstick to evaluate his opponents' arguments ... to the attempt at gaining credit for his side by discrediting the political opposition ... to the speculation about a future that will unfold in misery unless things change drastically — everything is there to indicate that Gary Anderson was schooled in the art of playing the Jewish game. What follows is a brief summary of what he said:

“Trump is screwing up in withdrawing from Syria. He should re-evaluate. He is doing what he criticized Obama for doing. Nothing will be gained politically by the Syrian withdrawal. There are no teach-ins, demonstrations at the Pentagon or hoards of military-age males heading for the Canadian border to avoid service. More Americans will die in traffic accidents in a single day over the holidays than will die in our Syrian involvement. A field exercise by Marines costs as much as supporting the troops in Syria. A power vacuum is like having molding food under a refrigerator; it attracts vermin. In 2010 I was on patrol with my security detail, and ran into the al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) governor of the district. He said that someday we'll be gone and AQI will be there governing again. Without a cleaning crew, the mold under the refrigerator will regrow and the roaches will return”.

He says the absence of demonstrations at the Pentagon by would-be draft dodgers, proves that the situation in Syria today is not as critical as it was during the Vietnam War. That's because there is no draft now, dumbo!

The writer also tries to pull a fast one on his readers by making the asinine Jewish argument that because Americans die in car accidents (something that cannot be avoided) and because they spend money doing military exercises (out of necessity) they can just as well waste a few lives by sending them in harm’s way, and waste a few billions of dollars doing it. Perfect Jewish logic. Is it not?

To end his argument, Gary Anderson came up with the analogy of rotting food under the refrigerator that attracts roaches. The poor man does not understand that there is a natural place for everything. When things remain in their place, life unfolds as pleasantly as it should. When they are displaced, they disrupt life for everyone.

Thus, when the Americans go under the proverbial refrigerators around the world where they do not belong — they become the rotting food that attracts the roaches looking for something to feed on.

This is why the world wants America to remain inside its borders. Humanity just wants life to be as pleasantly natural as it was meant to be.